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acad2018 2023-01-27 16:15:30 英语口语网课




I Entrance Examination for the following reasons:

1. I want to study law and become

a complex type of talent. Be a legal person has always been my dream

2. a good education background, especially a master's degree, can I provide for my future development of more opportunities.

3. From a practical point of view about the current employment of graduates from a lot of pressure, I hope to continue learning, to enhance their abilities in different aspects.





First, carefully complete the Master of Laws studies.

Secondly, we must strive to consider over judicial examination.

If possible, hoping to pursue a Ph.D. degree.


你对 大学的了解。

你对 (城市)的了解。



Yantai is a beautiful coastal city in northern China famous summer

tourist and leisure resort. Shuiguozhixiang Yantai in northern China, Yantai Apple, Pear, cherry, grape and other home and abroad. It is Asia's only "international grapes, wine city ", the output of wine quality. Is an important gold production, gold reserves ranked first in the country.






At the national "Blue Shandong Peninsula Economic Zone Development Plan ", supported by Shandong's economy will have greater development.


a famous hero in Chinese history. Zhang, CEO of Haier Group


青岛是一个美丽的海滨城市,青岛经济发达。青岛是中国沿海开放城市之一,是山东省最大的工业城市,也是中国著名的“品牌之都”。拥有中国名牌和驰名商标最多的城市。这里有许多第一,中国最大的啤酒企业 青岛啤酒,中国最大的家电基地,北方最大的外贸口岸,北方最大的集装箱港等等。这些会为我以后的发展提供更多机会。青岛也有许多美丽的风景,崂山,栈桥公园,五四广场,海底世界,每年四五月份中山公园的樱花很漂亮。

Qingdao is a beautiful coastal city of Qingdao economic development. Qingdao is a coastal open city in China is one of the largest industrial city in Shandong Province, is China's famous "brand capital. " Has a well-known trademarks in China and most famous city. There are many first, China's largest beer company Tsingtao Brewery, China's largest home appliance base, the largest foreign trade port in northern, north of the largest container port and so on. These will be for me to provide more opportunities for future development. Qingdao has many beautiful landscapes, Laoshan, Pier Park, the May Fourth Square, Underwater World, April or May each year, Zhongshan Park, a beautiful cherry blossoms.



I aspire to Qingdao, because the more developed the economy of Qingdao, where there are more opportunities. I can start my career here, to achieve my ideals.





With good English skills, especially in legal English, and plays an important role in future personal development. With China's accession to WTO, international litigation and disputes increased proficiency in English, English as a working language, is a good lawyer must possess.






First of all, I think China has now established a relatively complete legal system. Is building the rule of law.

Second, China's professional legal personnel, more and more people's legal consciousness gradually improved.

But China's legal system is not perfect, such as China has not yet Civil Code.

Therefore, the Chinese law there is still much room for improvement.



I like school sense of humor, to teach useful knowledge, inspiring teacher of my life. I am happy to meet a lot of my college career, good, let me unforgettable teacher.


Professor Yu, our Dean, Professor of marketing, has left me a deep impression. He taught us not only expertise, but also Professor Xiang Women philosophy of life. The professor lectures and unique style, often open to us talk.朗读






If I am not admitted to, first of all, I will analyze their own failure. Then I'm going to the national judicial examination. After I finished the bar exam again in the Master of Laws entrance examination. Because I love the law

Become a

Legal professional is my drea



Solid grasp of legal knowledge, professional expertise to play my undergraduate for the production, operation, management and other activities to provide legal assistance, is currently China's enterprises have to go abroad, participate in international competition, enterprises in the international market to provide legal advice and help. I'm ready to develop in the direction of international economic law. I know this is difficult, but I have confidence in doing.



What are your views on legal education in China

I think that the recent rapid development of China's legal education, training a large number of talents, especially the State and the University of the growing importance of Master of Law and train a large number of complex legal talent. However, the community Master of Law graduates are still prejudices, hopes the state and society to pay more attention to Fashuo education. Meanwhile, as a legal Master's students, we must seriously study and master of the law, have a good working skills.



I like public speaking, debating, reading, also like to watch some TV programs like the legal system and law books.



