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幼儿英语启蒙要不要学语法 幼儿英语语法怎么教

acad2018 2023-01-23 16:15:15 学英语口语

●Are Mimi

and Dylan excited to stay with Grandma and Grandpa?

●Is it time for breakfast now?

Picture 2

●Where are Grandma and Grandpa?

●Do Mimi and Dylan get dressed?

Picture 3

●Does Grandpa tell them a story?

●Is it time for breakfast now?

Picture 4

●Does Mimi like her breakfast?

●Does Grandpa tell them a story?

Picture 5

●What does Giant Joe wash?

●Is it time for dinner?

Picture 6

●Who is tired?

●Who isn't tired?

3. 当孩子对整个故事和其中的语言知识基本掌握后,先完成活动用书涂色锻炼精细运动技能,然后根据图片扮演Mimi或Dylan进行场景对话,不仅训练了语言,而且培养孩子的想象力。

4. 故事之后的歌曲学习与第二节课的原理类似,在训练粗大运动技能的同时巩固内化语言知识与运用。

Giant Joe's day

Fee, fi, fum, fo (March in place)

I'm a giant. My name is Joe. (Point to self)

Fee, fi, fo, fum (March in place)

Now I'm hungry, yum, yum, yum! (Rub tummy)

I get up. I get dressed. (Mime getting out of bed and putting on a T-shirt)

I do this every day.

(Point around you)

I wash my face. I wash my hands. (Mime washing face and hands)

And this is what I say: (Cup hands around mouth)

I brush my hair. I brush my teeth. (Mime brushing hair and teeth)

I do this every day. (Point around you)

I have breakfast. I have dinner. (Mime eating)

And this is what I say: (Cup hands around mouth)

5. 学完歌曲后,孩子们根据歌曲内容在学生用书上圈出Giant Joe每天做的事情。并把自己当成Giant Joe做简单问答:

-Do you wash your hands?

-Yes, I do. (No, I don't)

6. 最后完成活动用书游戏的过程中再次巩固并输出单词和句型。

04Part 4:情境对话



What does Lucy do (at home)?

Alex: Let's play the game. What do you at school? What do you do at home?

Lucy: Yeah!

Alex: Do you wash your hands at school?

Lucy: Yes, I do. I wash my hands at school. And I wash my

hands at home.

Alex: Do you wash your face at school?

Lucy: No, I don't. I wash my face at home.

Alex: Do you brush your teeth at school?

Lucy: No, I don't. I brush my teeth at home.

Alex: What about your hair?

Lucy: I brush my hair at home. I take a shower at home too.

Alex: Do you have breakfast at school?

Lucy: No, I don't. I have breakfast at home.

Alex: Do you have lunch at school?

Lucy: Yes, I do. I have lunch at school.But I don't have dinner at school. I have dinner at home.

Auntie Vicky: And it's time for dinner now!

Lucy: Great.

Alex: I'm hungry!

1. 在播放视频的过程中可以依次展示相关词汇闪卡以加深印象

2. 使用学生用书讨论话题:

Are Lucy's daily routines the same or different to yours?


3. 播放视频或音频,孩子们在图片上指出对应的日常活动。

4. 让孩子们参考学生用书示例,在活动用书上画出自己在家校的Daily routines,然后进行交流。

看完上面的课例,想必老师们都已经体会到了,虽然没有专门去讲解一般现在时的语法知识,但在每个课时的教学设计中,由浅入深,通过故事、歌曲、动作、场景对话、游戏活动等一系列环节,完成了语言知识的学习、操练、巩固和输出。在Speaking之后的Values, Content和Culture三个课时,则是把语言学习与情感态度、价值观、CLIL等多元目标相融合,进一步促进语法知识的巩固和运用,在此就不一一列举了。

虽然上面介绍的课程结构简单清晰,教学设计轻松活泼,但其语法知识完全覆盖了剑桥少儿英语考试的全部知识点,达到欧洲语言框架大纲CEFR Pre A1的水平。


上一篇: 孩子学英语不爱开口说怎么办 找到良师益友来帮他

下一篇: 广东英语夏令营哪家好 推荐平和英语夏令营!

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