首页 > 线上英语培训> 佛山成人英语口语培训班哪个好:2021年春人教版新方针英语七大学下册7单元常识有序总结


acad2018 2023-02-03 21:15:44 线上英语培训

unit 7 it’s raining!
section a 1a-1c p37
1. weather:
词汇:cloud(云) +y→cloudy 多云的 wind(风)+y→windy 多风的(晴朗的)
rain(雨) + y→rainy(下雨的) snow(雪) + y→snowy (下雪的)
sun (太阳) + n +y→sunny
拓宽: fog---foggy storm---stormy ice---icy
how’s the weather?=what’s the weather like?
(it’s cloudy/sunny/windy/rainy/snowy/raining/snowing.)
有时分: --it’s a raining/sunny/ windy day.
section a 2a-2d p38
2. it">right now.(2a)
如今进行时的时刻状语:now(如今)/ right now(马上马上)/ it’s +时刻点9(如今几点)/ look!(看!)/ listen!(听!)/ these days(迩来这段时刻)...
3.hello,rick 佛山成人英语口语培训班哪个好 speaking.
-hi,rick. it’s steve.(2d)
电话用语: 介绍自个--a: hi/hello! this is××./ it’s ××./ ×× speaking.
问询对方: who’s that?/ is that ××speaking?
3. 问询发展,近况:hows it going (with sb/sth)? ...迩来怎么样?
==not bad.(还不错)/great.(好极了)/terrible.(糟糕)
tip:表达问好还可以用 how are you? 进行问询,答语常为“fine, thank you.”。这两句话的要点不在于问询,而在于问好或打招待。
4. i am playing basketball with some friends at the park.
---sounds like you are having a good time.(这是一个省掉句,省掉了主语it/that)
some 一些+可数名词复数/不可以数名词
some friends = some of my

at the park在公园
sound like: 听起来像...--like是介词 sounds like+名词/代词宾格+宾语从句
have a good day=have a good time =have fun!祝你玩得开心!
have a great time/have fun + (in) doing sth. 开心肠做某事
5. is your brother at home? he’s not here.
home/here/there 做地址副词时,前面不要to
---go home回家,get home 到家 go/get there/here
here/there做地址副词的时分,一般前面不必介词 佛山成人英语口语培训班哪个好 (留心:还可以用作名词)
---arrive at home / arrive there/here
6. can i take a message for him?
take a message 捎个口信,传话
leave a message 留个口信
send a message 发送信息
him 他宾格 介词/动词后边
7. could you just tell him to call me back?
could 标明宛转的恳求 could you help me with my english? 你能帮我学习英语吗?
tell sb. to do sth. 告诉或人做某事
否定规划: tell sb. not to do sth .告诉或人不要做某事
call sb back回电话
go back回去/come back回来
8. no problem. 没疑问,小事一桩,不谦让,没联络。
section b ia-1e (1c听力内容) p40
9. i am calling to say,“happy birthday to you!”

sb打电话 at+号码
非谓语动词:to do 表意图,没做的
say+说话的内容 speak+言语 talk 双向的交流 tell告诉,叙说
sb say(s),”......”/ sb say(s) in +言语/ talk to 或许with / tell sb sth= tell sth to sb
10. i am having a party.(办party)
11. that sounds like fun.(同4) 听起来很风趣
section b 2a-self check p41-p42
12. i’m having a great time visiting my aunt in canada.
have a great time doing 佛山成人英语口语培训班哪个好 sth. “做某事过得开心”。
have a great/nice/good time = have fun doing = enjoy oneself doing
13. i am going to summer school.
be(is/am/are) going to... 将来方案做啥
summer school夏令营学校
14. i am learning a lot.
learn 学习 learn from sb向sb 学习/ learn to do sth学习做啥.
a lot = very much 非常 thank you a lot= thank you very much 非常谢谢你
a lot of...=lots of...+可数复数/不可以数
15. i’m sitting by the pool and drinking the orange juice.
sit 动词,意为“坐”,是不及物动 词。如表达“坐在某地”就用介词短语来表达地址。
e.g. please sit on the chair and have some tea.
by 意为“在……周围”,它所标明的方位比 near 更近一些。
16. how’s your summer vacation going?你的暑假怎么样?--how’s....going?近况
are you studying hard? study hard 尽力学习 work hard 尽力作业
or are you having fun? have fun.(同4)
17. i want to call you. -----want to do sth.
i am writing to you.---write to sb.给或人写信
i want to call you but my phone isn’t working, 佛山成人英语口语培训班哪个好 …
work 在这儿是不及物动词,意为“(机 器)作业;活动”。
e.g. my watch doesn‘t work 我的手表坏了
work n. 作业 不可以数(job 可数)
v. 作业
20.it’s hot in your country now, isn’t it? 你们国家如今很热,不是吗?
you want to talk to her, don’t you? 你想和他说话,不是吗?
①your father is a doctor, isn’t he? 你的父亲视为医生,不是吗?
yes, he is. 是的,他是。 /no, he isn’t. 不,他不是。
②she doesn’t like the cloudy weather, does she? 她不喜爱多云的气候,是吗?
yes, she does.不,她喜爱。 /no, she doesn’t. 是的, 她不喜爱。
21. be right for(doing) sth 正合适做.... the weather is right for walking.
介词后+doing. be good at doing, what about doing
22. it’s very relaxing there.
adj 以-ing结束“令人…的”exciting,interesting,relaxing
23.i’m so happy to see them again. 我很高兴可以在见到他们
be+adj.(心境的词)+to do sth.
24.my family and i are on a vacation in the mountains. 我和我的兄弟在山里休假。
①人称次序 一般“二三一”
②be on (a) vacation 在休假 (状况)
go on a vacation 去休假 (动作)
③be in the mountains 在山里
go to the mountains去爬山 (climb the mountains)
25. one girl is skating on the river. 一个女孩正在河面上滑冰。
a man is making a snowman and a woman is taking a photo of it.
take a photo/picture of … / take photo/pictures of …给或人照相
26. friends are buying russian bread to take home.
温故:buy买 buy sth
buy sb sth.=buy sth for sb.给或人买东西
反义卖:sell sb sth= sell sth to sb. 卖东西给或人
take: 从说话人这儿带走 take sth to.....
反义:bring 带到说话人这儿来bring sth to...

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