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acad2018 2022-12-17 21:14:42 英语口语网课

英 语 试 卷
武汉市教育科学研究院命制 2021.4.16
4.答第ⅱ卷(非选择题)时,答案用0. 5毫米黑色笔迹签字笔书写在“答题卡”上,答在“试卷”上无效。
第一部分 听力部分

1. a. thanks. b. on saturday. c. jenny.
2. a. science. b. watching tv. c. pretty nice.
3. a. its a picnic. b. by the way. c. on foot.
4. a. in april. b. on the sofa. c. go for it.
5. what does the woman suggest buying?
a. biscuits. b. a cake c. nothing.
6. where did the boy put his new jacket?
a. on the school bus. b. in his school bag. c. over his head
7. which kind of lesson can we have in the new water sports center?
a. surfing. b. swimming. c. sailing.
8. what will the man do?
a. drop old habits. b. annoy the woman. c. continue to smoke.
9. whats the relationship between the speakers?
a. strangers. b. friends. c. relatives.
10. how many hours is the bank open on weekdays?
a. five hours.

b. five and a half hours. c. six and a half hours.
11. which word can best describe the fathers feeling now?
a. speechless. b. comfortable. c. doubtful.
12. what can we infer about the man?
a. he might be a skillful artist. b. he thinks his painting is priceless,
c. he needs a large amount of money.
13. what color are the flowers?
a. red and grey. b. white and purple. c. golden and red.
14. where can they put the empty bottle?
a. in the plastic bag. b. near their tent. c. on the grass.
15. what are they expected to do?
a. plant the flowers. b. keep the park clean. c. leave the bag there.
16. where are the two speakers?
a. on the phone. b. in lijiang old

town. c. at home.
17, when is paul getting back?
a. tomorrow. b. before next monday. c. next weekend
18. what do we know from the conversation?
a. paul should have brought enough clothes. b. meilin thinks pauls trip is very enjoyable.
c. pauls dad is leaving first because of his work.
19. who are the two speakers?
a. a policemen and a runner. b. a salesman and a customer. c. a reporter and a desk clerk.
20. what does susan do every day in a hotel?
a. she provides service. b. she manages the hotel. c. she cleans the front desk.
21. when does the conversation take place?
a. a day before the race. b. just while the race. c. right after the race.
22. which is true about susan?
a. she won the bicycle race and made much money. b. she worked for extra time to buy a racing bicycle.
c. she preferred riding a bicycle

to working in a hotel.
23. what can we learn about james miller?
a. he felt his work was so boring that he left. b. he lost his job because of his online activity.
c. he got into trouble while talking with his boss.
24. what did cathy post online?
a. her school address. b. her parents names. c. her birthday invitation.
25. what lesson is taught in the passage?
a. think before you act online. b. never post information online. c. remember to ask parents for advice.
第二部分 笔试部分
26. — beautifully done! you didnt make a single mistake.
— ________.
a. thank you b. of course c. all right d. my pleasure
27. — can you come over to my place for dinner?
— ________.shall i bring anything?
a. perhaps next time. b. have a nice meal.
c. just

