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acad2018 2023-02-18 06:17:37 学英语口语

??This list contains the most common English Teaching Abbreviations used in English educational systems and English exams… 这个列表包括了在英语教育体系和英语考试中运用的最多见的英语教育缩写……

ESL and EFL Abbreviations ESL和EFL缩写

Abbreviations | English Exams 英语考试的缩写

BEC: Business English Certificate – Cambridge business English exam certificate 商务英语证书-剑桥商务英语考试证书CAE: Certificate in Advanced English – the fourth Cambridge Exam Cambridge Exams – The standard in English examination throughout the world outside of the USA (where the TOEFL is preferred) 高档英语证书——第四届剑桥考试——剑桥考试——美国以外的全球英语考试标准(托福为首选)CAT: Computer Adaptive Testing 核算机自习气查验CBT: Computer Based Teaching 根据核算机的教育CEELT: Cambridge Examination in English for Language

Teachers. Tests the English competency of non-native teachers of English. 剑桥英语考试。查验非英语母语教师的英语才能。CEIBT: Certificate in English for International Business and Trade for advanced levels. 高档世界商务和生意英语证书。CELTA: Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (Cambridge/RSA Teaching Certificate also known as C-TEFLA) 成人英语教育证书(剑桥/RSA教育证书,也称C-TEFLA)CPE: Certificate of Proficiency in English – the fifth and the most advanced of Cambridge’s series of exams (roughly comparable

to a score of 600-650 on the TOEFL). 英语水平证书——剑桥系列考试的第五名也是最高档的(大致恰当于托福600-650分)。ECCE: Exam for the Certificate of Competency in English (Michigan University) – lower level. 英语才能证书考试(密歇根大学)-较低水平。ECPE: Exam for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (Michigan University) – higher level. 美国密歇根大学(Michigan University)英语水平证书考试——更高级级。FCE: First Certificate in English

– the third of Cambridge’s series of exams (comparable to a score of 500 on the TOEFL and 5.7 on the IELTS). 第一个英语证书——剑桥系列考试的第三个(恰当于托福500分和雅思5.7分)。IELTS: International English Language Testing System 世界英语言语查验体系KET: Key English Test – The most elementary of Cambridge’s series of exams 要害英语查验-剑桥系列考试中开始级的MTELP: Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency 密歇根大学英语水平查验PET: Preliminary English Test – The second of Cambridge’s series of exams. 剑桥英语考试-剑桥系列考试的第二有些。RSA/Cambridge C-TEFLA: Certificate of Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults. A professional qualification for prospective EFL teachers. 成人英语教育证书。将来英语教师的专业资历。RSA/Cambridge D-TEFLA: Diploma of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Advanced qualification for EFL teachers who have already completed the C-TEFLA. 对外英语教育文凭。已结束C-TEFLA的外语教师高档资历证书。TOEFL: Test of

English as a Foreign Language – the most common English proficiency exam for North American universities and colleges, also accepted by some British universities and employers as proof of English proficiency. 英语作为一门外语的考试——北美大学和学院最多见的英语水平考试,也被一些英国大学和雇主作为英语水平的证明。TOEIC: Test Of English for International Communication 世界交流英语考试YLE: Young Learners English Tests – Cambridge Examinations for young learners 青少年英语考试-剑桥考试为青少年English Teaching Abbreviations 英语教育的缩写

