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acad2018 2022-11-25 21:15:48 线上英语培训





1、题材的新颖性 根据初中生的认知水准和心理特点,从国内外英语网站上广泛选材,并加以精心改编及设题,内容在国内考试中未曾使用过。

2、题目的原创性 题目命制均仿照中考题型,根据改编的短文精心设题,保证了短文和题目的原创性,以促进学生独立完成、自我提升,提高阅读解题能力,起到事半功倍的效果。

3、解题的指导性 附有较为详尽的参考答案,以便于学生自查自纠,从而实现课外阅读和解题训练的有机结合,在培养学生阅读习惯和阅读兴趣的同时,提高学生的阅读解题能力。

4、命题的借鉴性 对于学校初三年级平时的测验命题、期中期末、一检二检、中考命题均具有一定的借鉴意义。


A Long March-5 rocket took off under clear skies from Hainan island on July 23. China successfully launched(发射) its first Mars ,mission probe(航天控制器) .

A Great cheer went up in the control room when the rocket was flying normally about 45 minutes later. The Mars mission probe named Tianwen-1 has accurately entered the scheduled(预定的) orbit, and finally it will enter Mars’ orbit around the sun.

Liu Tongjie, spokesman for the mission, said that the launch was “a key step of China marching toward farther deep space”. He said that China isn’t competing with other countries, but to peacefully explore the universe.

“It’s amazing that another nation has launched a probe for Mars,” said Katarina Miljkovic , a scientist at Curtin University in Australia. “It’s more like this marathon of space that we all want to be running.” Landing on Mars is very difficult. Only the Us has successfully done it eight times since1976.

The name Tianwen-1 comes from the poem Tianwen, meaning “question to heaven”, written by Qu Yuan (about 340 C---278 BC), one of the greatest poets of ancient China. In Tianwen ,Qu Yuan raised questions about the sky, stars ,nature and the world around us. It shows his doubts about traditional ideas and the spirit of looking for the truth.

Like the other Mars mission probes, China’s spacecraft (航天器)will take seven months to reach the red planet. Tianwen-1 will look for underground water and signs of possible ancient life.

1. The great cheer in the control room meant _________________.

A. the Long March-5rocket took off.

B. the Mars mission probe entered its scheduled orbit.

C. the probe reached the red planet finally.

D. the spokesman for the mission came in.

2.According to Liu Tongjie, Cina’s space aim is ______________.

A. to complete with the US

B. to look for underground water on Mars

C. to explore the space peacefully.

D. to find signs of possible ancient life on Mars

3. What does Katarina think of China’s Mars mission?

A. It is a space marathon.

B. It is a very difficult mission.

C. The US has done it eight times.

D. It should be widely admired.

4. What is the fifth paragraph mainly about?

A. What the poem Tianwen means.

B. One of the greatest poets of ancient China.

C. How Qu Yuan raised questions about the sky.

D. Why the Mars mission probe is named Tianwen-1.


When the world stops , a Chinese delivery(投递)driver has continued working as the virus (病毒)spread across China. The delivery driver is Gao Zhixiao, who was featured on the cover of Time magazine for March 19.

Born into a poor family in the Ningxia Hui autonomous,(宁夏回族自治区)Gao went to Beijing to look for a job at the age of 16.He tried different jobs to make a living.___1_____

After the outbreak of the novel coronavirus(新冠病毒),Gao and his wife decided to stay in Beijing rather than return to Ningxia. ___2_____Gao drivers more than 161kilometres on his scooter (小型摩托车)to fulfill 40 to 70 orders every day. And people count on delivery more than ever.

___3_____He thought about it for a second, but then picked up the order, because he thought the customer might be in very great need of the medicine.

The customer turned out to be an elderly woman who lived alone. Gao first drove to her home to get the prescription(处方) paper.____4_____When he found that the woman hadn’t eaten, he not only helped cook a bowl of noodles with two boiled eggs but took out the trash when he left.

“I think the reason why Time picked me is that I helped an elderly person in need. Although it is a warm story, I’m no different when dealing with anyone else,” he says.____5_____.

A. And then he rushed to the hospital to fetch the medicine she needed.

B. There’s plenty of work for him to do during quarantine(隔离期)

C. Gao just hopes his tiny bit can show the western world the strong cohesion (凝聚力)of China.

D. He worked as a shopping guide before he finally became a delivery driver.

E. Gao once received an order that required him to buy medicine for a patient from a hospital.

1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________


It is said that about 40% of the world’s population use social media, and many of these billions of social media users look up to influencers to help them decide what to buy and what trends(潮流)to follow.

Influencers are people who can influence the decisions of their followers because of their knowledge and expertise in a particular area , eg. fashion ,travel or technology.

Influencers often have a large following of people who pay close attention to their views. Influencers are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customer’s hearts. Brands are now asking influencers to market their products. It is no surprise that more and more people want to become influencers too. If you are one of them, then here are some tips on how to do it.

1. Choose your niche

What is the area that you know most about ? What do you feel most excited talking about ? Find the specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it.

2.Post regularly

Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts(账户).The more you post ,the more likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that your posts possibly follow a theme.

3. Tell an interesting story

Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to tell a story that will catch the attention of your follow and help them connect with you.