Yes, I really want to be a lawyer. First of all, lawyers are a respected profession. Lawyers can help those people in their own rights are infringed. Second, lawyers can uphold the law of justice. Again, be a good lawyer can get good pay.



After graduation I want to be a lawyer, I would like to work in international economic law




Professional judges and lawyers do you prefer?

I prefer the lawyer, because I want to defend their own to help those in need of help, and I think more to show their legal counsel

Knowledge, competence, and challenging.


Talk about your awareness of the current status of China's view of the law



In recent years, Chinese people's legal consciousness has been greatly improved, but denied many of the legal consciousness of ordinary people is still not high.

Therefore, the state should pay more attention to legal education. Meanwhile, as a legal learner, I have to assume the responsibility of promotion of legal knowledge.


与传统信件相比,电子邮件更加方便快捷。我们可以用电脑瞬间把邮件发到对方的邮箱。Compared with the traditional letters, e-mail faster and more convenient. We can use a computer to send instant messages to each other's mailbox.

勤奋与运气哪个更重要?Hard work and luck, which is more important?


I think that hard work is more important than


. Because not everyone has the luck and luck is not


every day


Although luck is important, but hard work is the key to success. There is a proverb - Success is left to people who are prepared.

10. 住在城市和乡村的区别


There are many benefits of living in the city. There is convenient transportation and quick information. Understand the latest and fastest information, the real pulse of the world's development experience. The rural environment is very comfortable and more beneficial to health. There are mountains, green water, field. But the environment is very comfortable and more beneficial to health.

11. 对你影响最大的电影


I have the greatest impact on the movie is "Forrest Gump. " In the movie Forrest Gump, though a fool, but he has been kept running, straight ahead, and finally succeeded. The spirit of Forrest Gump inspired me to hesitate to pursue their own goals.

Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料)

12. 你是怎样学好英语的


How did you learn English

I learned English there is no quick way, the only way is to read, and writing. One hour every day reading in English

13. 体育运动的好处,你喜欢什么体育运动。


Participation in sports is good for our health. At the same time, participating in sports activities, will make a lot of friends14.


15. 大学的学习情况

17. 你喜欢室内运动还是室外运动


Do you like indoor games or outdoor sports

I like outdoor sports, as in the outdoor sports more close to nature, breathe fresh air, helps to relax.



I have not studied law system, but I like the law, in preparation for Fashuo examination process, I taught myself a lot of laws. I have the information to learn the law, to become a qualified legal professional.



When I encounter difficult times, I will stop, seriously think about failure, and then find the solution to the problem. Or seek the help of teachers and friends. When I was in a bad mood, I would find friends to talk.


My strengths are optimistic, cheerful, serious, persistent. The disadvantage is that sometimes I have problems not cool, I need to constantly improve themselves and improve their own character.

My strengths are optimistic, cheerful, serious, weakness is sometimes not cool.


集体主义是集体的利益大于个人的利益,个人主义是强调个人的利益大于集体的利益,社会就是一个集体,每个人都是集体的细胞,我们离不开集体.在我国我们更提倡集体主义。.Collectivism is greater than the interests of the collective interests of the individual, individualism is the emphasis on personal interests than collective interests. Society is a collective, everyone is a cell of the collective, we can not live without the collective.

in our country we advocate collectivism.


我认为各有各的好处,图书馆能让人安静的阅读大量的书籍,而电子阅览室更方便快捷,但缺少了一种读书的氛围。Good or better electronic reading library

I think each have their own advantages, the library is good for a quiet read a lot of books, and electronic reading more convenient, but the lack of a study of the atmosphere.



Network let me know all kinds of information more convenient and give my life a lot of convenience, but I made many friends. Last year, I made through my network of friends many of Entrance Examination, we encourage each other and work together. But the network sometimes I waste a lot of time. Network, there are many bad information. Countries need to improve Internet safety legislation and strengthen supervision.


我的性格开朗,我很少怨天尤人。我喜欢结交朋友,和朋友一起我总是很开心。我的人生格言就是开开心心过好每一天。Your character

I cheerful, I rarely complain. I like to make friends, and friends I am always very happy. My motto in life is happy every day.



Reading chinadaily everyday. I can not only learn about current events, but also improve my English.



