首页 > 线上英语培训> 长沙成人英语培训班哪里好:23考研英语要点短语-21天打卡练习汇总


acad2018 2023-02-08 11:15:46 线上英语培训

1. corporate strategy 公司战略
2. monetary 钱银的(adj.)
3. fiscal 财务的(adj.)
4. trust fund 信任基金
5. incorporate v.包括;兼并——近:merge v.兼并,吞没
6. commodity/merchandise 产品(n.)
7. the stock exchange 证券生意所
8. economic crisis 经济危机
9. e-commerce 电子商务
10. profitability 盈利才能(n.)
11. manufacturer 制造商(n.)
12. product 产品,成果(n.)
13. non-profit adj.非获利的
14. manufacture 编造,编造(v.)——近:fabricate(v.)
15. production 产量(n.)
16. fund/finance 供给资金(v.)
17. economic reform 经济变革
18. affordable 付出得起的,担负得起的(adj.)
19. auction vt./n.拍卖
20. offset v.抵消
21. internet entrepreneur 互联网公司创业者
22. to boost productivity 前进出产率
23. monetary value 钱银价值
24. thrive v.兴隆,昌盛
25. public expenditure 公共开支
26. circumstance 经济情况(n.)
27. currency 钱银,通货(n.)
28. loss 亏本(n.)
29. depression/recession 经济衰退(n.)
30. economically 实惠地(adv.)
1. the income gap 收入间隔
2. economic state 经济情况
3. ownership 一切权,产权(n.
4. in debt 欠债,负债
5长沙成人英语培训班哪里好. tax reductions 减税
6. 补助金,补助(n.) subsidy——辨:pension、allowance
7. corporate stock 公司股市
8. increase in value 增值
9. real estate 房地产
10. a rapid decline 灵敏降低
11. 供求 supply and demand
12. 司理,打点人员(n.) executive
13. 风险出资 venture investment
14. 花费者权益consumer rights
15. thrive v.兴隆兴隆,昌盛打开,昌盛——近:prosper vi.旺盛;成功;兴隆
16. 核算削减 budget cuts
17. 经济独立 financially independent
18. at a loss 不知所措;亏本
19. 酬劳(n.) compensation
20. 奢华品 luxury goods
21. 总结;总计 sum up
22. 价值降低,下跌(v.) devalue
23. 出入 revenue and expenditure
24. materialistic adj.物质吃苦主义的,贪心吃苦的
25. transaction n.(一笔)生意,事务,生意
26. monopoly capitalism 独占本钱主义
27. 贫穷(n.) deprivation——deprive 掠夺v.——近:poverty 贫穷n.
28. extravagant adj.奢华的;过于名贵的;无控制的
29. 国内出产总值(gdp) gross domestic product
30. 国民出产总值(gnp) gross national product

1. to commit suicide 自杀
2. 网络违法 cyber-crime
3. 贿赂(n.) bribery
4长沙成人英语培训班哪里好. solid evidence 可靠的根据
5. 赏罚(n.) punishment
6. 军事战略 military strategy
7. lawsuit n.申述;诉讼
8. supreme court 最高法院
9. draw up lines 拟定方针
10. 道德原则 moral code
11. clause n.(法令文件中的)条款;分句,从句/statute n.规则,法规
12. legal aid 法令求助
13. 立法 to enact legislation
14. testimony n.证词;根据
15. 言辞安适 freedom of speech
16. harassment n.打扰
17. 正义感 a sense of justice
18. file a lawsuit against sb. 对或人提申述讼
19. 专利请求 patent applications
20. political situation 政局
21. constitution n.宪法;规章
22. 运营执照 business licence
23. 不合法移民 illegal immigrants
24. governance n.控制;打点
25. domestic affairs 国内事务——dome n.圆房顶
26. 查询;侦办;研讨(v.) investigate
27. attorney n.律师
28. 断定,宣判(v.) sentence
29. 禁烟令 a ban on smoking
30. 立法机构,立法机关(n.) legislature
1. tough tactic 强硬办法——辨:strategy 战略战略
2. 联合,共同(n.) unification
3. 公务员 civil servant
4. utilization n.使用,运用
5. right to stand 长沙成人英语培训班哪里好 for election 被推举权
6. impeachment n.弹劾;指控
7. 保存的,保守的(adj.) conservative
8. sovereign n.最高政治权;国家主权
9. political resolution 政治抉择
10. 欧盟 the european union
11. liberal education 人文教育
12. senator n.参议员
13. 惩治糜烂 punish corruption
14. arbitrary adj.独裁的,独断的
15. 独生子孙方针 one-child policy
16. compact n.(国家或自个之间的)协议,契约 v.订立(或签约)协议 adj.紧密的;坚实的
17. 逃税 evade payment of taxes
18. 控制,打点(n.) governance
19. 被授权做某事 be authorized to do sth.
20. political allies 政治盟友
21. 种族轻视 racial discrimination
22. the federal bureau of investigation 联邦查询局
23. outbreak n.迸发,俄然发生
24. convention n.风俗;常规;(某作业、政党等成员的)大会,集会;(国家或领袖间的)公约,协议
25. 强行施行,强行实施(v.) enforce
26. supervisory organs 监察机关
27. mandatory adj.强行性的,责任的;法定的
28. 采纳强行办法 take compulsory measures
29. to be in a position of responsibility 身居要位
30. 候选的(adj.) elect

