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acad2018 2023-02-09 06:18:05 线上英语培训

listening comprehension
sections a
1.??????????????? ? a. the seats there are ? uncomfortable. b. there are more than enough seats.
c. it is popular with customers. ??????????d. it provides customers with ? reading materials.
1.???? w: you waited at the new restaurant yesterday, didnt you? was ? there much of a wait to be seated?
m: wish i had bought a ? book or something to kill my time.
q: ? what does the man imply about the new restaurant? (c)
选 c. it is popular with customers. 餐厅颇受等待。
查询wish引导的虚拟口气,这儿与曩昔实际不符的期望,捉住男生说话时的口气可成 ? 功答复。
2.??????????????? ? a. give his neighbor a spare ? key. ?????????b. get his key from his ? neighbor.
c. study in his neighbors apartment. ???d. borrow some books from his neighbor.
2.???? w: dont you have your apartment key?
m: its a good thing--i leave a spare with my neighbor, so i can ? get in and get my books.
q: ? what will the man most probably do next? (b)
选b. ? get his key from his neighbor. 到邻居那里拿备用钥匙。
估测下一步行为,捉住一初步女人的反问口气,“公寓是男生的”,就可成功答复并避开 烦扰项d。
3.??????????????? ? a. hand in their financial ? plan later.
b.??? leave their financial plan unfinished.
c.??? seek more information for their financial plan.
d.??? finish their financial plan with what they have.
3.???? m: i dons due tomorrow.
w: so we will just have to ? make do with what we have got.
q: ? what does the woman say they have to do? (d)
选 d. finish their financial plan with what ? they have. 有啥用啥,写完管用。
due tomorrow指“规则明日要交”,make do with指“用…来唐塞,迁就做”。
4.??????????????? ? a. he failed in dr. parkers ? test.
b.??? he didnt know dr. parker at all.
c.??? dr. parkers tests were not difficult.
d.??? the womans source of information is reliable.
4.???? w: have you ever taken doctor parkerre ? impossible to pass.
m: i donve been talking to. my ? experience was just the opposite.
q: what does the man imply? ? (c)
选 c. dr. ? parkers tests were not difficult. parker 帕克博士的查验并不难。
? ?

8. a. she’ll ? ? call julia next week.
??? ? ? b. she wonders if she’ll see julia.
??? ? ? c. julia doesn’t want others to see her.
??? ? ? d. julia won’t be able to help the man.
8. m: would you mind asking julia ? ? to give me a call? i was hoping she would be able to help out with course ? ? registration next week?
??? ? ? w: sure, if i see her, she’s made herself pretty scarce lately.

