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问答 “愿你被世界温柔以待”用英语怎么翻译的清新地道

acad2018 2023-01-31 16:16:53 英语教育机构

最直接的说法就是May the world treat u gently或者被动句may u be reated gently by the world. World可以改成life,gentle可以用tenderly替换,而treat与gently可以搭配,完美!


May you be blessed by the world with all its tenderness

wish you a world of tenderness!


May you be blessed.

Wish you every bliss.

God bless you.

God be with you.


Whitney Houston有首歌的歌词就这样写道:

I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of
And I wish you joy and happiness
But above all this I wish you love

大家看,一句 I hope life treats you kind,简单到不能再简单.


Do not go gentle into that good night
By Dylan Thomas
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.


go gentle,就是be gentle. 所以我们也可以说:World/life,be gentle!

还有John Mayer(约翰·梅尔)的歌Go Easy On Me(手下留情),歌词如下:

Go easy on me for the night has been long.
I’m not quite as strong as you see me.
I came here alone and I’ll leave on my own,
The next stop is home so go easy on me.
Oh, I don’t need your truth
Or a good talking-to from your mountain.
No, I don’t know your name and I won’t take the blame
Don’t know what you need, so go easy on me.
Go easy on me, for I mean you no harm.
It’s possible charm is in order
But you make it so hard when you throw up your guard
I’m not here to spar so go easy on me.
Oh, the clanging of swords
And the war of the

words doesn’t move me.
See, my heart barely works and it’s covered in dirt,
It still kind of hurts, so go easy on me.
Oh, I see in your eyes
You don’t realize what you’re doing.
So, here’s some advice, never hurts to be nice.
If you’re not gonna be, then go easy on me.
Go easy on me, go easy on me

所以我们也可以说may the world go easy on you!


Go Easy On Me - Dusty Springfield

(John Jarvis & Randy Goodrum)
I hear you baby,
I know how you feel
We're both hungry for something that's real
Be honest with me or don't even try '
Cause I can't afford another goodbye
Go easy on me, baby, not too rough
If this is right, there's no need to rush
Oh, go easy on me, if you don't mind '
Cause I can't afford to lose another time

Starting over isn't easy as it sounds
When you try to make the pieces fit
They all fall down
And I need more than someone to hold on to
I need a love that's tried and true
It's what
I'm searching for
It's worth waiting for
Talk gently to me, nice and low
If you mean it, baby, my heart will know
Oh, go easy on me, like walking on ice '
Cause forever happens once not twice
Starting over isn't easy as it sounds
When you try to make the pieces fit
They all fall down
And I need more than someone to hold on to
I need a love that's tried and true
It's what
I'm looking for
It's worth waiting for
Go easy on me, baby, not too rough
If this is right, we'll know soon enough
Oh, go easy on me, not too fast
I gotta believe that what's between us
Can be more than just a promise '
Cause they don't last
So all that
I ask Go easy on me
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Easy, ooh, ooh, ooh






2) 2017.6新建进阶英语口语写作翻译特训营第三期

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