首页 > 线上英语培训> 宝鸡中学2019届高三年级第二次模拟英语


acad2018 2022-12-20 16:14:36 线上英语培训

i. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交囚。
第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分)
第-节(共5 ,1、娅;每小题i. 5 分,满分7.5 分)
听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a 川、c 三个选项中选出是佳
选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话
1. what is the man doing?
a. making a call. b. having lunch. c. reading a newspaper.
2. how much time does john spend jumping rope?
a. 30 minutes. b. 45 minutes. c. 75 minutes.
3. where 缸·e. the speakers probably?
a. at the store. b. in the man s house. c. in the classroom.
4. what does the man mean?
a. he wants 四me more steaks. b. he is really angry. c. he is full.
5. what does the man enjoy doing?
a. writing books. b. reading k同ks. c. going to the movies.
第二节(共15 小题;.小姐1. 5 分,满分22.5 分)
昕下面5 段对话或独自。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所绘的a,b 、c 三个选
项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独自前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完
后.各小题将绘出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。
昕第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。
6. where is the woman going?
a. the train station. b. 切1e luggage room.
7. how much are tickets at the ticket office?
a. more expensive than tho盹on the train.
b. less expensive than those on the trj.in.
c. 白1e same price as those on the train.
英语第1 页(共10 页)
c. 切四ai币。目.
? ..
昕第7 段材料.回答第8 、9 题。
8. how long has the man been on a diet?
a. for 2 months. b. for 3 months.
9. what did the trainer tell the man to do?
a. change his eating habits.
c. slow his pace o( life.
昕第8 段材料,回答第10 至12 趣。
jo. what are the speakers mainly talking about?
a. recycling.
b. books about waste treatment.
c. school newspapers.
11. who might be the woman?
a. a researcher. b. a writer.
12. what will the speakers do together?
a. go to 剿,me recycling center.; to dv a survey.
b. read about waste treatment.
c. write papers about w勘te treatment.
昕第9 段材料,回答第13 至16 题。
13. who is bergman?
a. a writer. b. an actor.
14. what is most surprising to the man?
a.η1e kinds of films the woman likes.
b.η1e common interests they share.
c. the classic conflict in horror movies.
15. what .tind of music does the man suppose the woman likes?
a. classical music. b. country music.
16. what do回the man like to watch when he is tired?
a. horror movies. b. comedies.
昕第10 段材料,回答第17 至20 题。
17. what kind of damage w田caused to the houses in the city?
a. 四e roofs were destroyed.
b. gas lines were cut.
c. they were completely flooded.
c. for 4 month筑
b. exercise eveηmorning.
c. a student.
c. a filmmaker.
c. heavy metal.
c. action movies.
18. on which street did 位ees become uprooted (连根拔起) and smash into cars?
a. green street. b. main street. c. white street.
19. what do we know about the bus accident?
a.η1e bus ran into a tree. b. no one was inju陀d.
c. the bus was taking students home.
20. what will the weather be like tomorrow?
a. stormy. b. clear. c. cloudy.
英语第2 页(共10 页)
第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)
第一节(共15 小姐;每小题2 分,满分30 分}
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的a 、b 、c 和d 四个选项中,逃出最佳选项。
with the 2019 spring festival around the comer, more and more chinese people are planning
to spend their pig year spring festival holidays abroad. malaysia, a beautiful southeast asian
country on the maritime silk road, has become the favorite tour destination for chine帽严。ple.
here are four plac创well worth visiting.
kuala lump町
η1e capital of malaysia, kuala lump町, is a common favorite. unlike most of the cities in
the world, it is n1ore than where the visitor lands and then goes off to other places, because kuala
lumpur itself offers two must-盹e attractions: one is menara kl tower and petronas tower, the
槌cond highest twin towers in asia, on the top of which tourists can enjoy beautiful skyline and
outlook of the whole city. the other is the perdana lake gardens. during 由e pig year spring
festival , the celebrations such 副lion dance, dragon dance , lantern riddles, acrobatics will be
held. all above free and open 24 hours.
selangor defines the most developed and populated states of malaysia, closely following the
urban extending area of kuala lumpur. it has the national zoo of malaysia and a first?class motor
race tracks. it is a hot shopping zone, and the coun町’ s gambling capital, gentling highlands.
b回ides, there 缸曹the batu caves with hindu religion. along the river in kuala selangor, one can
盹e the wonder如l crowds of fireflies flying in the night sky like bright st缸,.
admi田ion: 15yuan for per tourist.
