首页 > 线上英语培训> 初级口语速成必背的对话和句型


acad2018 2023-02-13 06:16:24 线上英语培训

??2. Hi. 嗨。(less formal than hello 不如hello正式)

3. Hey.嘿。(like “hi”, used more with familiar people 跟hi相同,一般用于熟人世打招待)

4. What's up? 怎么了?有啥事?(very informal 用于恰当非正式场合)

5. How's it going? 作业进行得怎么样了?

6. How are you doing? 迩来过得怎样?(If you want to get someone's attention 假定你想致使或人的留心)

7. Excuse me... 对不住,打扰一下 (best choice 最佳选择)

8. Hey! 嘿! (may sound rude, used to stop someone who is doing something wrong or

when you need to be loud听来可以有点不礼貌,一般用于阻止或人的不正确行为或许是一些需要你大声说话的场合。)

9. What's new? 有啥新消息吗?

10. Hi, sir. Can I help you? 您好,先生.我可以帮您吗?

11. May I help you? 我可以帮您吗?

(Service people usually start a conversation like that.效能人员常常用到这样的开场白。)

12. Hi. Nice to meet you. 你好,很高兴见到你。

13. How have you been lately? 你迩来怎么样?

14. Hey, what are you doing up here? 嘿,你在这干嘛?

15. Hi.Sam. What a surprise to see you here! 嗨,山姆,真没想到竟然在这儿碰到你!

16. Hi, buddy. 嗨,店员们!

17. Hi, guys. 嗨,火伴们!

18. How are things? 作业进行得怎么样了?

Part Three: Substitutions替换操练

1. Hi. 嗨

How's it going?迩来过得怎么样?



2. What's going on?怎么了?

What's happening?发生了啥事?

What's up?怎么了?

How's it going?怎么样了?

3. How are you doing?迩来还好吧?



these days这些天

4. Good morning, Mrs Jones. How are you today? 早上好, 乔治先生,你今大早上怎么样?

Good afternoon 下午好

Good evening 晚上好

5. How are you this morning, Susan?苏珊,你 今日早上怎么样?

today 今日

this afternoon 今日下午

tonight 今晚

6. Hi, guys.嗨,火伴们。


girls 女孩子们

boys and girls 孩子们

7. How is your wife, Steven?史蒂芬,你 太太 还好吗?




8. Not bad, thank you.还好,谢谢。

She is okay她还好



9. Oh, I haven't seen you for ages. How have you been? 噢,好久 没见你了,你还好吗?

for years好几年

for a long time很长时刻

since last year自从上一年

10. Hi. Nice to see you.嗨,很高兴见到你。

Glad to see you.很高兴见到你。

Nice meeting you.很高兴见到你。

Great to meet you.很高兴见到你。

Part Four: Dialogues会话

Dialogue 1

Tom: Good morning. 早上好。

Anna: Good morning. 早上好。

Tom: You look good today. 你今大看起来极好啊。

Anna: Thanks. Actually I have an interview this morning. Do you know what time it is?


Tom: Oh, it's ten thirty.噢,是十点半。

Anna: Well, I don't want to be late for the interview. I'll see you later.好的,我不想面试迟到,迟点见。

Tom: Good luck!祝你好运!

Dialogue 2

Anna: How are you feeling today?今日你感触怎么样?

Tom: Much better, thanks. And thank you for cooking that chicken soup for me last night.

It was delicious. 许多了,谢谢。谢谢你昨晚为我煮的鸡汤,真是甘旨。

Anna: I am glad I could help. Are you going to work? 能协助你我很高兴。你要去上班了吗?

Tom: Yes. I am all right now. I'll see you tonight. 是的,我如今全好了。今晚见。

Anna: See you. 今晚见。

Dialogue 3

Tom: Hi, Laura. Haven't seen you for a while. 嗨,劳拉。好久不见了啊。

Laura: Hi. Good to see you again. 嗨,很高兴再会到你。

Tom: How are you doing? 你还好吗?

Laura: Not bad. Work is okay. 还好,作业还顺畅。

Tom: Oh, is it? That's good to hear. You now work in Taiwan, right?噢,是吗?太好了。你如今是在台湾作业吗?

Laura: Yes. This is my second year of teaching.是的,本年是我第二年教育了。

Tom: Wow! That must be exciting. I hope I can visit you sometime.哇,那必定很影响。真期望有天我能去造访你。

Laura: Good. You're welcome at any time.好啊,随时等待你。

Part Five: Words and Expressions 词语注释

buddy n. 密友,火伴 interview n.面试

soup n.汤,羹汤 sometime adv. 在某时;有朝一日

02Meeting People 与人碰头

·My name is... 我叫……

·What is your name? 请问您贵姓台甫?