4. make sure people can easily find your posts

Put your posts on social media by using catchy titles and make sure that they can be easily found. There is no point in writing the most exciting stories or posting the most beautiful photos if no one is going to see them.

Most importantly, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have patience. Keep posting and you will gradually increase. Good luck.

1. A social media influencer is not someone who______________.

A. guides the decisions of his/her followers

B. is an expert in a particular area

C. pays their followers to buy products

D. has many followers paying attention to his/ her opinions

2. Companies want to use influencers to help____________

A. sell their products to their followers

B. develop new products

C. develop a good relationship with their followers

D. design their websites for them

3.You should make sure that you post_____________

A. once a month

B. every day for the first month and then twice a month

C. about similar subjects

D. about all kinds of different things

4. You can make sure that people find your posts by_____________

A. putting the longest posts

B. writing the most exciting stories

C. posting the most beautiful photos

D. using funny titles

5. The passage is mainly about_____________

A. how to get on well with people around

B. some tips on making money as an influencer

C. what an influencer is and how we become one

D. how to use influencers in marketing

4. 朱婷荣获“中国五四青年奖章”

Zhu Ting is a famous volleyball player in China. On April 20, she was awarded the“May Fourth Medal”, which is the top honor for the young Chinese.

In a social media post,Zhu showed her ----1----to China's youth on this special occasion (时刻) and shared her experience in life and career.

“I woke up in the morning and left for training. It's a new day with new tasks. I will continue to work hard to improve ---2---- ,”wrote Zhu. “Coach Lang Ping used to encourage me with the following words: A small progress a day will make you better and make our team ---3---.…”

Zhu Ting was born in Henan Province in 1994. ----4----the captain of the Chinese women's national volleyball team, who helped the national team win two World Cup titles and one Olympic gold medal, Zhu said that she wasn't always a talent, ---5---at the beginning.

“I remember that on my---6---day in training in college, I had the least experience. When we were practicing digging, everyone was better than me. During practice, my teammates would take a break from time to time---7---they knew what they were doing. I kept ---8---and only stopped until my coach told me to “

Zhu believed that there's no shortcut to success, and sometimes dull(枯燥无味的)efforts are necessary. She planned ---9---more new things outside volleyball in the future. She knew that it could take long before she gained some progress, but Zhu believed that as long as she continues to work hard, she ---10--- more success.


challenge, greet, especial, as, practice, l, strong, achieve, because, one

1. ------- 2.--------

3. ------- 4.--------

5 ------- 6.---------

7. ------- 8.---------

9 ------ - 10.----------


0 ne morning a highly successful businessman, running a big company, was getting ready to go to his office. When he reached into his car and opened the door, a dog sleeping under his car suddenly came out and bit on his leg! The businessman quickly picked up a few rocks and threw at the dog, but none hit the dog. The dog ran away.

Upon reaching his office, the businessman called a meeting of his managers to ask about their tasks, and during the meeting he put the anger of the dog on them. The managers also got upset by the anger of their boss and they put their anger to the workers under them. The chain of this reaction kept going, and finally the anger reached to the office cleaner.

Now, there was no one working under the cleaner!* So, when the office time was over, he reached his home, and his wife opened the door. She asked him, “Why are you so late today?" The cleaner said loudly, “I didn't go to the office to play football. I went to work so don't irritate me with your stupid questions!

So, the wife got upset for no reason. She put her anger on her son who was watching TV, saying, “This is all you do. You have no interest in studying! Turn off the TV now!"

The son got upset too! He walked out of his house and saw a dog passing by looking at him. He picked up a rock and hit the dog in anger. The window of the businessman's car in front of the building was broken unluckily.

1.The businessman got angry on the meeting because

A. the company had a lot of problems

B. the managers didn't finish the tasks on time

C. his leg was biten by a dog

D. the window of his car was broken

2.We can infer from the passage that

A. the anger kept going to the lower level of workers

B. the cleaner knew why he was scolded by his leader

C. it's not bad for the managers to attend the meeting

D. something enjoyable happened in the company

3.The underlined word “irritate” in the passage probably means" ” in


A. 安慰 B. 激怒 C. 照顾 D. 侮辱

4.The wife asked her son to turn off the TV because

A. he wasn't interested in studying

B. the family had a poor life

C.he should go out for exercise

D. she was upset and tried to put her anger to him

5. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Be careful of a sleeping dog under a car.

B. Hold in your anger and don't hurt those around you.

C.Take a few moments to collect your thoughts.

D. Anger itself isn't a problem.


Have you ever found that lots of kids love watching TV or playing video games? Is this good for them?

Too much time in front of screens has been linked(联系) to---1---children developing important skills more slowly.

Researchers from the University of Calgary and the University of Waterloo in Canada studied---2---2,400 children. Their mothers---3---how much time they spent looking at screens at ages 2, 3 and 5.

The study noted children aged 2 had about 17hours of screen time every week, that 3-year-oldshad 25 hours, and that 5-year-olds had 11 hours.

According to the study, the decrease (下降)in screen time for 5-year-olds might be---4---it is around this age that children start school.

The mothers were also asked to answer questions about their children's ---5---,such as how well they could do different tasks, or how well they could understand and answer---6---questions.