6. a. she didnt work hard on it.
c. it wasnt as good as expected.
6. m: what sort of a grade did you get on your research paper? i ? know how hard you worked ? on it.
w: but the professor said that i made too many broad ? claims that werent supported
q: what does the woman mean about her ? research paper? (c)
选 c. it wasnt as good as expected. 不如预期那么好。
查询转机和否定词的意义:but, too many, not enough。
b. she made many persuasive ? claims in it. d. her professor was satisfied with it.
b. taste the dish first.
d. ask mum about the dish.
5. ???a. the man should be recognized by his ? parents.
b.??? the mans parents helped him get the scholarship.
c.??? the man should be praised for his accomplishment.
d.??? the mans parents stopped boasting about his scholarship.
5. m: im really happy i ? got that athletic scholarship, but i wish my parents would
stop boasting about it.
w: if you ask me, i think you deserve a little bit recognition.
q: what does the woman mean? (c)
选c. the man should be praised for his ? accomplishment.获得成果遭到赞誉是理所应当的。 查询短语了解,deserve a little bit recognition 值得夸奖一番(recognition: ? praise or reward 赞誉;赏识;奖赏)
7. a. serve the dish as it is.
c. put some salt in the dish.
7. m: mary, do you think the dish needs any more salt before i ? serve it?
w: its really quite nice. and we did exactly what mom says. why ? take a chance of ruining ? it?
q: what does the woman imply the man should ? do? (a)
选 a. serve the dish as it is. 按原样上菜。
短语 take a chance on sth/ of doing sth = take a ? risk of doing sth,“冒着(可以会把作业搞砸 ? 的风险)去做...”。如: it is just not worth ? taking any chances. 不值得冒任何险。
查询否定表达,这儿“否定之否定”,先说impossible to ? pass,再说just the opposite.得出其实“不难”。
? ?
q: what does the woman mean? (b)
选 b. she wonders if shell see julia.
查询俗话意思,make yourself scarce: (informal) to leave ? somewhere and stay away for a time in order to avoid an unpleasant situation 躲开;躲避;溜走
9.???????? ? ??a. it is a big deal.
c.??? it doesnt deserve repairing.
b.??? it needs a new engine.
d. it is in better ? condition than hers.
9. m: ? i just got this car and itt go on.
m: hey, what’s the big ? deal? falling apart is when your car needs a new engine, like mine does.
q: ? what does the woman mean about the mans car? (d)
选 d. it is in better condition than hers.?????
查询短语、俗话的意义。其间fall apart散架,fall off掉下来,light won’t go on灯不能常亮, what’s the big deal这有啥大不了的。
10. ??a. he has a lot of experience as a skier.
b.??? he hasnt ever been to central mountains.
c.??? he plans to go skiing during his spring break.
d.??? he doesnt recommend going to central mountains.
10. ?w: i am thinking about spending my spring ? breaks skiing at central mountains. you were there last year. how was it?
m: to be completely ? honest, that left a lot to be desired.
q: ? what does the man imply? (d)
选 d. he doesnt recommend going to central ? mountains.
短语sth to be desired啥东西还有待改进。
section b
questions 11 through 13 ? are based on the following passage.
11. a. it’s no use dreaming.
b.??? what you get is just what you want.
c.??? you are not satisfied with what you have.
d.??? you are not clearly aware of what you want.
12. a. as a 零基础成人怎么学英语 principle for ? cooking.
b.??? as a guideline for applying for a job.
c.??? as an explanation for how to get a good job.
d.??? as an example of a blueprint.
13. a. it is required by the ? employer.
b.??? it enables him to sell his abilities.
c.??? it helps him to get connected with the employer.
d.??? it forces him to become clearly aware of himself.
? ?
questions 11 through 13 are based on the following ? talk.
old people used to say its not what you want in the world but ? what you get. psychology teaches that you do get what you want if you know ? what you want and want the right things. you can make a mental blueprint of a ? desire as you would make a blueprint of a house. for example, if we intend to ? have friends to dinner, we plan the menu, make a shopping list, and such ? planning is essential for any type of meal to be served. likewise, if you ? want to find a 零基础成人怎么学英语 job, write a brief account of yourself .in making a blueprint ? for a job, begin with yourself, for when you know exactly what you have to ? offer, you can intelligently plan where to sell your services. this account ? of yourself is actually a picture of your working life and should include ? education, experience and references. it can ? be referred to in filling out standard application blanks and is extremely ? helpful in personal interviews. when you have carefully prepared a blueprint ? of your abilities and desires, you have something concrete to sell, then you ? are ready to hunt for a job.题源:1996年考研阅览passage 1 (有改动)
11.what do the ? elders mean when they say its not what you want in ? this world but what you get? (a)
选 a. its no use dreaming.
按字面意思了解即可。 want = dream, ?its no use dreaming
12.why does the writer mention making a blueprint ? before inviting a 零基础成人怎么学英语 friend to dinner? (d)
选 d. as an example of a blueprint.
原文中说到you can make a mental ? blueprint of a desire as you would make a blueprint of a house.这儿选用了类推的办法,借请兄弟吃饭时做方案来说明啥是make a blueprint,然后进一步说明make a blueprint之于找作业的重要性。
13.according to ? the text, why must one write an account of himself before starting to find a ? job? (d)
选 d. it forces him to become clearly aware of ? himself.
原文中说到 ? if you want to find a job, ? write a brief account of yourself.此句对应的是疑问, 后文是缘由说明 for when you know exactly what you have to ? offer, you can intelligently plan where to sell your services.用浅显的?灯鹄淳褪牵阋械毕米愿鲇卸啻笊硎帧? ? 才干“聪明地策画出去哪里发挥才干”。
questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
14.?? ? a. more frequent.?????????????????????????????????????????? b. ? more attractive.
c.??? more successful.?????????????????????????????????????????? d. ? more straightforward.
15.?? ? a. too few managers ever do it.
b.??? it can be 零基础成人怎么学英语 useful in certain circumstances.
c.??? experts are sometimes unwilling go give opinions.
d.??? it can help to have a whole grasp of the complex system
16.? ? a. they may rely too much on details.
b.??? they may ignore some necessary information.
c.??? they cant get in touch with employees.
d.??? they may not have access to the whole thing.
questions 14 through 16 ? are based on the following talk.
once a business has ? successfully introduced a new process, the parent organization naturally ? wants to repeat that success. the goal then is to use existing knowledge. ? itre not even aware of.
14.according to ? the speaker, how our attempts to copy existing processes compared with ? introducing new business processes? (a)
选 a more frequent.
根据原文 its less attractive, (打扫b) ? but it actually happens more often.(选项 a) however, getting things right the second time is not ? necessarily any simpler than it was the first time.(打扫 d) it seems ? that most large industries are trying to repeat their 零基础成人怎么学英语 previous successes, but ? most of the attempts fail.(打扫 c)。
15.what does the ? speaker say about asking experts for advice? (b)
选 b. it can be useful in certain ? circumstances.
根据原文 managers who want to apply existing knowledge ? typically start off by going to an expert .定位疑问,一起打扫选项 a; 下文 this approach can be used if you want to gain a rough ? understanding of a