have a look. d. yes, id love to
28. — what should we do for ms. chen on teachers day? any suggestions?
— ______. what about sending her some flowers?
a. let me help you b. keep trying c. i have an idea d. not a big deal
29. — we ______very simply at home and do not spend a lot of money on food.
— thatre called the greens.
a. ate b. eat c. will eat d. have eaten
30. — what good books did you read recently?
— i______ learn english tell chinas stories since last year, and now the third time.
a. read b.am reading c. have read d. had read
31. — students ________a few why and how questions in mr. zhangs class, did you notice that?
— yes, i think he wanted to train their abilities of deep thinking.
a. are asked b. were asked c. have been asked d. should be asked
32. —1 could tell ______the look on her face that something exciting had happened.
—you said it!
a. on b.by c. with d. for
33. this school trip named history and future is meant to be ______ as well as fun.
a. personal b. professional c. international d. educational
34. ox(牛)is a symbol of hard work in chinese culture, the spirit of ox is______ in a poem by lu xun: “head bowed , like a willing ox who serves people.”
a. produced b. reflected c. discussed d. studied
35. this is a nonsmoking room. if you ________smoke, please go outside.
a.can b. should c. will d. must
36. — jackson always remained calm and________ his own feelings.
—no wonder he is a somebody.
a. mixed b. threw c. mastered d. froze
37. — is there a story or a ________behind your name ruoshui?
— yeah. it might stand for my parents wish for me: being a person like water.
a. decision b. picture c. manner d. tradition
38. — what qualities do you look for in a friend, knowledgeable or supportive?
—________ . and you do have them.
a. neither b. none c. both d. either
39. when you________ a fashion or home magazine, dont compare yourself with the pictures.
a. look through b. look at c. look for d. look up
40. i was not sure________.
a. if she would be willing to meet us b. how much did i pay for it
c. whether is there a post office or not d. why he is so happy at school
bhoja lived at the foot of the himalayas where the grasses grow tall and the forest is thick. bhoja loved the forest. he knew the birds, the trees and the caves(洞穴)everywhere around.
one day, while he was 41 in the forest, he found an eaglet(小鹰)with a broken wing. it had fallen off its nest(巢)high on a huge semul tree. not able to fly, the eaglet was quickly down to the ground. it shook with 42 . seeing this, bhoja bent down(弯腰)and 43 its head. then he picked it up very gently and took it home. he cleaned its broken wing with warm water. then he took some turmeric root paste(姜黄根膏)and 44 put it on the wound. he 45 the wing with silk. and he found fine grass for the little bird to 46 , bhoja fed the eaglet each day. he gave it fresh milk from the goats, and sometimes a juicy fat caterpillar(毛虫).
as the eaglet got 47 , it began to follow bhoja everywhere. it would be there, 48 on his shoulder when he went into the forest, walking along with him when he went to feed the goats, sitting by him when he stayed at home. in time the new feathers(羽毛) 49 its wings. soon it was ready to fly. bhoja knew it would not be 50 to keep it for long. so it was time to set it free.
early one morning, when the sun had just risen, bhoja took the eaglet high up a hill. he then let it go. with its 51 wings, the bird rose very quickly into the sky. it flew higher and higher. then suddenly, as if 52 something, it flew downwards again. it would not leave sight of bhoja. it circled low and 53 with him all day.
when evening came, bhoja knew hed have to do 54 . he waited till the sun began to set. then he ran and 55 in a nearby cave. the eaglet flew round and round for a long while, searching for him. then as darkness began to fall, it flew away. bhoja could see it in the distance.
41. a. watching out b. hanging out c. staying up d. getting up
42. a. pain b. hunger c. fear d. cold
43. a. kissed b. washed c. touched d. beat
44. a. carefully b. bravely c. nervously d. simply
45. a. stuck b. connected c. marked d. tied
46. a. eat up b. deal with c. stand by d. lie on
47. a. larger b. warmer c. stronger d. smarter
48. a. resting b. living c. flying d. swinging
49. a. shaped b. covered c. relaxed d. formed
50. a. usual b. fair c. polite d. surprising
51. a. silky b. broken c. wonderful d. new
52. a. finding b. catching c. forgetting d. remembering
53. a. moved b. talked c. played d. met
54. a. anything b. nothing c. something d. everything
55. a. lay b. hid c. climbed d. walked
阅读下而三篇材料,从每题所给的 a、 b、 c、d四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
school life
luck or fight
wuhan daily
april 15, 2021