I am reading is to learn more knowledge, broaden their horizons, improve their training, so that their more competitive in the community.


最有印象的广告是中国著名运动品牌李宁的广告。Nothing is impossible.只要努力,任何困难都不会阻挡我们。无论做任何事,我们都应该有这种精神。只有这样,才能成功。

Impression of advertising is the most famous Chinese sports brand Li Ning's ads. Nothing is impossible. if they work hard, no difficulty will not stop us. Whatever you do anything, we should have this spirit. The only way to succeed.


I am outgoing, cheerful and lively. Like to make friends, enjoy group activities. To be with friends made me feel very happy.













My specialty is marketing, marketing is the professional features of the school.

Individual and collective marketing by creating and exchanging products and value with others to meet the needs and desires of a society and the management process.

1: Market Opportunity Analysis

2: Market Segmentation

3: Target Market Selection

4: Market positioning

5:4 Ps (marketing mix)

6: Determine the Marketing Plan

7: Production

8: marketing campaign management (ie, implementation and control)

9: Service, Feedback

I love my specialty, I hope to learn in the future will combine the undergraduate and the law.


I am undergraduate student at Shandong Institute of Business, formerly known as China Coal Economics. Shandong Province is well-known Financial College. The school is located in the "Most Charming City in China"- Yantai, mountains and the sea, beautiful scenery. The management of our school is very well-known specialty in the province, the provincial Specialty Marketing.



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My home is located in Weifang City, Shandong Province, known as the "world kite capital, is the hometown of Chinese kite, a long history. She has a hard-working and simple people, with beautiful scenery. There are cultural heritage Millennium kite, radish, Shouguang Vegetables, Changle ruby, Zhucheng dinosaur fossils, and the famous wooden pictures Yangjiabu. Here celebrity men, famous painter in the Qing Dynasty did Banqiao magistrate in Weifang. I love my home, welcome to my hometown to play the teacher .

Weifang kites as a symbol of the city of Weifang, more cherished by the local people and attention. Held in April each year Weifang International Kite Festival, attracting participants from 30 delegations of participating countries and regions.




Festival activities include: organizing the opening ceremony, flying the ceremony, the international kite competitions, domestic kite Grand Prix, the selection of kites ten must visit the kite museum, folk art performances Yangjiabu watching, visit the Village Tourism, with the farmers to eat, Live with the entertainment.



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Weifang is a very very beautiful city .

She is famous for kite and Chinese Green Radish


· My college student at the beautiful coastal city of Qingdao, where I spent three wonderful days. Later on, I feel for my high level of education to provide more opportunities for personal development, and can continue to learn after the rise of the graduate school. So I decided to study admitted to college. I seriously persistent rise in the key of this success, they will make me more successful in graduate study

· 因此,从进学校的第一天起,我就下定决心,一定要专升本,做一名真正的本科生。

Therefore, from enters the school first day, I set firm resolve, certainly wants the diploma, is a genuine undergraduate student





Shandong has a long history, Shandong province. Eleventh National Games held here, the birthplace of Shandong in the Chinese civilization and development of many important contribution to the process, the most widely known is that Confucius and Confucianism.

National Scenic Area: Mount Tai, Meng, Qufu three holes, Laoshan, Qingdao, Shandong Peninsula Beach, Green Island, Zibo Boshan.

Mount Tai, with the magnificent natural scenery and rich culture, Tarzan the "Five Sacred Mountains long ", "Five Sacred Mountains Only " reputation.

Shandong hospitality welcome you, welcome to Shandong to play the teacher. Confucius



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Do you think people need to have a legal knowledge, ability, and literacy have?

First, the basic quality. Include: ideological and cultural qualities and psychological qualities.

Second, the legal quality. Including: legal thinking, legal skills and the ability to ascertain the legal facts





What is the legal literacy in the end, my understanding is.

First, the law of faith and perseverance in the pursuit of justice.

Second, with the legal knowledge, a solid foundation of legal knowledge is our greatest asset, by virtue of it justice, to punish crimes, to find their own direction in life, with the knowledge acquired, it is important to ask us Learn to use. Only applied to practice in order to reflect the social role of law and legal person's real role.