1. 言辞压力 public pressure
2. social 长沙成人英语培训班哪里好 conventions 社会风俗
3. 捐赠(n.) donation
4. life expectancy 预期寿数
5. 作业创业 employment and entrepreneurship
6. census n.(官方的)计算;人员普查/poll n.民意查验/demography n.人员计算学
7. housing supply and support 住所保证
8. the flow of talents 人才活动
9. 人员老龄化 aging population
10. disparity in wealth distribution 贫富间隔
11. 房贷 mortgage payment
12. juvenile n.少年 adj.少年的;单纯的
13. the gap in working-class jobs 工人阶层的作业缺口
14. 基础设备(n.) infrastructure
15. vocation n.作业,作业——形:vacation n.假期
16. 世界竞赛力 international competitiveness
17. the social credit system 征信体系
18. chronic fatigue 缓慢疲惫
19. 赋闲 lose one’s livelihood
20. 日子质量 quality of life
21. 依靠,依托 rely on
22. 干与,干与(v.) interfere/intervene
23. indicator n.方针,标志
24. religious beliefs 宗教崇奉
25. 自愿者(n.) volunteer——形:vulnerable a.易受损伤的
26. 下级的,非有必要的(adj.) subordinate/inferior——反:superior
27. be in dispute 处于争议
28. hospitality 长沙成人英语培训班哪里好 n.好客,周到
29. to ease conflict 陡峭敌对
30. 性别呆板形象 gender stereotype
1. 社会打开方案 social development plans (development/d??vel?pm?nt/)
2. draft civil code 民法典草案
3. 批判,批判;责备(n.) criticism (criticism/?kr?t?s?z?m/)
4. incentive mechanisms 鼓励机制 (incentive/?n?sent?v/ mechanism/?mek?n?z?m/)
5. 视频会议 video conference (conference/?kɑ?nf?r?ns/)
6. harmony n.调和;共同;(音乐的)和声,和弦 (harmony/?hɑ?rm?ni/)
7. densely populated neighborhoods 人员密布居住区 (populated/?pɑ?pjule?tid/)
8. 交际,交流(n.) intercourse/interaction/communication (intercourse/??nt?rk??rs/ interaction/??nt?r??k?n/)
9. commute v.通勤 n.上下班旅程 (commute/k??mju?t/)
10. cement v.加强,安靖(联络);(用水泥)粘合 n.水泥;黏固剂 (commute/k??mju?t/)
11. 惊惧,严峻(n.) panic
12. reputation n.名声,名誉 (reputation/?repju?te??n/)
13. to attract massive attention 致使许多重视 (massive/?m?s?v/)
14. 亲近,亲热(n.) intimacy (intimacy/??nt?m?si/)
15. 阻隔;孤立(n.) isolation /quarantine v.n.检疫阻隔
16. 脱贫攻坚 win the battle against poverty (poverty/?pɑ?v?rti/)
17. limits on attendance 限流 (attendance/??tend?ns/)
18. social unrest 社会暴动 (unrest/?n?rest/)
19. compassion n.怜惜,怜惜 (compassion/k?m?p??n/)
20. 遵循优良传统 pass on the fine traditions
21. 抚慰,慰劳(n.) consolation (consolation/?kɑ?ns??le??n/)
22. 开罪;违背(v.) offend (offend/??fend/)
23. sociable adj.好交际的 (sociable/?so???bl/)
24. massive lay-offs 大规划赋闲
25. 赋闲率 unemployment rate (unemployment/??n?m?pl??m?nt/)
26. rumor n.谣言,传闻
27. lockdown measures 关闭办法 (lockdown/?lɑ?kda?n/)
28. 无量的,压倒性的(adj.) overwhelming (overwhelming/?o?v?r?welm??/)
29. international consensus 世界社会的广泛共同 (consensus/k?n?sens?s/)
30. 抗疫 combat the pandemic (pandemic/p?n?dem?k/)