The study found that children who spent more time in front of a screen when they were 2 years old were less likely to do well on developmental tests when they were 3 years old. And more screen time when children were 3 years old was linked with---7---results when they were 5.

Dr Sheri Madigan explained that between the ages of 2 and 5, children's brains develop very---8---,and that what happens----9----this time can have lasting effects (影响).

Children may move less while they are watching screens, and may not ---10---with whoever is looking after them as much.They are not practicing and developing those important skills.

1. A. lovely B.young C.clever D. stupid

2.A.above B. hardly

C.another D.nearly

3.A.worried B.reported

C.decided D.wondered

4.A.because B.unless

C.whether D.though

5.A.achievement B.independence

C.development D.relationship

6.A.simple B.difficult

C.strange D.few

7.A.more B.worse

C.younger D.better

8.A.clearly B.seriously

C.actually D.quickly

9. A.through B.before

C.during D.without

10. A. talk B.argue

C.agree D.deal


[1] Happy people have happy habits, which, in turn, make them happier. Here's a list of habits that have a high chance of growing your happiness.

[2] Develop good self-care practices. Exercise, eat healthily most of the time, get enough sleep, and be kind to yourself. There are many other self-care ideas. Do one today.

[ 3] Share gratitude and love. Express your thanks to those who have made a difference in your life. Send a card. Write a letter. Visit in person.

[4] Focus on the good. Write down three good things that happen each day. Take pictures. Keep scrapbooks (剪贴簿).This helps lead our brains to the fact that things are actually going pretty1. Rick Hanson, author of the book 。Hardwiring Happiness, has popularized this phrase.

[5] Live like you're on vacation. What makes the time we spend on vacation better than the time we spend at home? We are open to new experiences. We are trying novel things. Although there are plenty of things we could be doing that would be fun at home, it's also a good idea to plan a time to be a tourist in your own town.

[6]Spend money. Money can buy (some) happiness, but only 2 you spend it on the right things, like experiences or other people. No one ever said on his or her deathbed,“I wish I'd bought more stuff(东西).”

[7] Live a meaningful life. Be true to yourself and live in line with your values. Ask③ :What do I want in life? What small steps can I take to move in that direction?



1. What is one of self-care ideas?


2.How many ways to express your thanks are mentioned in the passage?





4.(1)———— 2. ———— ③——————




Japanese students feel stressed with schools closed

According to a survey by Save the Children Japan, 31% of Japanese kids say they are fecling stressed from being closed(关起来) up inside at home all day.

Schools across the country were asked to c---1---on February 28 to help stop the virus (病毒). From March 17 to 22, around 960 children replied to the survey o---2---The students were asked what was the b---3---problem with schools being closed.

“Children are feeling stressed a---4--- they cannot meet their friends," an official said.

The second biggest problem, chosen by 21%of the students, was not being able to meet o---5--- people.* One student wrote, “I m---6--- seeing my teachers.” More than 15% of students were worried about not studying.

About 14% said that they spent most of the day alone. “I have nothing to do e---7---watching television and playing games," one student said. Other students said they were feeling weaker from not exercising and playing p---8--- games.

Earlier in March, a survey of over 8,000 parents found that 56% of t---9---were already worried that their children would feel stressed from not being able to go to school and see their friends. About 70%were worried about their children not being able to e---10---,and 56% were worried about their children not being able to study.


1. ------------------------2.-------------------

3. ------------------------4.-------------------

5.------------------------ 6.-------------------

7. — ---------------------8.-------------------

9. ------------------------10.------------------


This year the coronavirus has killed many people in India. And millions of people lost their jobs in India,---1---Mohan—the father of a 15-year-old girl named Jyoti Kumari. They had no money for food and rent, so the landlord(房东) cut off their---2--- .Kumari and her father's only hope was to return to their home village in Bihar, which was more than 700 miles away.

Mohan was not able to walk to the railway station -–3--- to an injury (受伤) from a traffic accident. The daughter used the 20 dollars they had ---4--- to buy a pink bike and set off on May 8 for the village.

Kumari would stand and pedal in the front,---5---her father would sit on the bicycle seat with heavy luggage (行李) on the bicycle's back. They traveled more than 100 miles a day and only stopped at gas stations to sleep at night.* Along the way, they met kind ---6---who gave them food. One truck driver even gave the father and daughter a ride for30 miles.

Kumari made every ---7--- to ride, and finally they arrived at the village on May 15 and reunited with their family. This story of a ---8---girl has moved the hearts of many people. Kumari has been invited to join the Indian cyclist team in the 2024and 2028 Olympics and has also received an offer to star as ---9--- in an upcoming movie.

Unlike this story, a lot of others ended---10---Many workers took the special train but had no food and water. Sadly, some passed away.


different, intelligent, she, effort, strange, due, success, brave, leave, while, include, electricity

1.------------------- 2.--------------

3. -------------------4.--------------

5.------------------- 6.----------------

7. -------------------8.---------------

9.------------------- 10.-------------


Chinese scientists found a whale fall for the first time in the South China Sea during a deep-sea expedition (考察) carried out by oceanic research vessel (船) Tansuo-1.