it can be hand for a soccer team to score a goal in the last minutes of a game. but a team from changsha yali foreign languages middle school(flms) did it, first reported by xiangjiang post.
on april i1.the final match of the 2020 china junior high school soccer championship took place in shandong. the team started off well and managed to score. but later in the game, they were locked in a tie. they also lost their goalkeeper after he got a red card.
facing such a difficult situation, team captain peng haozhe stayed calm. in the last five minutes of the game, he got a free kick and their striker(前锋)broke through the opposing team and scored a buzzer-beater(压哨球)goal. they won the game 3-2.
“we stick to every detail(细节)that is pointed out by our coach. it’s a great test of speed and sports spirit.” peng said.
56. according to the material, we can know that ________.
a. the photo was provided by yali middle school b. the final match took place on april 15 in shandong
c. luck or fight comes from school life section d. xiangjiang post reported the news after wuhan daily
57. in para 2, the underlined sentence they were locked in a tie probably means ________.
a. they were absent-minded b. the game score was one to one
c. the opposite team was in the lead d. they were neck to neck in the game
58. who scored a goal at the last seconds?
a. the coach. b. the goalkeeper. c. the striker. d. the team captain.
59. what does the writer aim to tell us?
a. its not difficult to win without the goalkeeper. b. the harder you fight for it, the luckier you are.
c. the last minutes are the key moment for a game. d. its words.
60. the writer gives the title luck or fight because he wants to ________.
a. make the readers think less. b. increase the readers reading speed
c. ask the readers to help him answer d. guide the readers to understand better
barbara marks, 69, is a retired (退休的) schoolteacher, when she developed early symptoms
(症状) of parkinson she said.
in 2019, marks saw an advertisement for papa on social media. it is a service that allows elderly people to hire(雇用)college students for help with daily tasks. marks decided to give it a try.
alan golan was paired with marks. the 24-year-old started working full-time for papa when he failed to find a sales job. he spends about six hours helping marks every weekday. he earns $ 12 for the first hour and $ 10. 2 per hour after that.
on a typical day, golan helps marks out around the house. sometimes, he goes out with her, like driving her to the doctors office. he has also taught marks how to use shortcut keys on the computer. with those skills, ms. marks now has a quick way to start a computer program.
“barbara and i get along so well, ” golan said. “we have a lot of fun chatting together. i care about her. she’s like a new friend.” it might sound crazy hiring a stranger to act as a grandchild. however, these young people are a great help to old people who live alone.
61. barbara marks’ problem was that .
a. she thought it was dangerous to drive out b. she retired from teaching and had nothing to do
c. she moved out of her sont look after herself
62. papa in the passage refers to .
a. an advertisement for goods b. an organization for the old
c. a call to your grandparents d. an activity about college students
63. the underlined phrase was paired with is similar to .
a. was introduced to b. was exchanged for
c. was known by d. was satisfied with
64. we can learn from the passage that golan .
a. gave up a sales job in order to serve marks b. found it tiring to help with marks daily tasks
c. treated marks as more of a friend than a stranger d. improved his skills at starting the computer program
65. what would be the best title for the passage?
a. grandchildren needed b. more volunteers wanted
c. family problems solved d. papa advertisement found
gever is a computer scientist from california, in 2005, he started a summer program for children called tinkering school. the idea was that children can learn important skills for life by building things together. gever and his team help the children to think big and create plans for new things they want to build. children have made fantastic things since the school started. they have made a rope bridge, tree houses, wooden motorbikes and boats.
at tinkering school, children get all kinds of materials like wood, metal, plastic, nails and ropes. they get lots of real tools too, such as knives,hammers(锤子)and power drills(电钻). tinkering school has been around for many years now,but nobody has ever had a serious injury in all those years. this is because there are strict health and safety rules they must follow. the children always learn how to use the tools safely and they must wear the right clothing and protection at all times.
gevers ideas have worked very well. a lot of children have gone to his summer schools over
the years, in 2011, gever decided to create a school, called brightworks, in san francisco. the school is very small-it only has 20 students aged 6 to 13. brightworks is based on the same principles(理念) as tinkering school.
since it started, brightworks has been written about a lot. most of those articles have been very positive(积极的). they have praised the quality of the school. they have found the children are more active than at many other schools. but there have also been critical(批评的) voices. some people have said that children are not learning enough at brightworks. they feel that students and teachers are just ‘playing around’ all the time.
the students at brightworks seem to love their school. we spoke to 12-year-old tina cooper. she has been a student at the school since last october, “since i started here. it been one single moment when i found it boring. ”
66. which can best describe tinkering school or brightworks?
a. a place you can walk around freely. b. a space with new ideas and practice.
c. a factory full of materials and tools. d. a family you will never leave behind.
67. gevers principle on education is to .
a. train children to follow strict rules b. provide children with famous schools
c. help children create new fantastic plastic things d. lead children to learn by doing hands-on activities
68. about safety at tinkering school, we know that .
a. the school is not safe enough for kids b. children are taught how to protect themselves
c. children have never had an accident or injury d. there isnt any safety information mentioned there
69. from the last two paragraphs, we can infer that .
a. brightworks has influenced students like tina b. critical voices brought bad results to the school
c. there hasnt been one single boring moment for all d. the students there often stand in a class with a teacher
70. the authors writing purpose is probably to .
a. choose the best schools for parents b. let the readers listen to different voices
c. praise gevers school
第ii卷(非选择题 共35分)
ordered / drop / mean / set out / stared / courage / turn out
71. the boy went to soccer practice with __________ rather than fear in his heart the next day.
72. as you __________on your new journey, you shouldnt forget where you came from.
73. if sharks numbers__________ too low, it will bring danger to all ocean life.
74. we __________in disbelief at the black smoke rising above the burning building.
75. scrooge is __________and only thinks about himself and doesnt treat others nicely.
when i was nine, i watched a video that recreated the discovery of an underground palace near xi’an, i remembered an archaeologist(考古学家) looking through a hole there with a candle. a workman asked w 76__________ he could see: he said e 77__________ . from that moment, i knew what i wanted to do with my life.
so i decided my future job very young, and i made it h 78__________ . seems easy, right? not quite! i completed my education—university, then a phd. but along the way i was t 79__________ many things: i was too young, i wasnt suitable. i should get m 80__________ and have kids... i also needed money, so i asked for six grants(助学金). the first five r 81__________ i got said no. six months later, the last one c 82__________ : this time it was yes. finally, i could start my own activity of digging.
today, i feel l 83__________ to work as an archaeologist. its exciting work. sometimes you find something that was buried three thousand years ago. holding a piece of history is an amazing feeling.
for anyone thinking about a career(职业), i would say: never give up. if people tell you no, use that-it will p 84__________ you. at the beginning, it hurts. but it makes you stronger and actually helps you. second, focus(聚焦) on your goals. there are always c 85__________ , but you overcome them in the end.
注意:1.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;2.词数:60-80; 3.内容连贯,不要逐条翻译;4.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
参考词汇:cherry blossoms n. 樱花 han street n. 汉街 light show n. 灯光秀
dear jim,
last month, i spent a great weekend with my parents.
best wishes!
li hua

