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acad2018 2023-01-11 06:15:10 线上英语培训


a few years ago, melinda green began noticing crows would sometimes?drop by for a rest on her fire escape.?rather than drive?the birds away, as some people might, green decided to welcome them.?“i just started putting out some food on my fire escape when i’d see them,” green said.


watching the crows was reward enough for green — but the birds decided she deserved something more.

one day, a crow arrived at?green’s fire escape with an object in his mouth and placed it where she could reach it.?it was a piece of crumpled-up foil?from the top of a champagne bottle — one man’s litter,?but a shiny treasure in the eyes of the crow.?he’d brought it, so it would seem?as a gift for green. and she was delighted to accept it.

green admits to being somewhat doubtful?at first that the foil was actually meant for her.?but then the gifts just kept on coming.?in time, the crows brought her various things — like colorful rocks, bones, nuts from shells. once, they even brought her a gummy bear.

the crows’ most recent gift to green is a somewhat mysterious object.?though probably just a broken-off piece of machinery, it

does have an artful quality the birds must have thought green would like.?and she did.?“the fact that it really is a gift makes it valuable,” green said.

it’s difficult to say for certain what inspired this generous behavior, but it seems green has affected?the crows by the kindness she showed them first.


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