penang on the west coast of malaysia is one of the best places to visit in malaysia. its historic
capital city, george town, is a unesco world heritage site, which is f创nous for its landmark
homes, f时, temples and mu盹urns. penang offers an excellent spread , including some inc,叫ible
s嗣et food. some of the best treats and tastes are available at the food joints lining the waterfront
admission for george town : iooyuan for per adult, children under 15 free, group tickets a
30% discount.
tioman island
tioman island is set in the east c。”t of malaysia, where it is carved into different beaches,
and it is unlike m田t of the 。ther travel destinations of malaysia. it is not too far away from
singap。”, but is tiny in terms of development. interestingly, the accommodation is great, though
available at low costs.
21. where will the activities with strong chine肥elements be held?
a. tioman island b. 四e batu caves, selangor
c. 节1e perdana lake gardens, kuala lumpur d. george tow, penang
英语第3 页(共10 页}
22. we cant in selanger.
a. enjoy horseraces b. visit the caves
c. go shopping d. ob回rve shining fireflies
23. how much will a couple and their 12-year-old 回n spend on a visit to g创rge town in a tour
a. 140 yuan b. 200 yuan c. 250 yuan
d. 170 阴阳
for a scholar focusing on australia ’ s public diplomacy (外交活动) , working 剧a
recreational manager in china may never be part of his car回r path. but bradley d回s have lots to
say now about his s伊cial experience at a resort in the picture饲ue tropical coastal city of sanya in
south china s hainan province.
η,e 33-year-old australian is actually a student in international relations completing his phd
through griffith university. he came to beijing for a cooperative research at peking university less
than two y倒m ago. such an academic life was just added color with a chance offered by the
cultural exchanges project,“i ’ m in chini.
“ what i liked m例t 且bout the experience w幽it w幽something completely di他rent that you
would never be able to do 幽a regul缸t。urist ,” bradley said in an interview . bradley w嗣cho回n
to work 副a recreational manager for a chine脆wedding.
η1e film crew took them to many “ amazing sites” and the staff at the resort taught them a lot
曲。ut how to “ i旦旦旦些旦些modem chinese features while still keeping traditional customs”,
bradley said.
“ i would have to 抽y two things stick out 崎the most memorable: the helicopter ride and
talking with the staff at the hotel about how they organi7,e weddings here in china,” he said.
that w皿bradley s first time to be in a helicopter, and he w剧too absorbed wi小即
“ stunning” view of the beautiful co崎tline.
“ i think it is so important to show other australians the different landscapes china has to
offer. i think 抽many australians , when they think about china, imagine the historic.al sites of
beijing and the exciting things to see in shanghai but have no idea about other beautiful places,
like sanya or the many other plac回people have been taken to in this tv 辅币”,” bradley said.
汀’ m in china” is a project spon盹red by china intercontinental communication centre and
other institutions under the guidance of china s state council lnfonnation office. it invites foreign
natives worldwide to experiencl unique jobs and participate in activities that one can find nowhere
else except in china. more than 10 ,α)() phot佣and articles were submitted from around 由e globe
by over 6 ,00 applicants.
24. bradley actually is
a. an australian phd student b. a regular australian tourist
c. a recreational manager d. an australian diplomat
25. what does the underlined word ’ in par咀graph 4 mean ?
a. get rid of b. take advantage of c. take in d. keep off
英语第4 页(共10 页)
may be somewhat slower initial speed, but wider range , although they all claim that they have
mastered 5g technology. thus they only first target the areas with large population. so 5g’ s full
benefit to all are not expected until the main u. s key carriers upgrade their key switching
equipment, which may happen in late 2019 or early 2020.
32. which of the following is i回到likely to be afiected directly by 5g technology?
a. eating habits. b. traffic management.
c. artificial intelligence. d. remote medical operations.
33. what does the underlined world “ it” in the second paragraph refer to?
a. to u回5g technology fr,四ly b. to get a clear 3d images
c. to free u辑rs move wirele盹ly d. to develop goggles the size of eyeglasses
34. why did the world-famous wireless providers huπy to declare they would enter 5g bu剖ness?
a. to 插rve the people all over the world.
