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acad2018 2023-01-23 21:15:16 英语教育机构




have a nice day. 一天愉快。so far, so good. 目前为止,一切顺利、一切都好。keep it up. 继续努力。now you are talking. 这就对啦。you ask for it. 你自找的。the rest is history. 众所周知。mind your own business. 与你无关,不关你的事。hang in there. 坚持下去。(无论做什么,做到这句话,坚持下去,必有收获)it's greek to me. 我完全不懂。take my word for it. 相信我。

have a second thoughts. 在考虑一下。it's not my day. 今天运气差。easy does it. 慢慢来。be fed up with. 对...感到厌烦。go from bad to worse. 每况愈下。you never know what you can do until you try. 如果不尝试,你永远不会知道自己的潜力有多大。great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。(可以用于日常朋友间的聊天,变成自己的语言)some people never learn. 总是学不会(记不住经验教训,继续犯错)there's no place like home. 家是最温暖的港湾。it takes two to tango. 一个巴掌拍不响(说不清谁对谁错)

don't be such a poor loser. 不要做输不起的人。it wouldn't hurt

to ask. (勤学好问,学习,工作或生活中不要碍于面子不敢问,又没什么损失)never say die. 绝不灰心。talk is cheap. 只说不练

(要行动起来)turn over a new leaf. 重新开始。grin and bear it.默默承受same to you . 和你一样,一样祝福你something is better than nothing.有总比没有好oppsites attract. 异性相吸the feeling is mutual. 同感。

better left unsaid. 最好别说come out in the wash.真相大白every dog has his day. 风水轮流转.what's done is done. 做了就是做了。look before you leap. 三思后行haste makes waste. 欲速则不达practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧in the same boat. 同病相怜only time will tell. 时间会证明一切you can't please everyone. 不会人人都满意。(做好自己)not beatle to get a word in edgewise.插不上嘴there are other fish in the sea. 天涯何处无芳草 (事业或感情,也可用于安慰别人) it's not the end of the world.不是世界末日,(一切都会好起来的)the first step is always the hardest. 万事开头难(万事开头难,但只要一件事情,你坚持去做,做了一个月之后,你会发现已成习惯,成为生活的一部分)今天先积累学习到


上一篇: 怎样提高初中英语成绩,附深度解析

下一篇: 愚家英语 英语发音好听的诀窍,你是第一个知道的!

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