It's sad to learn that a whale has died in the ocean. However, that's not the end for the whale. It has a lot to give to other sea animals after death. When a whale dies, it quickly sinks to the bottom of the ocean floor. There, the whale body provides food for deep-sea animals, which are often hungry for food. The remains can last for lots of years and create an ecosystem called a whale fall—an “oasis (绿洲)” of life in the deep sea.

The whale fall ecosystem can exist in the deep ocean because great pressure and cold temperatures there prevent the body from decomposing(腐烂)too quickly.* But the depth also makes it hard for scientists to discover them. There are less than 50known whale falls in the world.

The whale body in the South China Sea is about three meters long. Scientists have found several species of shrimp and fish near the whale body. some fish have started to eat the whale's tail. The whale fall might be quite recent and needs long-term observation (观测), according to Xie Wei, a scientist who took part in the expedition.

By studying the whale fall, scientists can better understand how marine (海洋的) ecosystems support life and how to protect biodiversity(生物多样性)resources in the deep sea.

1.A whale fall is called an" oasis' because------------------

A. it provides food for deep-sea animals

B. it can remain under the sea for years

C. it changes the sea's ecosystem

D. it grows at the bottom of the ocean

2.It's hard to find whale falls because of-------------------

A. high water pressure

B. low temperatures

C. rapid decomposition

D. the great depth of the ocean

3. What do we know about the whale fall in the South China Sea?

A. It's not the first time we've seen it.

B. Scientists found it at a depth of 4,500meters.

C. This whale fall may have formed recently.

D. It has already become a skeleton.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. How whale falls occur.

B. A whale fall discovered in the South China Sea.

C. How marine ecosystems support life.

D. How to protect natural resources.


On May 6, a 30-member Chinese survey team set out to reach the top of Qomolangma, with the latest technology to measure (测量) the mountain's snow cap.

In 1856, a British survey team measured the height of Qomolangma. The result showed Qomolangma reached a height of 8,840 meters above sea level. However, the exact measurement of the world's highest mountain has never been settled. In 1955, the height by an Indian survey team was 8,848 meters, and later to 8,850 meters according to a US team in 1999.

Measuring Qomolangma is no easy task. The average air temperature there is -29°℃, and hurricane-like winds blow all the time. According to Li Guopeng from the Chinese survey team, although we have the likes of robots and drones, it's uncertain that they can operate well under poor conditions, which is why sending human experts is still necessary.*

But does a difference of a few meters really matter when it comes to the mountain?

The truth is that measuring the height of Qomolangma is much more than just getting on number. At the point where the Eurasian plate meet the Indian plate, Mount Qomolangma came fror an ocean 38 million years ago as a result of the tw plates colliding. It makes it the perfect window for observing crustal(地壳的) movements. Changes t the peak's height can tell us whether the two plate are heading toward or away from each other.

It might be true that settling a dispute (争论)was the driving force for continued exploration, but the good thing is that we always end up discovering so much more.

1.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Many countries tried to measure Qomolangma.

B. The height of Qomolangma increases each year.

C. There is no agreement on the height of Qomolangma.

D. There is no commonly accepted way of measuring Qomolangma.

2.What is the biggest challenge for the Chinese survey team to measure Qomolangma?

A. Poor conditions.

B. The pressure from other experts.

C. The shortage of the latest technologies.

D. The crustal movements.

3.The underlined word “colliding" in the passage means “------------- ” in Chinese.

A.分离 B.沉没

C.碰撞 D.喷发

4.What does measuring the height of Qomolangma mean to China?

A. It can show the world China's new technologies.

B. It can help the world solve disagreements in science.

C. It can help scientists explore the history of Qomolangma.

D. It can help scientists get information on crustal movements.


What is global warming?

Global warming is the term used to describe J the rising of the average temperature on Earth.It has to do with the whole climate of the Earth rather than the weather on any given day.

History of global temperatures

The Earth has gone through changes in temperature before. The Earth has even gone through several ice ages, when the temperature dropped greatly and a lot of the world was covered in ice glaciers(冰川). Each time the planet warmed up, the ice melted.


Even small changes of the planet's average temperature can have a large influence on the environment. Here are a few of the things that scientists think may happen as the temperature rises. Some of them are already happening:

Glaciers melting

Many glaciers are already melting and shrinking throughout the world. If the temperature increases, they will continue to melt.

Ocean levels will rise

As the glaciers melt, the ocean levels will rise. This could cause flooding in cities located near the coast.

Migration (迁徙) of animals

Animals will migrate to cooler places as their old homes get too warm.This could upset the food chain and put some kinds of animals in danger.

Bad weather

Some scientists think that warming will bring hore powerful hurricanes as well as more droughts and flooding in different areas of the world.

Change in ecosystems

The tundra (冻原) in Europe, Asia and North America will become smaller,while deserts will continue to get larger.

1. Which of the following best describes global warming?

A. The high temperatures on Earth.

B. The weather during the summer.

C. The increase in the average temperatures on Earth.

D. The whole climate of the Earth.

2.What does the underlined word “shrinking” mean in Chinese?

A.收缩 B.骤变

C.膨胀 D.冰冻

3. Which result of global warming could put some animals in danger?

A. Glaciers melting.

B. Rising ocean levels.

C. Migration of animals.

D. Bad weather.

4. Which can be properly put in in the passage?

A .What causes global warming?

