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acad2018 2023-01-05 11:15:48 英语口语网课




①the ideological make-up of the union is now______ different from what it had been..

a. restrictively

b. radically

c. inclusively

d. intensively


②the _____ lawyer asked that the charge against his client should be dismissed.

a. protecting

b. guarding

c. shielding

d. defending


③no doubt many will regard these as harsh words, but _____ they are true.

a. gravely

b. forcibly

c. regrettably

d. graciously


④at every stage of processing, products and materials should be protected from microbial and other_____.

a. configuration

b. constitution

c. condemnation

d. contamination


⑤i will_____ my barns and build bigger ones, and there i will store all my grain and my goods.

a. tear off

b. tear out

c. tear away

d. tear down


⑥another way of making____ less likely is to reduce the amount of choice we have: often when people are afraid of making the wrong choice they end up doing nothing.

a. deliberation

b. slowness

c. punctuality

d. procrastination


⑦public’s trust in government is necessary and_____ for building a harmonious society..

a. incompatible

b. incredible

c. indefinite

d. indispensable


⑧one american study found that in a single year’s teaching the top 10 % of teachers ____ three times as much learning to their pupils as the worst 10 % do.

a. rescue

b. witness

c. transmit

d. bequeath


①b. 这句话的意思是:协会的思想观念与过去截然不同。radically意为“根本地、彻底地”;restrictively意为“限制性地”;inclusively意为“包含地、内在地”;intensively意为“强烈地、集中地”。根据句意,选项b为正确答案。


②d. 这句话的意思是:辩护律师请求撤销对当事人的指控。defending意为“防守的、辩护的”;protecting意为“保护的、防护的”;guarding意为“保护的、监护的”;shielding意为“保护的、隐蔽的”。根据句意,选项d为正确答案。


③c. 这句话的意思是:固然会有很多人认为这些话过于刻薄, 但遗憾的是这些都是真话。regrettably意为“遗憾地、不幸地”;gravely意为“庄严地、严重”



④d. 这句话的意思是:在生产的每一 阶段,应保护产品和物料不受微生物和其他污染。contamination意为“污染”;configuration意为“轮廓、结构”; constitution意为“宪法、体质、构造”;condemnation意为“谴责、定罪”。根据句意,选项d为正确答案。


⑤d这句话的意思是:我要把仓房拆了,盖间更大的,贮藏我所有的粮食和财物。tear down意为“拆毁、拆除”;tear off意为“撕掉”;tear out意为“撕下”;tear away意为“强迫……离开”。根据句意,选项d为正确答案。


⑥d. 这句话的意思是:另外一个减少拖延的可能性的办法是减少可选择项的数目——人们经常因为害怕做出错误选择而一事无成。procrastination意为“拖延、 延迟”;deliberation意为“考虑、深思熟虑”;slowness意为“缓慢、迟钝”; punctuality意为“准时、守时”。根据句意,答案为d。


⑦d. 这句话的意思是:构建和谐社会不能缺少民众对政府的信任和支持。indispensable意为“必需的、不可或缺的”;incompatible意为“不兼容的、不相容的”;incredible意为“难以置信的、不可思议的”;indefinite意为“不确定的、含糊的”。根据句意,选项d为正确答案。




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