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中考前夕如何快速提高英语 除了刷题还有什么诀窍 听百家号详解

acad2018 2023-01-17 21:15:53 英语口语网课


Tom and Ann are cousins but in different junioe middle school.

Now,Tom is making a phone call to Ann’s school.

“Hello, could I speak to Ann, please?”

“Sorry, there isn’t__1__Ann here. ”

So Tom has to use mobile phone.

“Ann,I haven’t heard from you__2__last month. When shall we meet again next month?”

“__3__day is possible. It’s no problem with me.”

“Ann,I hear you have gone to __4__school?”

“Yes.I’ll be back at once. Oh? Who’s in your room



“But who’s singing? __6__song she is singing!”

“Oh,it’s Miss Qin. She is the best English teacher in our school.Now,there are many students on the playground. What do you think __7__?”

“I don’t know.”

“About__8__the students are waiting on the playground to see Miss Qin!”

“Great! By the way,Could you lend me the book__9__the other day?”

“Certainly. I’ll do what I can__10__you the book.”

“Now,what are on show in your school library?”

“Some photos__11__by my classmates.”

“Have you found the information about Miss Qin__12__you can use for your speech?”

“Not yet.But I know.She was born__13__the morning of August 16, 1996.”

“The life we were used to__14__greatly since our childhood.”

“Yes.In the past few years there__15__great changes in my hometown.”

“How long has Miss Qin been a teacher as a singer?”

“__16__the end of last year, after her English Song Book came out.”

“The population of the world in the 21th century becomes very much__17__than that in the 20th.”

“Yes.We can have__18__blue sky if we create__18__less polluted world.”

“My parents never stop going on about how I should study hard.”


“My father got very angry__20__.My grade is bad you know.”

“I hear your father has gone to Tianjin for his business.Do you know when he__21__?”

“Don’t mention it.I prefer__22__in bed rather than__22__with him.”

“Is your lunch ready?”

“No, mother is__23__it ready now.”

“What are you doing now?”

“I’m watching a match. It started at 11:00 a.m and__24__on for another an hour.”

“Will you have a__25__holiday after the exam?”

“Yes,but I can’t forget my lating for the exam! Everyone except Bob and I__26__early.”


schoolmaster asked me:“You never told me why you were late for the exam,__27__?”

I only said:“__27__. I think it is boring to explain.”

The schoolmaster asked our teacher:“Whom would you like to be your monitor, Tom or Bob?”

Our teacher Miss Qin said:“Tom would be__28__choice,if I had to choose.”

And then Miss Qin asked Bob lots of questions,but poor Bob only answered__29__of them.

So Miss Qin decided to cancel(取消)the exam.

So all the students cheered.

Each of students__30__from town,they each__30__a book in hand.

After class,Miss Qin said to us:“I don’t have to introduce Bob to you__31__you all know him. Study hard! Remember to spend some time__32__your loved ones,because they are not going to be around forever.”

“Oh,Miss Qin is really great!”