B. Why is global warming a serious problem?

C. How does the temperature rise?

D. What can we do about global warming?


Recently, researchers have reported on a different way to break down different kinds of plastic. It could lead to easier, high-quality recycling, and help deal with plastic pollution. The world is full of plastic, but only 9ofplasic products are ever recycled. Every year, over 17 trillion pounds of plastic are washed into the oceans.

But bacteria may help recycle, even when humans don't. Bacteria are tiny living things—so small that you need a microscope to see them. Some bacteria can “eat” other things by changing the chemicals in those things into something that will help the bacteria grow.

Researchers at a French company have discovered a bacterial enzyme (酶) that can break down plastic. The enzyme, which was first found in compost (堆肥) leaves, turns plastic into chemicalbuilding blocks" that can then be used to create new products.* The enzyme can especially break down PET, a type of plastic that is most commonly used to produce plastic bottles. It is the fifth most common type of plastic that we use.

The new enzyme was uncovered in research that was published last month in the journal Nature. Researchers studied over 100,000 microorganisms(微生物) to find one that could breakdown plastic quickly. The leaf compost enzyme was first discovered in 2012. Scientists changed its genes, allowing it to break down 90% of one ton of plastic in less than 10 hours.

It had been completely forgotten, but it turned out to be the best," said Professor Alain Marty, chief science officer at Carbios.

1.What does the underlined word “bacteria” mean in Chinese?

A.细菌 B.塑料

C.垃圾 D.昆虫

2. What do we know about the enzyme?

A. It is a type of bacteria.

B. It can break down plastic quickly.

C. It is the fifth most common type of bacteria.

D. It can improve the growth of plants.

3.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. Where the scientists found the new enzyme.

B. How the scientists changed the enzyme's genes.

C. How the scientists found the new enzyme.

D. When the scientists found the new enzyme.

4.What did Alain Marty mean in the last paragraph?

A. It was too late to find the new enzyme.

B. The new enzyme was forgotten by experts.

C. They forgot to change the enzyme's genes.

D. Better late than never.


The natural environment is a gift of nature.1 And we need to take good care of it. so below we will see the---1--- of the environment.

Rainfall is one of the steps of the water cycle on the earth. There will be no water on the earth---2---rainfall. Rainfall---3---trees and green vegetation(植被) around as the clouds need to be cooled. The soil is---4---for the growth of plants. They provide food for the animals around. So we need to take care of soil for a better environment. Plants are also the key to the environment. Plants which include trees, shrubs, bushes and even small---5---- help in purifying (净化) the air.

To have a healthy life one needs fresh air and clean water. If air and water are---6---,then we are likely to have health problems. A healthy environment is good for a stress-free life. A person sitting---7---in an office might get more stress than the one working hard on a farm. So we see many research institutes (机构) are built in the mountains away from the---8----city. In a healthy environment, there is less pollution of air and sound. So it is good for health.

The environment is the key to the life on the earth. Without it, there can be no life on the earth. In our solar system, there are other big---9--- .But, they have no life due to lack (缺少) of environment. Even scientists are working on only Mars to create life on it ---10---it has some suitable environment. This shows the importance of the environment for life.

1. A. influence B. independence

C. importance D. difference

2. A. except B. without

C .against D. through

3. A. believes in B .depends on

C.falls behind D .disagrees with

4. A. careful B. beautiful

C. wonderful D. useful

5. A. gifts B. talk

C. grass D. ideas

6. A. changed B. polluted

C. protected D. divided

7. A. suddenly B. beautifully

C. gradually D. comfortably

8 . A. quiet B. noisy

C. large D. silly

9. A. planets B .places

C. robots D. rockets

10. A. whether B. because

C. unless D. though


Everybody knows that protecting the environment today will prepare for a better tomorrow. Kids can also be taught to do their bit for helping the environment.

Many people just have the water 1-------(run) when they are brushing their teeth. Kids should be taught to turn off the tap when soaping or brushing. Parents should also practice this as it will show that you are trying your best to make a 2------- (different) too. Another thing kids can do is take shorter showers. In the same way, kids must be taught to save water while using sinks and in the garden.

Video games use a lot of energy. Encourage kids to go out to play in the fresh air or complete theirhomework3than playing these video games.* In this way, kids can save energy!

Teach kids to turn off lights and fans when not in use. Many a time,kids leave the fans and lights on when they leave a room. Since kids are not yet4(complete) told about environmental problems, they do not know the wastage (浪费) of electricity.

Planting trees 5 --------------(be) a great way to help the environment. If you have a garden, teach your kids to grow plants and water 6 -----------every day. If you do not have a garden, you can have small pot plants in the balcony (阳台) of your home.

Ask your kids to try to save paper. Try to avoid7------------- (use) paper cups and plates whenever possible. Cutting down on use of paper wherever possible will help to save more trees. Use 8 ---------(recycle) paper.

