首页 > 学英语口语> 听歌学英语——传说之下HopesandDreams音乐剧填词歌词(上...


acad2018 2023-01-06 06:15:05 学英语口语

now hold on (hold on to,这里不是等一下或电话别挂的意思而是抓紧)? ?????????????????????
to the dreams ???????????????????
you created(create,创造) ?????????????????????
for a happy life ??????????????
it’s alright ??????????????????
all the things ???????????????????????
we sought for (sought for,寻找) ????????????????????
so long will all be worth this right (worth,值得) ??????
i will not ??????????????????????????
destroy this world ????????????????????
i control time ????????????????????????
chara, you’ll be mine ??????????????????
your progress, your memories (progress,这里指进度,大部分时候用作进步) ??????????
will be reset (reset,重置) ?????????????????????????
we’ll do it all over ????????????????????
chara, you won’t forget ????????????????
the best part? ???????????????????????
i know you’ll do it ????????????????????
then you’ll lose to me again (lose to sb. ,输给某人) ????????????
lose again ??????????????????????????
over and over (over and over= once and again, 一遍又一遍) ???????????????????????
that’s what you’ll do ??????????????????
for your best friend ???????????????????
cause you want (’cause就是because的简写,口语中连读because就会读成这样,类似的还有tis=it is) ??????????????????????
a happy ending ??????????????????????
you love your friends ??????????????????
who could blame you (blame,责怪) ?????????????????
you’re filled with determinstion (决心) ???????
chara, ???
that is not my name!
we’ll be here
fighting together
playing for eternity (eternity,永恒)
the strength that let
you get this far
it’s nothing compared to me
i?feel you determination
i?feel their hopes and dreams!
they give me the strength to be here
fighting for eternity
i’ve messed around with (mess around,这里值消磨时间,通常可以指胡闹)
you far too long
let’s purge this time again (purge,清理,中二一点就是净化)
come with me chara
come with your best friend
that is not my name
stop trying to live
stop all the dodging (dodge,躲避,dodge ball就是躲避球)
stop standing in my way (stand in one’s way,挡住某人的去路,asgorne和toriel都用过)
please let me win
for once in your life (for once in one’s life,某人生平第一次)
chara is not my name
you think you are something special
you’re just a kid playing pretend (pretend,假装)
don’t get cocky, little chara (cocky,自大,说白了就是傲)
soon enough you’ll meet your end (soon enough,很快)
you think you’re something special
you’re just a kid playing pretend
don’t get cocky, now asriel
soon enough you’ll meet your end
you think that you could ever
defeat me?
no, my friend,?we’ll be fighting for eternity
you have lost everything
your hopes and dreams
are sure to fail you (fail sb.这里可以意译为令你失望)
here at eternity
we’ll never let go
of our hopes

and dreams
we’ll never give up for all eternity!
but i’ve been holding back on you until now (hold back,抑制,这里是指小羊在对你放水)
let’s see if you can survive this (survive this,撑过这一回合)
for me


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