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acad2018 2022-11-19 06:15:17 英语口语网课


test 1

—————Word building

1) attainable

2) stimulation

3) delicately

4) Computational

5) clumsiness

6) estimation

7) solution

8) essence

9) survive

10) confinement

—————Phrases and expressions

1) straighten up

2) with open arms

3)? be free of

4) feeds into

5) be tied to

6) attribute

7) to

8) prepare

9) for

10) break into

11) feel like

—————Banked cloze

1) B

2) K

3) E

4) A

5) J

6) C

7) M

8) D

9) I

10) G

—————Multiple choice questions

1) B

2) B

3) A

4) B

5) D

—————Short answer questions

1. Because the family was poor, he had to work in the fields and after work he was too tired to learn anything.

2. The fact that people took advantage of his father because he couldn't read.

3. Because he noticed that Alesia Hamilton was a veteran teacher with a good temper and she was very nice and patient to her students.

4. She was very surprised.

5. He had a wealth of life knowledge and learned words in a way that young children couldn't. Besides, he was very dedicated because he had a very strong desire to learn to read.

—————Sentence translation

1. 工人拥有选择一名工友或工会代表陪伴他出席内部听证会的法定权利。

2. 基本的想法就是先在第一部分阐明气候变化问题,然后在其他部分谈论如何解决这个问题。

3. 原以为这是一个让这个有近八十万人口的小岛国引以为傲的时刻,结果却令人如此尴尬难堪。

4. 虽然宣判的刑期很长,但是并没有公诉人主张的刑期那么长,仅仅比最短刑期多了几年。

5. 他的挥杆动作表明他天生就是打高尔夫球的,但是他的个性或许才是他赢得两届PGA(职业高尔夫球手协会)巡回赛的关键原因。

6. 研究显示这种新型教学法将提高学生在学习过程中的参与度与自主权。

7. 感谢所有员工非凡的凝聚力和进取精神,我们公司已成功摆脱困境。

8. 寻找快乐可能是人性的本能,但事实上,人们却为避免痛苦付出更多努力。

9. 发达国家真正关心的不是全球化,而是新兴国家的崛起。

10. 为了让读者明白这个问题,这本书给出了大量例证。

—————Phrase translation

1. it doesn't make sense not to stay at ideal weight through diet and exercise

2. are consequently slowing down in manufacturing, which in turn lowers Asian demand for imports

3. caring for the mentally ill and disabled

4. as demand for the Airbus A380 has surged in regions like Asia and Europe

5. as long as it meets all requirements and complies with the export restrictions

6. The most negative aspects of industrialization

7. would be charged with murder

8. That solitary old man

9. He grabbed a chunk of bread out of the paper bag

10. build solid walls round their towns as defense against enemies

—————Paragraph translation

1) "Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. It came / originated from practice, and was enriched and developed continuously through practice. With thousands of years' development, TCM has formed a unique set of treatments and theoretical system. TCM holds that the human body is made up of yin and yang elements. When there is a balance between yin and yang in the body, the person will have no disease. If the balance in a person is kept, he / she won't fall ill. Meanwhile, TCM regards the individual as a whole. It emphasizes treatment of the whole body, and aims at regulating the balance between yin and yang. Treatments such as the Four Methods of Diagnosis and acupuncture are the major parts in TCM, and are still widely used today.",


1) B

2) A

3) C

4) B

5) C

6) D

7) B

8) A

9) B

10) B

11) C

12) D

13) C

14) B

15) A

16) B

17) C

18) C

19) B

20) A


1) "Online learning is becoming increasingly popular, especially in colleges and universities.nnCompared with traditional face-to-face courses and lectures, online learning has many advantages. For example, learners can arrange their classes according to their own time and work; they can save much time and money spent on their way to school; they may have the option to select learning materials suitable for them in terms of their knowledge level and interest and study wherever they have access to a computer and the Internet, to name only a few. However, online learning also has its disadvantages. For instance, unmotivated learners or those with poor study habits may fall behind; some learners may feel isolated or miss social interaction; and instructors may not always be available on demand.nnIn order to be a successful online learner, we should map out a strategy, supplement the required reading with additional materials found online, collaborate with other students regularly, and take notes as we read.",


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