Kids must be 9--------- (educate) about saving the environment at a young age itself. If kids can play a role in helping to save the earth,it will be great and we can together make 10 great effort to have a cleaner and greener Earth


1.----------------- 2.------------

3.--------------- 4.-------------

5.--------------- 6.------------

7. ---------------8.------------

9. ---------------10.------------


Acompany named Manta5 in New Zealand has developed an electric bicycle that can be used on water—the Manta5 Hydrofoil eBike. The company describes its invention as half-bike and half-plane. It says riding one feels like normal cycling, but on the water. It uses a battery, motor and underwater wings—which are called “foils (翼片)”—to move across water about 100 kilometers in five hours. The bikes are made to be strong, but still light enough to carry.

Manta5 was started in early 2011 by Guy Howard Willis and Roland Alonzo, both passionate(狂热的)cyclists. Howard Willis had wanted there to be more choices for would-be water cyclists, and when he met Alonzo, he decided to try and make that happen.

It took the company eight years to develop the bike, but it was able to show a prototype(原型) in2017. The company says that a short video of that first bike got 350 million views on the Internet.

The first bikes that Manta5produced sold out in six months. It says that riders in New Zealand are already fans, and are using them to ride across lakes, rivers and ocean waves.

The company now hopes the bikes will become popular in the US as well. At $8,990, however, the eBike certainly isn't cheap.

Greg Johnston, CEO at Manta5, says that learning to ride the water bike is like cycling for the first time: You might have to try a few times, but it's a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. The company even believes that in the near future, biking across the water could be a sport, and even be included in the Olympics.

1.The eBike runs on the water at a speed of

A. 20 kilometers per hour

B. 50 kilometers per hour

C. 100 kilometers per hour

D. 200 kilometers per hour

2.The underlined word “that” refers to

A .a prototype could be shown as soon as possible

B .cyclists could choose another kind of bike

C. more fans would use the bikes to cross ocean waves

D. biking on the water could be a sport in the Olympics

3. Which of the following is TRUE about the eBike?

A. It can run on the road like a normal bike.

B. It is strong, but it can't be carried easily because of its weight.

C. It has wings, but it can't fly in the sky.

D. People showed interest in the first bikes in New Zealand.

4. If two brothers each want to buy an eBike, they should pay

A. $8,990 B. $17,980

C.$26,970 D.$35,960

5. The passage is mainly about

A. a bicycle company in New Zealand

B.an electric bicycle for the water

C. Guy Howard Willis and Roland Alonzo

D. a new popular sport in the US


7月23日,一枚长征五号火箭从中国的海南岛成功发射,它搭载着我国首颗火星探测器“天问一号”。 探测器计划在明年2月份进入火星轨道,寻找着陆点。此次发射是“中国向更深太空迈进的关键一步”!

1.B细节理解题。根据第二段中的The Mars mission probe named Tianwen-I has accurately entered the scheduled orbit可知,火星探测器已经准确地进入预定轨道,因此控制室里传来欢呼声。

2.C细节理解题。根据第三段中的 He said that China isn't competing with other countries, but to peacefully explore theuniverse.可知,中国的目标不是与其他国家竞争,而是和平地探索宇宙。

3.D推理判断题。澳大利亚的科学家Katarina Miljkovic说:“又一个国家发射了火星探测器,这太不可思议了。这更像是我们都想跑的太空马拉松。”由此可推断,Katarina认为中国的火星探测任务应该得到广泛的赞誉。

4.D 主旨大意题。第五段主要介绍了我国首颗火星探测器——“天问一号”的名字源于中国古代伟大诗人屈原所写的一首诗《天问》。


Only the US has suecessfully done it eight times since 1976.


has done 是现在完成时。“since+过去一个时间点”是现在完成时标志性的时间状语












1.C 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,网红指的是凭借其在特定领域(如时尚、旅游或科技)的知识和专长,能够影响粉丝决策的人,而不是给粉丝付款购物。

2.A 推理判断题。根据第三段第二句Influencers are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customers' hearts.可知,网红被许多公司视为赢得顾客芳心的直接途径。由此可知,公司希望利用网红向其粉丝推销产品。

3.C 细节理解题。根据文中的Post regularly标题下的Also,ensure that your posts possibly follow a theme.可知,确保你的帖子尽可能遵循一个主题。即你应该确保你的帖子是关于类似主题的。

4.D 细节理解题。根据文中的Make sure people can easily find your posts标题下的 Put your posts on social media by using catchy titles 可知,确保人们找到你的帖子的一个方法是使用吸引人的标题来发布你的帖子。

5.C 主旨大意题。通读全文,本文主要介绍了网红以及成为网红的方法。


There is no point in writing the most exciting stories or posting the most beautiful photos if no one is going to see them.


if引导条件状语从句;there is no point in doing sth意为“做某事是没有意义的”,介词in后接动词-ing形式,writing the most exciting stories 和 posting the most beautiful photos是介词in的并列宾语。


1.greetings 2.myself

3.stronger 4.As

5.especially 6.first

7.because 8.practicing

9.to challenge 10.will achieve


...but Zhu believed that as long as she continues to work

hard, she will achieve more success.


as long as引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”,在条件状语从句中,用一般现在时代替一般将来时。


1.C细节理解题。根据第一段中的a dog sleeping under his car suddenly came out and bit on his leg和第二段中的and during the meeting he put the anger of the dog on them可知,一只狗突然咬了商人的腿,他非常生气,在会上他对经理们大发雷霆。