1. 工匠精力 spirit of the craftsman/craftsmanship
2. 责任教育 compulsory education (compulsory/k?m?p?ls?ri/)
3. 应试教育 exam-oriented education (oriented/???rient?d/)
4. aeronautics n.航空学 (aeronautics/?er??n??t?ks/)
5. 思维政治教育 ideological and political education (ideological/?a?di??lɑ?d??kl/)
6. campus n.学校
7. 学位证书(n.) diploma
8. 硕士学位 masters degree
9. curriculum n.课程 (curriculum/k??r?kj?l?m/)
10. explicit adj.理解的;开宗明义的 (explicit/?k?spl?s?t/)
11. 心思学(n.)psychology (psychology/sa??kɑ?l?d?i/)
12. 主修商科 major in business
13. to privilege college graduates 优待大学结业生 (privilege/?pr?v?l?d?/)
14. 激起立异知道 stimulate the sense of innovation (stimulate/?st?mjule?t/)
15. masterpiece n.创作;代表作 (masterpiece/?m?st?rpi?s/)
16. 网络教育招生 online education enrollment (enrollment/?n?ro?lm?nt/)
17. qualification screening for graduation 结业资历检查 (qualification/?kwɑ?l?f??ke??n/)
18. private school 民办学校
19. 版权(n.) copyright
20. 教育公正 education equality
21. metaphor n.隐喻,暗喻;标志 (metaphor/?met?f?r/)
22. 目录(n.) catalogue (catalogue/?k?t?l??ɡ/)
23. 论坛,论坛会(n.) forum (forum/?f??r?m/)
24. 教育强国 education power
25. 优质学习本钱 high-quality educational resources
26. renaissance n.(艺术、文学的)复兴 (renaissance/?ren?sɑ?ns/)
27. to develop the cognitive ability 培育认知才能 (cognitive/?kɑ?ɡn?t?v/)
28. composition n.构成,构成;作曲;作文 (composition/?kɑ?mp??z??n/)
29. manuscript n.手稿,原稿 (manuscript/?m?njuskr?pt/)
30. 终身学习 lifelong learning
1. 在线教育 online education
2. 停课 suspend classes (suspend/s??spend/)
3. 学术造假 academic cheating (academic/??k??dem?k/)
4. self-discipline n.自我捆绑 (discipline/?d?s?pl?n/)
5. esthetic adj.审美的,美学的 n.美感,审秀丽 (esthetic/es?θet?k/)
6. 学校霸凌 school bullying (bullying/?b?li??/)
7. tutor n.导师;助教
8. 心思辅导 psychological guidance (psychological/?sa?k??lɑ?d??kl/)
9. study load 学习担负
10. composure n.冷静,镇定 (composure/k?m?po???r/)
11. to adapt to college learning 习气大学学习
12. 勤工俭学 work-study program
13. instruction n.教授,辅导;指令,指令 (instruction/?n?str?k?n/)
14. 复学 resume study (resume/r??zu?m/)
15. 有文明的人(n.) literate (literate/?l?t?r?t/)
16. 师范大学 normal university
17. semester n.学期,半学年 (semester/s??mest?r/)
18. disciplinary action 纪律处置 (disciplinary/?d?s?pl?neri/)
19. 学分(n.) credit
20. 考研热 the craze for graduate school
21. tuition fee 学费——intuition 直觉、instinct 天性直觉
22. 停学(n.) dropout
23. 教授,奉告;赋予(某种质量)(v.) impart
24. 学历 educational background
25. 学生减负 alleviate the burden on students (alleviate/??li?vie?t/)
26. 网课 online course
27. doctorate n.博士学位 (doctorate/?dɑ?kt?r?t/)
28. 留守儿童 left-behind children
29. versatile adj.文武双全的 (versatile/?v??rs?tl/)
30. 跨文明交流 intercultural exchange (intercultural/??nt?r?k?lt??r?l/)

