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acad2018 2022-11-18 21:16:33 英语口语网课





1. honest? focused? respectful? strong

3.I think I have an open mind,Having an open mind means being open and willing to consider new ideas. For example,In group discussion or? daily conversation,When I hear a group member or friend saying something different from what most of us think,I think they're wrong,Instead I feel it is very interesting and I'm willing to know more about it。

Building your language

words and expression

?1.administrative? ? Registration? volunteer? thoroughly? meticulous

2.go about? ? ? ?tried his hardest? ? ? work out? ? ?get over? ? ? ? watch out for? ? ? save? for


1.build trust? ? ? ? leadership skills? ? ? ? seeking solutions? ? ?having confidence? ? ? ?rebuild confidence? ? communication skills

love trust

2. of? ?in? ?on? out? over

vocabulary learning strategies


confident,extroversion,responsible, socially able, willing to solve problems

2.meekness? ?shyness? ?socially able? ?introversion? ? confident? ?responsible? ? willing to solve problems? ?extroversion

language focus

Hard as it is raining, I'm going out for a walk.?

Disabled as Paul was, he tried his best to serve his country.?

Angry as he was ,he managed to speak calmly.?

Patient as he ,was he didn't like waiting that long.?

Hard as they tried, they couldn't make her change her mind.?

banked cloze

provide? trouble? shyness? role? traits? leadership? ?solutions? involved? express




1.Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.

2.. This quote tells us that it's important that one steps out of the comfort zone, makes braver decisions and takes bolder actions. If we stay inside the comfort zone, we will not be able to try new things and make breakthroughs. Singing out of tune was a problem I had been struggling with for a long time. I thought that I simply did not have any talent for singing. So I was always afraid of going to KTV with my friends. But eventually, I decided to take a class in singing. Initially, it was difficult but with the teacher's encouragement, I became better at singing and I started to enjoy it.

Building your language

words and expressions

1.accelerated? numerous? familiarity? alliance? guarantee

2.put off? ? ?speaks up? ?stepping out of? ? ? subject to? ? ruffled feathers(注意后两个短语空是分开的)


1.achieve success? ?comfort zone? ? challenge assumptions? ? ? economic zone? ? achieve? peace

2.take risks? ? playing safe? ? losing face? ?reap the reward? ? ? fair share

vocabulary learning strategies

1.failure? ?discomfort? ?step out of? ? ? ? ? ? take risks? ? ? hold sb back? ? extraordinary


We should be courageous and step out of our comfort zone.

We may lose many opportunities if we barely take risks.

Although there are many criticisms ,they don't hold her back for her aspiration to succeed.?

In most cases, people avoid discomfort

Nearly all of the young people interviewed believed that laziness leads to failure.



2.The final of the Starbucks Youth Leadership Projet - on the theme of“Youth, Future" - was held in Bejing on July 29, 2016. Ten Chinese university students received the title of the"Yearly Starbucks

Youth Leh Leaders" The projet kicked off in? November 2014? It attracted 500 students from 10 universities across the country into its training camp. The training camp was designed to improve the participants' management skills.?

Unit test

vocabulary and structure

ACDCB? ? ?registration? ? improving upon? ? diffuse? ?numerous? ?familiar

Banked cloze


Reading comprehension



1.? From a young age, children learn about

?leadership by watching the people around them. By observing how others respond to criticism andconfront failure, children begin to develop theirown habits and thought processes. Through socialand emotional learning, teachers and parents can encourage students to begin analyzing their habits? and behaviors to create long-term leadership goals.As students gain responsibility and enthusiasmabout being a leader, it's important to help themdevelop specific leadership qualities.

? ? ? 2.加拿大青年领袖营是面向7-19岁青少年的国际暑期领袖营。自1992年以来, 它一直在帮助年轻人展翅高飞,飞向新的高度。 它旨在为有抱负的年轻人提供技能和指导,使他们成为变革的成功领导者。他们的口号是“敢梦、敢想、敢做”。年轻人是为了乐趣、友谊和终生难忘的回忆而来。他们还能获得自信、时间管理技能、设定目标的能力,以及帮助他们实现梦想的先机。


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