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acad2018 2022-11-26 06:14:58 英语教育机构









26.L. realms


28.H. mastering

29.B. fatigue

30.E. hospitalized

31.J. obsessed

32.F. labeled

33.N. ruin

34.K. potential

35.A. contrary


How Telemedicine Is Transforming Healthcare

36. D 段落第一句 None of *this is to say that telemedicine

37. H 段落第一句 Many health plans and employers have rushed

38. E 段落第一句 What’ s more,for all the rapid growth

39. B 段落第一句 Doctors are linking up with

40. K 段落第一句 Who pays for the services?

41. 0 段落第一句 To date, 17 states have joined

42. G 段落第一句 Do patients trade quality for convenience?

43. F 段落第一句 Some critics also question whe^ther

44. l 段落第一句 But critics worry that such

45. N 段落第一句 Is the state-by-state regulatory system


46-50 (Sleeplessness)

46.C They are deeply impressed by Danielle Steel’s daily work schedule.

47.A She could serve as an example of industriousness.

48. A They are questionable.

49.C It may symbolise one's importance and success.

50.BThe general public should not be encouragedto follow it.

51-55 (Organic farming)

51.B Organic farming may be exploited to solve the global food problem.

52. D It is not that productive.

53. C Inequality in food distribution.

54. B It is not conducive to sustainable development.

55. D (Organic farming does long-term good to the ecosys-tem.



26. D. hierarchy

27. H. logistical

28. E. insight

29. M. saturated

30. L. rarely

31. 0. undoubtedly

32. J. outcomes

33. A. bond

34. l. magically

35. K. patterns


Six Potential Brain Benefits of Bilingual Education

36.H.段落第一句 Do these same advantages benefit a child who begins learning a second language in kindergarten in- stead of as a baby?

37.C段落第一句 TraditionalprogramsforEnglish-language learners,

38.J段落第一句 About10percentofstudentsinthePort-land,

39.D段落第一句 Thetrendfliesinthefaceofsomeofthe culture wars of two decades ago,

40.M 段落第一句Americanpublicschoolclassroomsasawhole are becoming more segregated by race and class Du- al-language programs can be an exception.

41.E 段落第一句SomeoftheinsistenceonEnglish-firstwas founded on research produced decades ago,

42.B段落第一句Againandagain,researchershavefound, ”bilingualism is an experience that shapes our brain for life,

43.P 段落第一句Areviewofstudiespublishedlastyear found that cognitive advantages failed to appear in 83 per- cent of published studies,

44.G 段落第一句 People who speak two languages often outperform monolinguals on general measures of executive function.

45.N 段落第一句Severaloftheresearchersalsopointedout that,


46-50 (Public health)

46.B People disagree as to who should do what.

47.A Governments have a role to play.

48.B They have not come up with anything more constructive.

49.D To justify government intervention in solving the obesity problem.

50.C When individuals have the incentive to act according- ly

51-55 (The Coral Sea proposal)

51.A It is exceptionally rich in marine life.

52.D Complete the series of marine reserves around its coast.

53.A?The government has not done enough for marine protection

54.D It is a tremendous joint effort to protect the range of marine habitats

55.C It will protect regions that actually require little protection




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