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acad2018 2023-01-08 16:15:08 英语口语网课

cyber security and you人们身边的网络安全隐患
it’s dangerous world out there in cyberspace. hackers, viruses, and malware, among others, all exist and are very real threats.
a 2017 uk government cyber-security breaches survey showed that in the preceding 12months, just under half of the companies asked had identified an attack or breach. that could have been disastrous.
the problem is not the computers, firewalls or encryption — it’s us. people are bad at following good cyber-security protocol — such as using an effective password, with that in mind, here are three tips to keep you “cyber-safe”.
passwords are a weakness, the ideal password should be at least

eight character long, and contain upper and lower case letters, symbols and numbers. and don’t use a common word such as “password”.
keep your equipment up-to-date by installing the latest security updates for your computer — obviously. less obvious perhaps, is doing so for other technology also connected to the internet — such as your router.
a study found that “five out of six routers are inadequately updated for known security flaws.” these require software updates, too.
finally, consider enabling multi-factor authentication for your accounts. that’s where a mobile phone is used to verify access to a device. if your password becomes compromised, no access can be obtained with out your second authentication device… so don’t lose your phone!
the internet is wonderful, but security threats do exist. fortunately, with a little common sense and forethought, you can be secure from the majority of cyber-security threats.

just under half of? 将近一半的...
be bad at? 拙于;不擅长
with that in mind? 考虑到这一点;有鉴于此
at least? 至少;无论如何;反正
lower case letters? 小写字母
security update? 安全更新组件
software update? 软件更新
multi-factor authentication? 多重身份认证
mobile phone? 移动电话,手机
security threat? 安全隐患
common sense? 常识(尤指判断力)
be secure from? 没有...的危险;安全的
cyber-security threat? 网络安全隐患


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