particular system or understand smaller isolated ? problems.(选项 b) the ? trouble is, even the expert doesnt fully grasp the whole thing.(打扫 d);另外 c 没有 说到。
16.why cant ? experts fully understand a business system? (d)
选 d . they may not have access to the whole ? thing.
根据原文 when it comes ? to complex systems (定位标题),the?expert never has complete
access to all the necessary information.(选项 d)。另外原文中还说 experts ? are not aware of their own ignorance,“不晓得自个无知,二者意义不一样。
questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
17.a.?a writer.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? b. ? a journalist.
? ? ?c. a story-teller.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? d. ? a photographer.
18.a.????the ability to judge whether a story is true to the fact.
? ? ?b.?????the ability to keep in mind the importance

of a deadline.
? ? ?c.?????the ability to research the sense of smell professionally.
? ? ?d.????the ability to inform people of the missing parts of the story.
19.a.????they might fail to be capable note-takers.
? ? ?b.?????the might concentrate too much on details.
? ? ?c.?????they might be lacking in the trick of the trade.
? ? ?d.????they might have no idea what to ask later.
20.a.????to promote the process of interviews.
? ? ?b.?????to keep the evidence.
? ? ?c.?????to challenge the content of recordings.
? ? ?d.????to assess the information journalists need to know.
questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
w: welcome. were coming to work with us, justin. your first job here will be ? an assistant journalist. do you have any questions?
m: can i go out on a story ? immediately?
w: that’s admirable,

but ? ill put you as an assistant to an experienced journalist. later, you can ? cover a story and present the article yourself
m: wonderful! what do i ? need to take with me? i really have a notebook and a camera.
w: no need for a camera. ? youre interested.
m: what do i need to ? remember when i go out to cover a story?
w: you need to be curious. ? only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information ? you need to know. we say a good journalist must have a good nose for a story. ? that means you must be able to assess when people are not telling the whole ? truth and then try to discover it. they must use research to inform ? themselves of the missing parts of the story.
m: what should i keep in ? mind?
w: here comes my list of ? dos and don but make sure you listen to the interviewee carefully.
m: why is listening so ? important?
w: well, you have to ? listen for detailed facts. meanwhile, you have to prepare the next
question, depending on ? what the person says.
m: but how can i listen ? carefully while taking notes?
w: this is a trick of the ? trade. if the interviewee agrees, you can use a recorder to get the facts ? straight. its also useful if a person wants to challenge you, you have the ? evidence to support your story.
m: i see. im looking ? forward to my first assignment now.
17.what job is ? justin trying to take up? (b)
选 b. a journalist.
根据第 1-2 轮对话中 woman 讲到的内容,一是as an assistant to
an experienced joumalist.”可以得知 justin 想要从事的是 ? journalist 的作业。
18.what does a good nose mean for ? journalists? (a)
选 a. the ability to judge whether a story is ? true to the fact.
根据第3 轮对话中 woman 所说的 we say a good journalist must have a good nose for a ? story.
定位疑问,下文 that ? means 提示答案,而 you ? must be able to assess when people are not
telling the whole truth and then try to ? discover it.可以得出 a。
19.what will happen if journalists don’t listen carefully? (d)
选 d. they might have no idea what to ask ? later.
根据第 4-5 轮对话中 woman 说到 make sure you listen to...carefully 和 justin 的发问 why is listening so important?定位该疑问,最终woman的说明是答案地址:以及 prepare the next question, depending on what ? the person says.”得出 d 为正解。
20.why does the ? woman suggest using a recorder? (b )
选 b. to keep the evidence.?
根据原文中说到you can use a recorder定位此题,答案鄙人文to get the facts straight以及 ? if..., you have the evidence to ? support your story.这两句中,要害词为facts 和evidence.匹配到正确选项b。
01-05 cbdcc
06-10 cabdd
11-13 add
14-16 abd
17-20 ? badb

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