1. home quarantine 居家阻隔 (quarantine/?kw??r?nti?n/)
2. 缓慢病 chronic disease (chronic/?krɑ?n?k/)
3. 病毒带着者 virus carrier (virus/?va?r?s/)
4. makeshift hospital 暂时医院
5. cardiac adj.心脏的 (cardiac/?kɑ?rdi?k/)
6. 有感染性的(adj.) infectious (infectious/?n?fek??s/)
7. prescription n.处方,药房;诀窍 (prescription/pr??skr?p?n/)
8. 医疗保健 health care
9. frontline medical

personnel 一线医务人员 (personnel/?p??rs??nel/)
10. 确诊(v.) diagnose (diagnose/?da??ɡ?no?s/)
11. clinical adj.临床的 (clinical/?kl?n?kl/)
12. 疫情防控 epidemic prevention and control
13. 照看,照顾 take care of
14. 医患纠缠 doctor-patient dispute (dispute/d??spju?t/)
15. 医患联络 doctor-patient relationship
16. 集体免疫 herd immunity (immunity/??mju?n?ti/)
17. pandemic n.大盛行病 (pandemic/p?n?dem?k/)
18. pulse n.脉息
19. 治好率 recovery rate
20. infectivity n.感染性 (infectivity/?n?fekt?v?t?/)
21. obesity n.肥胖(症) (obesity/o??bi?s?ti/)
22. 疫苗(n.) vaccine (vaccine/v?k?si?n/)
23. 练习;训练(n.) training
24. 医学的(adj.) medical
25. hospital admission capacity 医院的收治才能 (admission/?d?m??n/)
26. 流感 epidemic flu
27. pharmacy n.药店;(医院的)药房 (pharmacy/?fɑ?rm?si/)
28. death toll 去世人数
29. isolation ward 阻隔病房 (isolation/?a?s??le??n/)
30. 养分(n.) nutrition (nutrition/nu?tr??n/)——nutrient

nucleic acid tests 核酸检测(nucleic/nu??kli??k/)
2. 残疾的(adj.) disabled——(宛转的说法)physically challenged
3. 安康码 health qr code
4. medical aid team 医疗救助队
5. insomnia n.失眠 (insomnia/?n?sɑ?mni?/)
6. 安康疑问 health concern/issue
7. 体检 physical checkup
8. overwork v.使作业过度 n.劳累过度
9. non-contact services 无触摸效能
10. medical observation (observation/?ɑ?bz?r?ve??n/)医学调查
11. symptom n.表现
12. work from home/telecommute (telecommute/?telik??mju?t/)远程作业
13. body-building n.健身
14. psychological health 心思安康
15. substandard milk powder(substandard/?s?b?st?nd?rd/) 毒奶粉
16. global public health security全球公共清洁平安
17. appetite (appetite/??p?ta?t/) n.食欲;愿望
18. immune response 免疫反应
19. allergy (allergy/??l?rd?i/) 过敏
20. blood pressure 血压
21. pharmaceutical (/?fɑ?ra??su?t?kl/)n.药物 adj.制药的,配药的
22. cancer n. 癌症
23. insufficient sleep (insufficient/??ns??f??nt/)睡觉缺乏

mobile populations活悦耳员
25. cancer-causing toxins (toxins/tɑks?nz/) 致癌物质
26. coordinate and control food safety (coordinate/ko????rd?ne?t/)监控食物平安
27. self-protection n.自我防护
28. fatality rate (fatality/fe??t?l?ti/)致死率
29. protein (protein/?pro?ti?n/)n.蛋白质
30. exhausted (exhausted/?ɡ?z??st?d/) adj.筋疲力尽的