2.A推理判断题。根据第二段中的The chain of this reaction kept going, and finally the anger reached to the office cleaner.可知,这种连锁反应一直持续到低层员工,最后愤怒传到了办公室清洁工那里。

3.B词义猜测题。根据上文The cleaner said loudly, "I didn't go to the office to play football. I went to work..可猜测,他很生气,他告诉妻子不要用愚蠢的问题来“激怒”他。

4.D细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的So, the wife got upset for no reason. She put her anger on her son who was. watching TV..可知,丈夫把火发在妻子身上后,妻子莫名其妙地生气了,她把气撒在正在看电视的儿子身上。

5.B 主旨大意题。本文通过这种发泄愤怒的连锁反应,告诉我们:控制你的愤怒,不要伤害你周围的人。


Now,there was no one working under the cleaner!


现在分词短语working under the cleaner作后置定语,修饰one。现在分词短语多表示主动和进行的含义。



2.D 副词nearly意为“几乎”,修饰后面的数字2400。

3.B根据上文 Researchers..studied..2,400 children可知此处指孩子们的母亲汇报了孩子们在2岁、3岁和5岁时看屏幕的时间。

4.A 空格前后分句之间为因果关系,即5岁儿童看屏幕时间的减少可能是因为他们在这个年龄开始上学。

5.C 下文 such as how well they could do difierent tasks 表示:比如他们能不能很好地完成不同的任务。由此可知,这是有关孩子发展的问题。



8.D 副词quickly“迅速地”修饰动词develop。此处表示:在2岁到5岁之间,孩子的大脑发育非常快。

9.C 此处的this time指的是between the ages of 2 and 5,故填during“在……期间”。

10.A 根据常识可推断,孩子们在看屏幕的时候,可能不会和照看他们的人交流。


Children may move less while they are watching screens, and may not talk with whoever is looking after them as much.




1. Exercise./Eat healthily most of the time./Get enough sleep./ Be kind to yourself.

2.Three/3 ways.


4.①well ② if/when 3 yourself

5.Six habits that will grow your happiness


This helps lead our brains to the fact that things are actually

going pretty well.




1.close 2.online 3.biggest 4.as 5.other 6.miss 7.except 8.physical 9.them 10.exercise


The second biggest problem, chosen by 21% of the students,

was not being able to meet other people.

21%的学生选择的第二个最大的问题是无法与他人见面。chosen by 21% of the students是problem的后置定语,相当于定语从句 which was chosen by 21% of the students。


1.including 2.electricity 3.due 4.left 5.while 6.strangers 7.effort 8.brave 9.herself 10.differently


They traveled more than 100 miles a day and only stopped

at gas stations to sleep at night.


traveled和stopped是并列谓语;动词不定式短语to sleep at night作目的状语。


1.A推理判断题。根据第二段中的 There, the whale body provides food for deep-sea animals可知,鲸鱼的尸体为深海动物提供食物,因此鲸落是深海生命的“绿洲”。

2.D细节理解题。根据第三段中的But the depth also makes it hard for scientists to discover them.可知,海洋的深度也使得科学家们很难发现鲸落。

3.C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的The whale fall might be quite recent and needs long-term observation 可知,这个鲸落可能是最近才形成的,需要长期观测。



1.C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的However,the exact measurement of the world's highest mountain has never beensettled.可知,对这座世界最高山峰的精确测量从未停止过。由此可推断,第二段主要是阐述关于珠穆朗玛峰的高度没有一致的看法。



4.D推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的It makes it the perfect window for observing crustal movements.可知,珠穆朗玛峰成为观测地壳运动的完美窗口,这是测量珠穆朗玛峰的意义。


..it's uncertain that they can operate well under poor conditions, which is why sending human experts is still necessary.




1.C 细节理解题。根据文中的 Global warming is the term used to describe the rising of the average temperature onEarth.可知,全球变暖是术语,用来描述地球平均温度的上升。

2.A 词义猜测题。根据上文Many glaciers are already melting可知,冰川在融化后,面积会“收缩”。

3.C 推理判断题。根据文中的Animals will migrate to cooler places...This could upset the food chain and put some kinds of animals in danger.可知,动物迁徙到凉爽的地方,这可能会打乱食物链,使某些动物处于危险之中。由此可推断,全球变暖导致的动物迁徙可能会把一些动物置于危险之中。

4.B 主旨大意题。下文介绍了全球变暖会对环境产生巨大的影响,故选项B是最佳小标题。


The tundra in Europe,Asia and North America will become smaller, while deserts will continue to get larger.



1.A词义猜测题。根据下文Bacteria are tiny living things----so small that you need a microscope to see them.可知,bacteria是微小的生物——小到你需要用显微镜才能看到它们。由此可猜测bacteria意为“细菌”。

2.B细节理解题。根据第三段中的 Researchers at a French company have discovered a bacterial enzyme that can break down plastic.和倒数第二段中的The leaf compost enzyme. it to break down 90% of one ton of plastic in less than 10 hours.可知,这种细菌酶可以快速分解塑料。

3.C 主旨大意题。第四段主要介绍了法国一家公司的研究人员是如何发现一种可以分解塑料的细菌酶的。

4.D推理判断题。最后一段Alain Marty所说的话意思是“它被完全遗忘了,但结果证明它是最好的”,即晚做总比不做好。


The enzyme, which was first found in compost leaves, turns plastic into chemical “building blocks” that can then be used to create new products.