英语试卷听力录音稿 2021.4.16
text 1 who helped to clean up the city parks?
text 2 what subject does your sister like best?
text 3 how do you get home from work?
text 4 where are my english books?
第二节 (共7小题,每小题1分,满分7分)
text 5
m: look, tracy, there are some biscuits you like.
w: oh, yes, but they are a bit expensive. why don’t we have a cake instead?
text 6
w: where is your new jacket, bob? i hope you haven’t left it on school bus.
m: don’t worry, mum. i put it in my school bag because i was too hot.
text 7
m: have you been to the new water sports center yet?
w: oh, yes, there two indoor pools for swimming. and you can have sailing lessons on the lake.
text 8
w: oh, jack, you have a terrible cough. why don’t you try and give up smoking?
m: you are right. but you know old habits die hard.
text 9
m: excuse me, madam, could you please tell me what time is it now?
w: i’m sorry, but haven’t got a watch. try the man with a walking stick. he has one.
text 10
w: is the bank on the ground floor open yet?
m: yes, madam. the bank is open from monday to friday. from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
text 11
m: oh, lily, you have slept away the whole morning. don’t you know you are wasting time?
w: yes, dad. but i’ve saved you a meal, haven’t i?
text 12
w: why did you ask for five thousand pounds? it took you only three minutes to finish the painting.
m: yes, but it took me thirty years to learn how to paint.
第三节 (共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)
text 13
w: what a beautiful park!
m: yes, this is a biggest park around. we can put up our tent here.
w: all right. oh, look at the lovely red and golden flowers. do you what are they called?
m: they are tulips. they are from holland
w: really! they look so pretty in the sun. oh, i’m thirsty, could you pass me a bottle of water?
m: sure. here you are.
w: where can i put the empty bottle?
m: you can put it in the plastic bag.
w: well, can we leave the bag here on the grass.
m: no, we can’t. that’s not allowed. we have to keep the park clean, you know.
w: sure!
text 14
m: hey, meilin, this is tom calling from the lijiang old town.
w: hi, paul! you are already in lijiang! great to hear you! so what do you think of the lijiang old town?
m: oh, we love it, you know it is so different from big cities.
w: really? how long are you staying there?
m: about four days. since my dad has to go back to work next monday. tomorrow we are going to yulong snow mountain.
w: sounds great! oh, don’t forget it’s much colder on snow mountain. be sure to keep warm!
m: thanks! we’re bringing sweaters and coats with us, so i hope we’ll be ok. and if we still have time, we are planning to see blue moon valley.
w: wow, the mountains, the sky, the lakes! the beautiful sights about nature! enjoy yourself!
m: all right! i’ll see you in a few days! talk to you soon.
text 15
m: now, susan, you had a few minutes to rest. can you tell us something about yourself? how old are you and what do you do?
w: i’m twenty-two and i am a desk clerk.
m: a desk clerk? so you are used to asking people for information.
w: yeah! and sometimes meeting interesting people and answering lots of questions
m: so you love your job! but who taught you to ride bicycle?
w: nobody. i taught myself. i’ve been cycling since i was five.
m: and who bought that beautiful racing bicycle for you?
w: i bought it myself. i worked overtime.
m: good for you. and what are you going to do now?
w: now? if you mean this minute, i’m going to have a long hot bath.
m:you must need to relax. again, congratulations to you! i’m winner of this year’s london-to-brighton cycle race.
text 16
sometimes, what we post online can happen unexpected result. one weekend, twenty-year-old james miller posted on his own website page that his job was so boring. when he got to work the next day, his boss told him to clear his desk and fired him and said, “after reading your review about our company on your website page. we understand, you are not happy with your work. we think it’s better for you to look for something that you will find more interesting.” a few years ago, a girl’s birthday party turned into a terrible experience. fifteen-year-old cathy posted a party invitation and her address online, when her parents got back from the cinema this evening, they couldn’t believe their eyes. there were five hundred people at the party and some of them were breaking windows and making total mess of the house. most teens think things like this could never happen to them. but study shows that next year alone, more than five million young people worldwide got into trouble because of their online activities

上一篇: 10本语文英语学习“利器”,10位“无言之师”,给孩子请回家

下一篇: DaDa英语宣布2021年底全面停止外教服务,曾因退费问题遭央视曝光

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