AAAL: American Association for Applied Linguistics 美国使用言语学协会ACTFL: American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages 美国外语教育委员会AE: American English 美式英语BAAL: British Association of Applied Linguistics 英国使用言语学协会BC: British Council 英国文明协会BE: Business English 商务英语BICS: Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills 根柢的人际交流技巧BrE: British English 英式英语BVT: Bilingual Vocational Training 双语作业培训CALI: Computer Assisted Language Instruction 核算机辅佐语身教育CALL: Computer Assisted Language Learning 核算机辅佐言语学习CanE: Canadian English 加拿大英语DELTA: Diploma in English Language Teaching (Cambridge/RSA Language Teaching Scheme) 英语语身教育文凭(剑桥/ RSA语身教育方案)EAP: English for Academic Purposes 学术英语EFL: English as a Foreign Language 英语作为外语EGP: English for General Purposes 通用英语EIP: English as an International Language Programme 英语作为世界言语课程EL: English Learner 英语学习者ELA: English Language Arts 英语言语艺术ELD: English Language Development 英语言语打开ELICOS: English Language Intensive Courses to Overseas Students. Government registered centers teaching English to overseas students in Australia. 海外学生英语强化课程。 政府注册的中心为澳大利亚的海外学生教授英语。ELL: English Language Learner 英语学习者ELT: English Language Teaching 英语语身教育ERIC: Educational Resources Information Center 教育本钱信息中心ESL: English as a Second Language 英语作为第二言语ESLP: English as a Second Language Programme 英语作为第二言语课程ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages 其他言语的英语ESP: English for Specific Purposes (business English, English for tourism, etc.) 特定意图英语(商务英语,旅行英语等)GE/Gen Eng: GE: General Education, General English 通识教育,通用英语IATEFL: International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language 世界英语教师协会IEP: Intensive English Programme (usually university programmes) 强化英语课程(一般是大学课程)NATECLA: National Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to Adults (UK) 全国英语和其他社区语身教育协会(英国)NATESOL: National Association of Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages 全国其他言语的英语教师协会NCTE: National Council of Teachers of English 全国英语教师委员会NEP: Non-English Proficient 非英语熟练NES: Non-English Speaking 非英语口语NNEST: Non-Native English Speaking Teacher 非英语母语教师NNL: Non-Native Language 非母语OE: Old English 古英语OED: Oxford English Dictionary 牛津英语词典RP: Received Pronunciation – ‘standard’ British pronunciation 收到发音 - '标准'英国发音SAE: Standard American English 标准美式英语SAP: Student Assistance Program 学生协助方案SLL: Second Language Learner 第二言语学习者TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language 英语作为外语教育TEFLA: Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults 为成人教授英语作为外语TEIL: Teaching English as an International Language 将英语作为世界语身教育TESL: Teaching English as a Second Language 将英语作为第二语身教育TESOL: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages 其他言语的英语教师TYLE: (Teaching) Young Learners English (教育)年青学生英语VE: Vocational English 作业英语VESL: Vocational English as a Second Language 作业英语作为第二言语Abbreviations in School 学校的缩写

BIC: Behavior Intervention Class 行为干与课程ABA: Applied Behavioral Analysis 使用行为分析AD: Athletic Director 运动总监ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder 留心力缺陷妨碍AESOP: Automated Substitute Placement & Absence Management 主动替代安设和矿工打点AMAOs: Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives 年度可衡量的作用方针AP: Advanced Placement (also Assistant Principal) 大学先修课程(也是助理校长)APA: Administrative Procedures Act 行政程序法APE: Adaptive Physical Education 习气性体育教育AR: Accelerated Reader 加速读者ARC: Accountability Report Card 问责制陈述卡AVA: American Vocational Association 美国作业协会BD: Behavior Disorder 行为妨碍BDR: Bill Draft Request 比尔草案请求BIP: Behavior Intervention Plan 行为干与方案BMP: Behavior Management Plan 行为打点方案BOT: Board of Trustees 理事会CALP: Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency 认知学术言语才能ESD: Extended School Day 延伸上学日ESEA: Elementary and Secondary Education Act 中大学教育法ETS: Educational Testing Service 教育考试效能GMAT: Graduate Management Admission Test. The GMAT measures general verbal, mathematical, and analytical writing skills. 研讨生打点入学考试。 GMAT测量一般的口头,数学和分析写作技巧。GPA: Grade Point Average 均匀成果点GRE: Graduate Record Examination – an evaluation test for graduate admission to colleges and universities in the U.S. 研讨生入学考试 - 美国高校研讨生入学考试GTE: Gifted & Talented Education 资优教育IHE: Institution of Higher Education 高级教育机构IPA: International Phonetic Association 世界音标协会K12: Kindergarten – 12th grade. 幼儿园 - 12大学。L1: Language 1 – native language 言语1 - 母语L2: Language 2 – the language you are learning 言语2 - 您正在学习的言语LA: Language Arts 言语艺术LEP: Limited English Proficient 英语水平有限LL: Language Learning 言语学习LLD: Language Learning Disabilities 言语学习妨碍MT: Mother Tongue 母语NLP: Neuro-linguistic Programming 神经言语程序方案PL: Public Law 公共法PLC: Practical Life Class 有用日子课程PLP: Personal Learning Plan 自个学习方案RFA: Request for Applications 请求请求RFP: Request for Proposals 寻求主张书SASI: School Administration Student Information 学校打点学生信息SES: Socio-Economic Status 社会经济方位SIP: School Improvement Plan 学校改进方案SIT: Student Intervention Team 学生干与团队TLC: Teachers and Leaders Council 教师和领导委员会VR: Vocational Rehabilitation 作业恢复Common English Teaching Abbreviations | Pictures 一般英语教育缩略语| 图像

English Teaching Abbreviations | Image 2 英语教育缩略语| 图3

Common English Teaching Abbreviations | Image 3 英语教育缩略语| 图3

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