·I don't believe we have met. 我想咱们早年没见过。(somewhat formal 较为正式)

·Introducing people 介绍或人

·This is (name).… 这位是……(名字)

·I'd like you to meet... 我想介绍……给你知道

·There's someone I'd like you to meet... 有自个我想介绍给你知道一下

(used if other person is not present用于被介绍人不在场合)

·Allow me to introduce... 让我向你介绍一下,这位是……(formal introductions 正式场合的介绍)

·Have you met.… 你见过……吗?

Part Two: Expressions有用句型

1. This is Bob. 这位是鲍伯。

2. Let me introduce you to my lawyer. 我来给你介绍我的律师。

3. Have you met my mother? 你见过我的母亲了吗?

4. Allow me to introduce myself. 请答应我毛遂自荐。

5. I'm a man of wealth and taste. 我是个有钱也有品尝的人。

6. Have you two met? 你们俩见过?

7. We've met before. 咱们之前现已见过了。

8. I've never met someone quite like you before. 我从没碰到过象你这样的人。

9. How is we keep running into each other? 咱们怎么老是碰到?

10. It's a small world. 这世界真小。

11. I don't think we've met before. 我想咱们早年没有见过。

12. Do I know you? 我知道你吗?

13. Can I buy you a drink? 我请你喝一杯怎么样?

14. Is this seat taken? 这个方位有人吗?

15. Can I speak to you for a moment? 我可以和你谈一会儿吗?

16. You look like somebody I know. 你很像我的一个熟人。

17. I'm positive I've seen you before. 我敢必定咱们早年见过面。

18. I haven't had the pleasure of being introduced to you.我可不敢高攀,我并不知道你。

Part Three: Substitutions替换操练

1. Have you met my brother?你有见到我的弟弟吗?

my wife我的老婆



2. Do I know you?我知道你吗?

Have we met before?咱们早年见过?

Have we seen each other?咱们早年见过吗?

Do we know each other?咱们知道吗?

3. Let me introduce you to my lawyer.让我介绍我的律师让你知道。

May I introduce you to my lawyer?我可以把你介绍给我的律师吗?

I would like to introduce you to my lawyer.我想把你介绍给我的律师。

I'd like you to meet my lawyer.我想让你来知道一下我的律师。

4. This is my sister, Sandy.这是我的小妹仙蒂。

my brother, Joe.我的哥哥乔。

my employer, Robert.我的老板罗伯特

my friend, Anna.我的兄弟安娜。

5. I'm here to play badminton.我来这儿打茸毛球。

pick up my son接我儿子

see my friend off送我兄弟

give performance扮演

6. You can call me Joe.你可以叫我乔治




7. Can I speak to you for a while? 我可以跟你聊一下吗?

for a moment一会儿

for a second顷刻

for 10 minutes非常钟

8. Excuse me, what's your name again? 对不住,能再说一遍你的名字吗?

I am sorry, can you tell me your name again? 对不住,能再告诉我一次你的名字吗?

I am sorry, I don't remember your name. 对不住,我想不起你的名字了。

I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch your name.对不住,我没听理解你叫啥。

9. Sorry, I think you're thinking of someone else. 不好心思,我想你认错人了。

I think you made a mistake. 我想你弄错了。

I think you've got me mixed up with someone else. 我想你把我和别人混杂了。

I think I am mistaken for someone else. 我想我被当成另外一自个了。

10. I'm new around here.我是 新来的。

a stranger here一个陌生人

a newcomer here新来的人

here not long before刚到这儿不久

Part Four: Dialogues会话

Dialogue 1

Anna: Hi. I don't believe we've met. I'm Anna Smith.嗨,我想咱们早年没有见过面,我叫安娜.史密斯。

Tom: Oh, hi. I'm Thomas Taylor. You can call me Tom.噢,你好,我是托马斯.泰勒。你可以叫我汤姆。

Anna: It's nice to meet you, Tom.很高兴见到你,汤姆。

Tom: Likewise. 我也是。

Dialogue 2

Jack: Hi! How are you doing? 嗨,你还好吗?

Julia: Oh, hi! You are Jack, right? 噢,你是杰克,不是吗?

Jack: That's right. What's your name again? 是的,那你是?

Julia: Julia. Julia Riley. 茱莉。茱莉.莱莉。

Jack: Julia, this is my roommate Herb. 茱莉,这是我的室友赫伯。

Julia: Hi, Herb. 你好,赫伯。

Herb: Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

Julia: Where are you from? 你从哪里来的?

Herb: Texas. 德州。

Julia: Oh, yeah, you have an accent! 噢,对啊,你有那里的口音。

Herb: Ha! You're the one with the accent! 哈,你才是。

Dialogue 3

Tom: Listen, Emily. We're really hungry. Do you want to get something to eat with us?


Emily:I can't. I have to meet my new roommate, Chen Hong. I think she's Chinese.


Tom: Okay. See you later, then. We're up in 112. Stop by anytime.