Third, is to have good writing skills and communication skills



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Law is certain, clear, universal norms. People to be truly free, they should study law, to master the law, the law to regulate their own behavior.



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古罗马法学家西塞罗说过:"为了得到自由,我们才是法律的臣仆。近代法国启蒙思想大师孟德斯鸠进一步指出:" 自由是做法律所许可的一切事情的权利;如果一个公民能够做法律所禁止的事情,他就不再有自由了,因为其他人也同样会有这个权利。 " 马克思对此则阐述得更为明确,他说:"法律是肯定的、明确的、普遍的规范,在这些规范中自由的存在具有普遍的、理论的、不取决于个别人的任性的性质。法典就是人民自由的圣经。"

Roman jurist Cicero said: "To be free, we are the servants of the law. modern master of the French Enlightenment Montesquieu further stated: " Freedom is permitted by law to do everything right; if a Citizen can do things prohibited by law, he will not have freedom, because other people also have this right. "Marx explained this is more explicit, he said:"The law is certain, clear, universal norms, in the presence of these norms of universal freedom, the theory does not depend on the nature of the individual person's willful . Codex is the freedom of the people of the Bible. "



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Law (Law) is a national development or approved by the State to ensure the implementation of coercive power, to provide rights and obligations of the parties for the content of social norms universally binding.



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The law is to adjust the norms of human behavior

Law is recognized by the state social norms specified goods

Law is based on rights and obligations for the content of social norms

Coercive power by the state law is to ensure the implementation of social norms

法律是一面盾牌Law is a shield


Is the people's shield law to protect lives and property of the people of the country such as to enable free and safe and happy life.



When I contacted the law, I think this is my lifelong pursuit.


Study of law, understanding, and to better compliance, to avoid breaking the law. Meanwhile, people around do not know if the law or legal rights have been violated, you can help. In short, learn the law, the benefits are many. I'd like to, we learn the purpose of the law, should not only seek it as a survival tool. And it should be integrated into our lives, let us mind the awareness of the rule of law, thereby affecting the people around them. So, even if we do not participate in the future, and law-related business, we aim to four years of study has reached. While we can not be done overnight to improve the country's laws, we will be humble in this society, but we need the rule of law in China, or the cornerstone of the bridges or just a small pebble, which is why I answer it the best law school.



一 生命权大于财产权。

二 死刑并非最有效果。

三 死刑一旦误判就无可挽回。

四 死刑体现的是以暴制暴、复仇的思想,不是问题的最终解决的办法。

Criminal Code Amendment (viii) 97 years from the enactment of the Criminal Code the largest revision. The highlight of many of the changes. But the most interesting places should be the abolition of the 13 death penalty for economic crimes

A right to life than property rights.

Second, the death penalty is not the most effective.

Once the death penalty on three irreversible miscarriage of justice.

Four death penalty is reflected in violence with violence, revenge idea, not the ultimate solution.

中国人体器官捐赠陷困局 每年仅1%患者能做手术


Donation of human organs in China is only 1% of depression patients a year deadlock to surgery

China is currently no human organ donation related laws and regulations, legislation in this area should be strengthened. North America and Europe, many countries have improved organ donation laws. Organ donation can help those who need help patients to rehabilitate them. By the influence of traditional ideas about organ donation, the biggest obstacle is the ideological shackles of the traditional, and sometimes even more pressure comes from relatives. First to perfect the legislation, followed by donations to the formation of a perfect system.



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Fukushima nuclear power plant


Nuclear energy is a new energy, we should be scientific, rational and safe use of nuclear energy. On the one hand to play the role of nuclear energy to benefit mankind, the other safe uses of nuclear energy, to avoid the occurrence of the nuclear threat.



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我看过的法律书籍不是很多。其中,给我印象很深的是中国人民大学出版的 以案说法 。这套图书通过案例向读者讲解法律理论,法律规则,法律分析深入浅出,通俗易懂。让我掌握法学知识,进一步提高法律应用的水平。

I have not seen a lot of law books. Which impressed me was published in Renmin University of China by Case. This book explains to the reader through a case of legal theory, the rule of law, legal analysis easy to understand, easy to understand. Let me grasp the knowledge of law, to further improve the level of application of the law.


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