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英语口语 up in the air啥意思

acad2018 2023-02-18 06:17:28 英语口语网课

??英语口语:up in the air啥意思?

关于学习英语up in the air以及类似的英语表达的人需要答复的疑问是:你今日用中文“学会”了英语up in the air(作业还没最终断定),是为了往后能用上这句英语呢?仍是你的学习只不过是用它来做英语才能的练习而已(你往后估量跟我相同根柢没有啥机缘跟外国人说up in the air这句英语)?许多人连这个疑问都没想理解就耗费时刻精力学(而且是用中文学)up in the air,成果不过是浪费时刻精力而已:根柢没用。

其二,学到或今后见到up in the air你只会?党觥敝形摹盎姑蛔钪斩ā甭穑?

假定你“用”英语学习和了解英语up in the air,你就会发现“遇到”许

多学过的英语表达,让你对英语up in the air的学习“畅通领悟贯穿”,把学过的英语用起来。

看看下面有多少你知道的大学英语可以用来了解“新词”up in the air?

Up in the air:

not settled, uncertain,not yet decided,not yet determined.

凭仗这些简略的大学英语,你还需要凭仗中文才干了解up in the air吗?


1. So when we say :The plan to build a golf course

next to the airport is still up in the air,this means The plan is not settled,the plan is uncertain, the plan is not yet decided,the plan is not yet determined.

2. So,whether or not the pretty girl will marry him is up in the air means Whether or not the pretty girl will marry him is not settled, is uncertain, is not yet decided,is not yet determined.

能这样用英语学英语up in the air,不管将来你会不会有机缘用上up in the air这样“高档”英语,至少你如今的英语才能也得到充分练习,学过的英语之间可以“畅通领悟贯穿”,彼此渗透并构成“见英语说英语”的言语反应了。


注:此处不谈up in the air的字面转义。

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