b. to meet the need of the world market.
c. to start the heated hi-tech competition.
d. to occupy this large hi-tech market first.
35. what d帽s the last par句911ph mainly tell us about 由e u. s 5g technology ?
a. it is perfect enough to be put into use in the whole u. s at pr四川.
b. it cannot benefit all americans before the key equipment is upgraded.
c. it is too backward to be applied in any part of the u. s now.
d. it will never be widely u崎d all over the u. s in the future.
第二节(共5 小题;每小锺2 分,满分10 分)
stop the negative talk
it’ s e嗣y for p回ple to engage in self-critical conversation, and once it sta阳, there ’ s often
pre随ure for you to join in. but why is it acceptable to talk 必out ourselves 回negatively? _1豆一-
but before you know it, those opinions are let out of your conversations and into your life, whe陀
they start eating away at your 回忆confidence.
wi由a gr咆up of your friends, it feels normal to start a conversation by criticizing yourself. but
when you start talking about yow钝if in a negative way, you are not only affecting your
self-confidence , but your friends . so the 棚iest way to stop n咿tive talk? _1l.
but what if 回meone else start? for example, your friend feels insecure about how well he
played in his s侃侃r game ,回he puts himself down:“i did bad at 蜘cer !” he s hoping someone
will make him feel better, and because you 创哩a good friend , you t句:“ no, you don ’ t. youdid
伊at t础y !” _l主一’ becau肥you both know the compliment (恭维) was just a reaction to
his 盹if-criticism.
_]旦一. ask him ,“do you 陀ally think that? why?” whatever it is, talking through the real
issue will help him more than a compliment or slipping into another 肥ssion of negative talk.
it’ s important to talk to your friends abo11t yo山insecurities(不安全感) , but make sure you
are not talking about them just for the sake of putting your回lves down. instead of just focusing 0-.
英语第7 页(共jo 页)
the negative, talk about what mak曲you and your friends beautiful and unique, including what
you love your body and what you ’ ve accomplished. 一旦旦一, you 回t yourself as an e1tample , and
everyone benefits from your positivity .
a.don ’ t start it
b. but it doesn t really work
c. when you show yourself love
d. maybe it s because it ’ s encouraging
e. maybe it ’ s because “ just talking” feels harmless
f. you should be 盹lf-confulence and respect yourself
g. instead, see if you can get to the root of the problem
第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)
第一节(共20 小姐;每小题l . 5 分,满分30 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的a 、b 、c 和d 四个选项中,逃出可以填入空白处的
“ what is the size of yo町home?” the third telephone call asked the 拥me 明白tion.
“ 45 square meters,”l replied.
the person said ,“胁’剧, i ’ m sure you ’ re 一旦一. you ’ 11 have to check yo町information
i was hoping 山is wasn ’ t a _丘主_ sign 山at we had made a mistake by purchasing what we
thought was the perfect home for us.
those phone calls made me _丘生_we had done something unusual , or at least 一旦旦一’ by
purchasing a house of this size. 一豆豆_ not exactly prepared for what living in such a small house
would be like , we were eager, ready and willing to ace咿the~- we moved into this home
to our happiness.
when i look back at some 。f the houses i ’ ve ~ , i realize they were -2.q__ than what
i actually needed. some rooms were ---1!._ used. every part of our present home is used in a( n)
52 manner.
it’ s often said that life is filled with uncertainty. i don ’ t -2.主一. however, we have
discovered there are some 54 that come with living in a small house. small home living
-21_ us to 叫oy the things that develop our _2立_ instead of wasting time and money satisfying
a( n )」l desire for material belongings. 」旦_ to small home living and a simple lifestyle
was easier than i had imagined it to be.
my only 陀gret is that even though we are ahead of the small home living __2旦一’ i wish i
had made this 一旦_ many years ago.
41. a. poor b. mistaken
42. a. instead b. once
43. a. sure b. m锦ic
c. m叫est
c. again
c. careful
英语ffi 8 g! (共10 页)
d. warning
44. a. remember b. realize c. show d. determine
45. a. unique b. popular c. respectable d. beneficial
46. a. because b. when c. although d. if
47. a. offer b. advice c. invitation d. challenge
48. a. connecting b. playing c. parting d. dealing
49. a. dreamed of b. lived in c. rented out d. left alone
50. a. larger b. farther c. taller d. older
51 . a. widely b. car号fully c. seldom d. still
52. a. functional b. friendly c. professional d. easy
53. a. consider b. care c. disagree d. know
54. a. characters b. profits c. certainties d. meanings
55. a. expects b. enables c.