1. A.the B.a C.an D./

2. A.for B.until C.sinceD.by the end of

3. A.Either B.Neither C.Any D.Every

4. A.other B.the other C.anotherD.any other

5. A.A lot B.too much C.No oneD.None

6. A.What nice B.How nice C.What a nice D.How nice a

7. A.to happen B.is happened C.is happening D.has happened

8. A.three hundreds of B.three hundred C.hundreds of D.three hundred of

9. A.that you talked B.you talked about it

C.which you talked about D.that you talked about

10.A.give B.giving C.in order to give D.to give

11.A.taken B.were taken C.are taken D.have been taken

12.A.whichB.what C.whom D.who

13.A.onB.in C.at D.with

14.A.has changedB.change C.changing D.have changed

15.A.have beenB.were C.had been D.are

16.A.In B.SinceC.By D.At

17.A.bigger B.largerC.greater D.more

18.A.a; the B.a; aC.the; a D.the; the

19.A.So my parents do B.Nor do my parents

C.Nor my parents D.Neither my parents do

20.A.with that I had done B.at what I had done

C.with what I had done D.at what had I done

21.A.was leaving B.had left C.has left D.left

22.A.to lie; to argue B.lying; argue C.lying; arguing D.to lie; argue

23.A.cooking B.doing C.burning D.getting

24.A.was B.has been C.had been D.will be

25.A.two month B.two-months C.two months’ D.two-month

26.A.are B.am C.wasD.were

27.A.weren’t you; No B.did you; Yes C.did you; NoD.didn’t you; No

28.A.Good B.better C.the betterD.the best

29.A.few B.lots C.someD.each

30.A.were;had B.were;were having C.was;had D.was;was having

31.A.until B.sinceC.because D.unless/but

32.A.on B.withC.from D.in







1. 这里没有一个叫Ann的人。突出“一个”。故选C。

2. 本句时态为完成时。结合句意,自上月以来直到现在,故选C。谁如果把句意理解为直到上月才收到你的信,那么本句时态应为过去时。

3. 下个月内任何一天都行。不是“两者”,无否定,也非“每一天”。故选C。

4. 两个中的另外一个用the other;other通常修饰名词复数;any other表任何其它的;许多当中的另外一个用another。故选C。

5. 选C。结合下文but,可知本句应为“没人”,排除A、B;Who引导的疑问句通常用No one回答;而none通常跟of,回答How many引导殊疑问句。例句一None of us has been there.例句二No one knows what they are fighting about.

6. C、D都对。

7. C、D都对。正在发生什么、发生过了什么对现在造成影响或结果,都对。选项A缺谓语动词;选项B注意不及物动词happen无被动语态。

8. C、D都对。定冠词the惹的祸!排除B,因为three hundred后面无需the直接跟名词复数;选项A中的百无需复数。选项D表示“学生中的200人”,选项C表示“数百名学生”。

9. C、D都对。你能借给我你所谈及的那本书吗?定语从句。A中不及物动词talk后面缺少about;B中的it纯属多余。请对照下两句:Could you lend me the book which you talked about与 Could you lend me the book about which you talked?

10. C、D都对。动词不定式表目的。选项A迷惑性较大。

11. 注意提炼句子为Some photos are on show。什么样的照片呢?过去分词作定语,选A,只需过去分词,无需拖泥带水。

12. 句子结构分析:该定语从句先行词是information,about Miss Qin是先行词的后置定语。故只能选A。

13. 也许只有这一题是送分题。特定具体日期用on。选A。

14. to后面跟动词原形?中计矣!这里be used to表我们习惯了的生活自从童年时代发生了巨大变化。we were used to是The life的后置定语。完成时。用单数。选A。

15. 根据上下文连贯及时态,排除现在时和过去完成时。如果单纯In the past而没有few years,那当然选B。故本题选A,现在完成时。

16. 注意上下文,完成时,只能选B。思维定势误选C大有人在。

17. 人口population大小,固定用large;比较级,只能选B。

18. 本题语气只表“一个”,无世界独一无二之意,凡含the选项均格杀勿论,只能选B。

19. 倒装句式。受上一句中否定词never限制,排除A;倒装句固定格式为nor或neither+助动词+主语,故只能选B。

20. 对某人生气用with,对某事生气用at,由题意排除A、C;宾语从句应该用陈述句语序,故选B。

21. 备选答案均有“离开”之意。本句仅问“什么时候离开的”,一般过去时,选D。When通常不与完成时连用。

22. 固定句型prefer to do sth rather than do sth。选D。比起与他争吵,我宁愿躺在床上。

23. 选D。句中的ready为形容词,而动词后面应跟副词,故前三个选项均排除;另,“get sth +adj”表“准备好某事”。

24. 注意语境和时态。比赛还要持续一个小时,一般将来时。选D。

25. 复合名词作定语。数词+连字符号+名词单数。选D。C也正确。

26. 主谓一致。不定代词Everyone,其谓语动词用单数,不受with,、as well was、except等的影响。选C。

27. 反义疑问句。句中先有never, 故反问时用肯定语气,排除A、D;反义疑问句的回答,精髓在于“尊重事实”,Tom没回答就填No,选C。

28. 比较级。通常比较级不加定冠词the, 但突出两者比较,较如何时,则必加the。选C。

29. 易错。秦老师问Bob了一些问题,可怜的Bob仅仅only回答了每一个?排除D;仅仅回答了许多?排除B;如本句没有only,选few较贴切。故选C。

30. 考查恶心的each。第一句Each of students,each做主语时,谓语动词用单数,排除A、B;下一句each作同位语时,谓语动词与主语they保持一致,用have的过去时had。无进行时之意。选C。

31. 语境和连词。我没有必要介绍Bob(给大家),怎么怎么你们都认识他。直到?除非/但是?排除A、D;because表因为,理由较强烈、充分,排除C;本句只需“由于、既然”,选since。

32. 最后压轴也不轻松。记住与你喜爱的人共度过一段时光,因为他们不能永远和你在一起。表伴随,用with,选B。spend本身及其表花费时与cost、pay、take的区别用法,也请牢固掌握。






上一篇: 中国学生为啥学不好英语 专家透露 “问题”出在这里

下一篇: 中考英语必备 初中英语重点句型100句

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