Emily: Sure. See you. 好的,再会。

Part Five: Words and Expressions 词语注释

run into ph.偶遇

employer n.雇主,招聘者

performance n.表演; 演奏;扮演

be mixed up ph.弄迷糊,混杂不清

likewise ad.相同地,照样地

accent n.口音,腔调

roommate n.同室者;室友

professional a.作业性的,非业余性的

Tips 言语小贴士

When introducing yourself it is normal to only use first names. In an informal social setting, like a school party, it's more common to just give your first name. In a business situation it is best to give your full name, and any professional titles you may have. The best advice is to do what the other person does. It's okay to just ask for someone's name, but often it's better to just give your own and wait for the other person to respond.


03Saying Goodbye道别

·goodbye 再会

·talk to you later 改天再聊

·take care 保重

·I'll see you later 回头见

·it was nice to meet you 很高兴能与你碰头

·take care 保重

·have a nice trip 一路平安/旅途渝快((Used if someone is leaving on a long trip用于或人即将出差或是旅行。)

·have a nice time玩得开心一点((Used if another person is going to do something fun或人即将外出玩耍时用语。)

Part Two: Expressions有用句型

1. Good-bye. 再会.

2. Bye. 拜拜。

3. Bye-bye. 拜.

4. See you. 回头见。

5. Catch you later. 回头见。

6. Sayonara. 再会。

7. Ciao. 再会.

8. Adios. 再会。

9. Talk to you later. 再聊。

10. Have a nice day. 玩得开心一点。

11. Take it easy. 定心。

12. Call me. 打我电话哦。

13. Keep in touch. 坚持联络。

14. Get away from me. 离我远点。

15. Go away. 滚开。

16. I'm done talking to you. 我和你没啥好说的。

17. I've nothing more to say to you.我和你没有啥好说的。

18. Get out of my face. 马上从我面前不见。

Part Three: Substitutions替换操练

1. See you later.迟点 见。

tomorrow 明日


next week下个星期

2. Bye.再会。


So long.再会。

see you later.再会。

3. I will be back in a minute.我很快就回来。

soon 马上

in a short while不久

as soon as possible从速

4. I have to go.我要 走 了。

leave 脱离


get out of here脱离这儿

5. Give me a kiss.给我一个吻。




6. I'm done talking to you.我跟你要说的都说完了。

I've nothing more to say to you.我跟你没啥好说的。

We've finished talking.咱们现已说完了。

Our talk has finished.咱们的说话现已结束了。

7. I'd better run.我最佳跑着去。

get going启航

hit the road脱离

go now如今走

8. Why don't you give me a call?为啥你不给我电话?

Give me a call.给我打电话。

Call me at 555-1210.打555—1210找我。

Ring me later.迟点给我打电话。

9. I'll call you when I get there. 我到了会给你电话的。


get home回到家


10. You should stop by when you have time.你有空的话就过来一下吧。

come visit me来造访我

come see me来看我

call upon me来看我

Part Four: Dialogues会话

Dialogue 1

Anna: I'm hungry. Do you want to get something to eat?我饿了,你想去弄点吃的吗?

Tom: No. I want to study more.不,我要再学会儿。

Anna: You sure?你真的不想吃?

Tom: Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow.是的,明日见吧。

Anna: Okay. See you later.好的,明日见。

Tom: Bye.再会。

Anna: Bye.再会。

Dialogue 2

Son: Oh, well. I've got everything right here.噢,我啥都预备好了。

Mom: Please take care of yourself.照看好你自个。

Son: Don't worry, I will. You take care of yourself, Mom.别忧虑,我会的。母亲,你也要照看自个。

Mom: I will miss you. (hugging)我会想你的。(拥抱)

Son: I will miss you too. But you can come and visit me in the school this fall.


Mom: I sure will. Call me when you get there. 我当然会。你到了那儿就打电话给我吧。

Son: I will, mom. Please go inside. I will call you tomorrow morning.


Mom: Okay. 好的。

Son: Goodbye, Mom. 母亲再会。

Mom: Bye. 再会。

Dialogue 3

Tom: That was very good. Thank you for dinner. 真实太好了,谢谢你的晚餐。

Anna: You're welcome. I am glad you came. 不必谢,很高兴你能赏脸。

Tom: Thank

you for inviting me. 谢谢你聘请我。

Anna: So will I see you this Friday? 那咱们这个星期五碰头是吗?

Tom: Yeah. That's right. I will see you at the show. 噢,对。咱们会在那个博览会上会面的。

Anna: Good. See you then. 好,那到时分再会。

Tom: Byebye. 再会。

Part Five: Words and Expressions 词语注释

sayonara n.再会

ciao int. [意](别离时用语)再会

adios (= adieu)再会

ring vi.打电话

stop by 趁便造访

fall n. [美] 秋天

Tips 言语小贴士

Saying good-bye is pretty simple.与人道别对错常简略的。

上一篇: 儿童英语线上仍是线下学好些,好坏比照来了

下一篇: 北京下一年高考添加英语口语考试 口语加听力算计50分

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