1. digital communication 数字通讯
2. 组成的(adj.)synthetic
3. 大世人物 public figure
4. electronic devices 电子设备
5. virtually adv.虚拟地
6. 人工智能 artificial intelligence
7. 物联网 internet of things
8. database n.数据库
9. internet real-name system 网络实名制
10. 与时俱进 keep up with the change
11. 高科技的(adj.)high-tech
12. 科技立异 science and technological innovation
13. 使标准化(v.) standardize
14. 信息泄露 information leak
15. anti-addiction system 防沉浸体系
16. 人脸辨认 face recognition
17. browser n.阅读器
18. 信息年代 information era/age
19. 下载(v.) download
20. 网瘾 internet addiction
21. security hazards 平安风险
22. 电子商务(n.) e-business/e-commerce
23. 侵扰别人隐私 invade ones privacy
24. 技能前进 technological advancement
25. probe v.勘探;研讨
26. 网上冲浪 surf online / surf the net
27. 信息爆破 information explosion
28. 5g fifth generation
29. cyberspace n.网络空间
30. prevalent adj.广泛的,盛行的——prevailing a.首要的;占优势的

1. tourism wave 旅行热
2. 可收回使用的(adj.) recyclable (recyclable/?ri??sa?kl?bl/)
3. 白色污染 white pollution
4. non-renewable resources 不可以再生本钱
5. biodiversity n.生物多样性
6. 维护生态环境 preserve the ecological environment
7. 气候改变 climate change
8. atmosphere n.大气层 (atmosphere/??tm?sf?r/)
9. waste management 废物打点
10. 温室气体排放 greenhouse gas emissions (emission/i?m??n/)
11. 生态体系(n.)ecosystem
12. 低碳经济 low-carbon economy(lce)
13. 维护;节约(n.) conservation
14. 环保知道 environmental awareness (awareness/??wern?s/)
15. biotic community 生物群落
16. 雾霾气候 hazy weather
17. hurricane n.飓风 (hurricane/?h??r?ke?n/)
18. 环保产品 environment-friendly products
19. 恶化(n.) deterioration (deterioration/d??t?ri??re???n/)
20. 人行道 sidewalk/pavement
21. motor vehicle exhaust 轿车尾气排放
22. 栽树造林(n.) forestation
23. 可持续打开 sustainable development (sustainable/s??ste?n?bl/)
24. radioactive adj.放射性的;有辐射的 (radioactive/?re?dio???kt?v/)
25. endangered wildlife 濒危野生动物
26. 废物分类 waste sorting
27. 气温(n.) temperature
28. 新动力 new energy resources / environmental protection resources
29. drought n.干旱 (drought/dra?t/)
30. poaching n.不合法打猎,盗猎 (poaching/?po?t???/)

1. take up 占有;占据
2. 显着的(adj.) distinct (distinct/d??st??kt/)
3. (数量或比例上)占...... account for
4. rate of satisfaction 满足率 (satisfaction/?s?t?s?f?k?n/)
5. shrink v.(使)减小;(使)削减 (shrink/?r??k/)
6. 饼图 pie chart
7. 条形图 bar chart
8. 曲线图 line chart
9. to be specific 具体来说 (specific/sp??s?f?k/)
10. 倾向于 tend to
11. 比例,有些(n.)proportion (proportion/pr??p??r?n/)
12. 增加平稳 experience a steady increase
13. 百分比(n.) percentage
14. 不坚决,高低 fluctuate/rise and fall/up and down (fluctuate/?fl?kt?ue?t/)
15. level up 上升
16. 坚持不变 remain unchanged
17. dramatic adj.出其不料的;急剧的 (dramatic/dr??m?t?k/)
18. 最低点 bottom/rock bottom
19. plunge v.暴降;骤降 (plunge/pl?nd?/)
20. 阻滞期(n.) plateau (plateau/pl??to?/)
21. market share 商场比例
22. 纤细的(adj.) slight
23. 在同一时期 during the same period
24. 均匀的(adj.) mean/average
25. inflection point 拐点;转机点 (inflection/?n?flek?n/)
26. 显着趋势 noticeable trend
27. 数据(n.) figures/statistics
28. by contrast 比较之下
29. descend v.降低
30. place great emphasis on sth. 注重某方面

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