非限制性定语从句which was first found in compost leaves补充说明前面的The enzyme;定语从句that can then be used to create new products修饰先行词“building blocks”,that 在从句中作主语


1.C根据下文内容,并结合结尾的 This shows the importance of the environment for life.可知,本文论述了环境的重要性。

2.B根据上文There will be no water on the earth可知,如果没有降雨,地球上就没有水。

3.B根据下文trees and green vegetation around as the clouds need to be cooled可知,由于云需要被冷却,降雨依赖于周围的树木和绿色植被。

4.D根据下文 we need to take care of soil 可知,我们需要保护土壤,由此可推断土壤对植物的生长是有用的。


6.B根据下文 we are likely to have health problems 可知,如果空气和水被污染,那么我们很可能会有健康问题。


8.B与in the mountains对比,城市的环境是喧闹的。

9.A 根据上文In our solar system可知,在我们的太阳系中,有其他大的行星。

10.B 根据 Even scientists are working on only Mars to create

life on it和下文 it has some suitable environment可知,科学家也只是设法在火星上创造生命,因为那里的环境相对合适些。前后语义之间为因果关系。


The environment is the key to the life on the earth.


key意为“关键,要诀”,注意后面用介词to。例如:Dietand exercise are the key to good health.饮食和运动是身体健康的关键。


1.running 2.difference 3.rather 4.completely 5.is 6.them 7.using 8.recycled 9.educated 10.a


Encourage kids to go out to play in the fresh air or complete their homework rather than playing these video games.鼓励孩子们在户外有新鲜空气的地方玩耍,或者鼓励他们完成他们的家庭作业,而不是玩这些电子游戏。本句是以动词原形encourage开头的祈使句;to go out和complete之间是并列关系,complete前省略了介词to;rather than意为“而不是”。


一家新西兰公司开发了一种可以在水上使用的电动自行车——the Manta5 Hydrofoil eBike。该公司表示,骑这种电动自行车感觉就像骑普通的自行车,只不过是在水上。该电动自行车使用电池、发动机和水下机翼。在不久的将来,骑电动自行车横渡水面可能会成为一项运动,甚至会被列入奥运会项目。

1.A 推理判断题。根据第二段中的move across water about 100 kilometers in five hours 可知,该种自行车可在5小时内行驶约100公里,即以每小时20公里的速度在水面上移动。

2.B推理判断题。根据第三段大意可知,当Guy Howard Willis遇到Roland Alonzo时,他决定尝试实现这一点——未来的水上骑自行车者能有更多的选择。即that指的是骑自行车的人可以选择另一种自行车。

3.D 细节理解题。根据第五段中的The first bikes that Manta5 produced sold out in six months. It says that riders in New Zealand are already fans 可知,Manta5生产的第一批自行车在6个月内就销售一空,已经有新西兰骑行者粉丝。

4.B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的At $8,990,however, the eBike certainly isn't cheap.可知,该种自行车的价格是8990美元。由此可推断,两兄弟各买一辆,共支付$17 980。



The company even believes that in the near future, biking across the water could be a sport, and even be included in the Olympics.






澳大利亚科廷大学(Curtin University)的科学家卡特琳娜·米利科维奇(Katarina Milikovic)表示:“另一个国家发射了火星探测器,这令人惊讶。”“它更像是一场我们都想跑的太空马拉松。”登陆火星是非常困难的。自1976年以来,只有美国成功做到了8次。








1. 选择你的专营市场






4. 确保人们可以很容易地找到你的帖子







朱婷,1994年出生于河南省。朱婷作为中国女排的队长,她帮助中国女排赢得了两届世界杯冠军和一枚奥运金牌。朱婷说,她并不总是很有天赋 特别在一开始的时候。








你有没有发现很多孩子都喜欢看电视或玩电子游戏?这对他们有好处吗?在荧幕前花太多时间与年轻儿童发展重要的技能更慢有关联。加拿大卡尔加里大学和滑铁卢大学的研究人员对大约 2400名儿童进行了研究。他们的母亲汇报他们孩子在2岁、3岁和5岁时看屏幕的时间。


根据这项研究,5岁儿童屏幕时间减少的原因可能是 因为这是孩子开始上学的年龄。








【4】关注好的方面。写下每天发生的三件好事。拍照。保存剪贴簿。这有助于让我们的大脑意识到事情其实很美好。 ----------------------------------------------------------------












































一家法国公司的研究人员发现了一种可以分解塑料的细菌酶。这种酶,首先在堆肥的叶子中被发现,它把塑料变成化学“积木”,然后用来制造新产品。*这种酶特别能分解PET, PET是一种最常用来生产塑料瓶的塑料。这是我们使用的第五种最常见的塑料。


















Manta5成立于2011年初,由人霍华德·威利斯和罗兰·都充满激情(热的)骑自行车的人。霍华德·威利斯(Howard Willis)曾希望为想成为水上自行车手的人提供更多选择,当他遇到阿朗佐时,他决定尝试实现这一点。







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