forces d. reminds
56. a. relations b. inter回ts c. sen脆8 d. 四uls
57. a. reasonable b. unhealthy c. small d. good
58. a. adjusting b. moving c. applying d. leading
59. a. surroundings b. t而nds c. times d. concerns
60. a. r明uest b. mess c. difference d. choice
第二节{共10 小题;每小题1. 5 分,满分15 分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
many years ago, i worked 61 a volunteer at a hospital. then i got to know a lovely little
girl 62 ( name) liz who w描suffering from a rare life threatening disease. her only chance of
63 ( recover) appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-ye町-old brother, 64 had
四mehow survived the 础me disease and had developed the antibodies (抗体) needed 65
(fight) the illness.
币1e doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be
willing to give his blood to his sister. i 回w him

hesitate for only a moment 一直l taking a deep
breath and saying,“yes, i’ ii do it if it will save her. ”
as the transfusion progressed , he 一豆z一( lie) in bed next to his sister and smiled ,剧we
all did ,一豆豆一( see) the color returning to her cheeks. then his face grew pale and his smile
faded. he looked up at the d《盹tor and asked with 一豆旦_ trembling voice,“will i start to die
right away?”.
being young, the little boy _]_旦一( misunderstand) the doctor; he knew he w嗣going to
have to give his sister all his blood in order to 姐ve her.
第四部分写作(共两节,满分35 分)
第-节短文改错(共10 ,j、题;每小题1 分,满分10 分)
共有10 处语言错误,每句中是多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的的增加、删除、或
英语第9 页( ;然jo 页)
注意:i. 每次错误以及修改仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不i十分。
how can you be a g臼xi

sports audience? first , read your ticket
carefully because there are rules writing on the back of it . second ,
reach at your 肥at h叫f an hour before 由e start of the event but try
not to leave when a game is in prog;r回s . when you leave , remember
to take out your soft drink bottles and other rubbishes . thi时, after a
excellent performance , applaud warm . if someone f副ils , your
appl剧肥will encourage him i her . finally , enjoying the game
m申iire silence . η1e noise you make may disturb the athletes , that
may cause them not concentrate on the game.
第二节书商褒这{满分25 分)
假定你是高三学生李华。你在某英文论坛上看到一个帖子,澳大利亚中学生martin 想
i. 地理位置,历史文化、景色、小吃等;2. 出行便捷,公交或者骑行;3. 你的祝愿。
注意:1 .词数:100 词左右;
2. 文章的开头结尾已经给出,不计入总词数;
3. 可适当增加细节,以便行文连贯。
参考词汇:1. national civilized city 2.η1e best travelling city in china
3. china

bronze ware museum .
de<ji martin,
i ’m very glad to have read the post 仇at you pul on the engush forum.
英语第10 页{共10 页)
li. hua


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