首页 > 学英语口语> 疫苗的“加强针”用英语怎么说呢 你打了吗

疫苗的“加强针”用英语怎么说呢 你打了吗

acad2018 2023-01-26 16:15:24 学英语口语

Renowned /r??na?nd/ Chinese epidemiologist/?ep??di?mi?ɑ?l?d??st/Zhong Nanshan has urged booster shots for the public to better guard against the COVID-19 epidemic/?ep??dem?k/, which has stricken many parts of the country since late October.

He also acknowledged the difficulty in striking a balance between economic development and epidemic intervention.

He said, "Six months after a full dose of either whole inactivated/?n??kt??ve?t?d/ virus or mRNA vaccine, antibody levels declined remarkably.”




Renowned /r??na?nd/ Chinese epidemiologist /?ep??di?mi?ɑ?l?d??st/

Zhong Nanshan has urged booster shots for the public to better guard against the COVID-19 epidemic /?ep??dem?k/, which has stricken many parts of the country since late October.



1. renowned /r??na?nd/ adj.著名的;有名望的

A person or place that is renowned for something, usually something good, is well known because of it.

2. epidemiologist /?ep??di?mi?ɑ?l?d??st/ n.流行病学家

epidemic /?ep??dem?k/ n.流行病;疫情

= a large number of cases of a particular disease happening at the sametime in a particular community


pandemic /p?n?dem?k/ n.(全国或全球性)流行病;大流行病

= a disease that spreads over a whole country or the whole world


3. urge/??rd?/ v.敦促;呼吁;力劝

She urged him to stay. 她力劝他留下。

The report

urged that all children be taught to swim. 这份报告呼吁给所有的儿童教授游泳。

4. booster shot加强针

boost /bu?st/ v.加强;促进

booster /?bu?st?r/ n.帮助(或激励、改善)…的事物;加强剂量;助推火箭

5. stricken /?str?k?n/ 是strike的过去分词

strike /stra?k/ v.击打;爆发

Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。


He also acknowledged

the difficulty in striking a balance between economic development and epidemic intervention.



1. acknowledge /?k?nɑ?l?d?/ v.承认

2. strike a balance between A and B 平衡A和B

I find it difficult to strike a balance between my work and life.


3. intervention/??nt?r?ven?n/ n.干涉;干预

intervene /??nt?r?vi?n/ v. n.干涉;干预


He said, "Six months after a full dose of either whole inactivated virus or mRNA vaccine, antibody levels declined remarkably.”



1. dose /d??s/ n.(药物的一次用量

2. inactivated /?n??kt??ve?t/ adj.被灭活了的

inactivate /?n??kt??ve?t?d/ v.灭活

virus /?va?r?s/ n.病毒

3. mRNA

= Messenger RNA(Ribonucleic/,ri:b?unju:'kli:ik/ Acid)



4. antibody/??ntibɑ?di/ n.抗体

5. decline v.下降



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