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acad2018 2022-11-15 06:16:18 英语教育机构



高分英语作文:The most important person in my life

One day, a time management expert spoke to a group of business school students. In order to make them understand something, he used an example that students would never forget. He stood in front of a group of top students and said, "well, it's time to have a test.

Then he took out a gallon, opened his mouth, put it on the table in front of him, and then took out a dozen fist sized stones Head, carefully put them into the jar one by one. When the jar was full, there were no more stones in it. He asked, "is the jar full?" Everyone in the class said, "yes," he replied, "really." he reached under the table, pulled out a bucket of gravel, poured some gravel in, shook the bottle, and let the debris fall into the space between the big stones.

"Is the jar full?" he asked again At this time, the whole class asked him "maybe not", and one of them said "very good". He reached under the table and took out a bucket of sand. He began to pour the sand into the jar.

The sand entered all the spaces between the rock and the gravel. He asked another question: "is the jar full?" "No," the class yelled again, "good." then he grabbed a can of water and started pouring it in until the bottle was full. Then he looked at the class and asked, "what's the point of this example?" One enthusiastic student raised his hand and said, "the point is, no matter how full your schedule is, if you really work hard, you can always add more to" good answers, but not.

"The speaker replied," that's not my point. What this example tells us is that if you don't put big stones in first, you'll never let them into your life "Big stones" in my life, they are my children, my wife, my lover, my education, my dream, philanthropy and valuable cause, to educate or instruct others to do what I love to do, my health, remember to put these big stones first, otherwise you will never put them in. ".




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