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英语四级口语历年真题 Online Chatting

acad2018 2023-02-18 16:19:30 线上英语培训


Online Chatting

Online chatting has becoming more and more popular in nowadays. It plays anindispensable role in our daily life.

First, when you’re pursuing your study in another city, online chattingallows us to keep in contact with our parents who are far away. It’s moreconvenient than phone calls, because by online chatting we can see our parentsthrough the camera on our smartphones. You can chat together with your friendsin the online circle at the same time.

Second, as for those who are not good at expressing themselves in person,they can have a talk with their lover by online chatting.Third, more and morepeople

chat online in their work, because it’s convenient and it brings lessdisturbance to others.

However, everything has two sides, online chatting is no exceptional. Itmay be a waste of time, energy and money as some people may addicted to chattingwith those strangers. Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspaceis actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or fictional.

You mustkeep alert all the time in case of being cheated by some bad guy.



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