首页 > 线上英语培训> 如何用英语介绍昨晚天安门广场的联欢活动


acad2018 2023-01-21 16:16:03 线上英语培训





The 90-minute gala started at 8 pm, with 70 columns of synchronized fireworks shooting into the night sky above Tian'anmen Square, representing the 70 years since New China was founded. 联欢活动历时90分钟,于20时正式开始。70束烟花同时在天安门广场上空绽放,代表新中国成立70周年。

synchronized: ['skr.nazd] adj. 同步的

A total of 60,000 people aged six to 66 years performed in the square. Among them were people from all walks of life, including farmers, workers, teachers, doctors and deliverymen.总共6万群众参加了天安门广场的演出活动,其中最小的6岁,最大的66岁;他们来自社会各界,包括农民、工人、教师、医生、快递员等。

The performances began with "Ode to the Red Flag," with more than 3,000 performers carrying light panels portraying a huge national flag, and scenes of soldiers guarding the flag and children saluting the flag.联欢活动以“红旗颂”拉开序幕,3000多名表演者手持光影屏构成巨幅国旗的图案,并呈现出战士护卫国旗,少年儿童向国旗致敬的场景。

"The event aims to highlight the new look of a new era through a free, lively and jubilant atmosphere," said Zhang Yimou, chief director of the evening gala.联欢活动总导演张艺谋表示:“联欢活动旨在通过自由、生动、欢愉、活泼的氛围突出新时代的新面貌。”


Tian'anmen Square was divided into four parts, with different programs showcasing performances brought by both artists and the public. An orchestra was also brought to the square, offering the audience a visual and acoustic feast.天安门广场分为四个区域,展现艺术家和群众带来的不同表演。交响乐团也来到了天安门广场,为观众带来一场视听盛宴。

acoustic: ['kustk] adj. 听觉的

In the first chapter of the themed performances,

people dressed in the traditional clothes of China's ethnic groups and performed traditional dances.在主题表演的第一章里,人们身着我国少数民族的传统服装,表演传统舞蹈。

Fireworks of various shapes, colors and sizes added more charm to the singing and dancing, while LED screens were used to create special light effects.各种形状、颜色、大小的烟花增添了歌舞的魅力,LED屏幕营造出特殊的光效。


Some intangible cultural heritage elements were also vividly reflected in the gala. Lion and dragon dance wowed the audience at Tian'anmen Square as celebrations to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) continued.联欢活动中还生动地呈现出一些非物质文化遗产元素。随着庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年的活动持续进行,舞龙舞狮令天安门广场上的观众惊叹不已。

Both performance types were added to China's Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2006 and have long been representatives of Chinese culture overseas.2016年,舞龙舞狮两种表演形式均被列入我国非物质文化遗产名录,长期以来它们一直是中国文化在海外的代表。

The performers danced

to the song "The Mountains, the Waters, and the People are All Smiling." Onlookers could hear a lot of familiar songs.舞龙舞狮表演者伴随着歌曲《山笑水笑人欢笑》欢腾跳跃,观众可以听到许多熟悉的歌曲。

At the end of that part of the show, the mascots of the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games joined the performers. "Bing Dwen Dwen," a giant panda in thick winter clothes, and "Shuey Rhon Rhon," an adorable red lantern, were unveiled last month.在这部分表演结束之际,上个月亮相的2022年冬奥会及残奥会吉祥物——身着厚厚冬装的大熊猫“冰墩墩”,和可爱的红灯笼“雪容融”加入了表演者的行列。


Dancers with foldable LED screens roused the crowd at Tian'anmen Square.拿着可折叠LED屏幕的舞者们令天安门广场的群众为之振奋。

The performance mixed tradition with technology as dancers collectively created different shapes while moving to the melody of "In the Field of Hope." The song expressed how the life of Chinese farmers changed after the reform and opening-up policy.演出将传统和科技融为一体,伴随着歌曲《在希望的田野上》的旋律,舞者们一同变换出不同的


They also use the LED screen in their hands to transform into different shapes with different music. The screen also showed different pictures with the theme of music.随着不同的音乐,表演者用手中的LED屏幕变换出不同的造型,屏幕也随着音乐主题的变化,展现出不同的图像。


In such a grand gala, Chinese martial arts could not be absent. Kung fu masters brought their martial arts skills to the stage as they took part in the gala event.在这样盛大的活动中,绝对少不了中国武术。功夫大师们也加入到天安门广场的联欢活动中,纷纷将自己的武术技巧搬上舞台。

The martial arts masters moved in sync, with great coordination and precision to the song "A Man Should be Self Reliant."武术大师们同步而动,以极佳的协调性和精确的音准演唱《男儿当自强》。


With the last round of fireworks flowering in the night sky, the gala concluded at around 9:30 pm amid the classic song "Ode to the Motherland" sung by all the participants.随着最后一波烟花在夜空中绽放,全场一起高唱《歌唱祖国》,21时30分许联欢活动圆满结束。

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