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「往常英语口语8000句」13-2 在外用餐预定饭馆常用口语句子

acad2018 2023-02-25 06:15:57 线上英语培训

这邻近您能举荐家好吃的饭馆吗? could you recommend a good restaurant near here? *recommend “举荐,主张”。

我想吃意大利菜。 i'd like some italian food.
您举荐哪家饭馆? which restaurant do you recommend?

邻近有墨西哥饭馆吗? is there a mexican restaurant around here? is there a mexican restaurant around here? (这邻近有墨西哥饭馆吗?)
yes, there's one. (是的,有一家。)

迩来的墨西哥饭馆在哪儿? where is the closest mexican restaurant?
这邻近有没有还在运营的饭馆? are there any restaurants still open near here?
我需要预定吗? do i need a reservation?
您好,这是公园餐厅。我可认为您效能吗? hello, this is the park restaurant. may i help you?
我想订餐。今日晚上6点,8自个的位子。 i'd like to make a reservation for eight people at six o'clock tonight. *make a reservation “预定”。

咱们一共8自个。 we are a group of eight.
我想订8自个的餐。 i'd like to reserve a table for eight. i'd like to reserve a table for eight. (我想订餐8自个。)
what time, sir? (啥时刻的?)

咱们能不能要张离乐队近一点儿的桌子? could we have a table close to the band? *close to... “离……近一些”。

对不住,今日晚上都订满了。 i'm sorry. we're all booked up tonight. *用booked up或booked来标明“订满了”。
= i'm sorry. we are quite full tonight.

= i'm sorry, all the tables are booked tonight.

要等多长时刻? how long is the wait? = how long do we have to wait?
= is the wait long? (等得长吗?)

咱们可以等。 we can wait.
可以预定几点的? what time can we make a reservation? *make a reservation “预定”。

一向运营到几点? how late are you open? *how late...? 标明“……到几点?”
how late

are you open? (一向开到几点?)
until eleven. (到11点。)

我怎么才干到那儿? how do i get there?
可以用诺言卡吗? do you accept credit cards? = do you take credit cards?

一顿饭多少钱? what is the price of a dinner course?
穿戴上有啥规则吗? what is your dress code? *code “规则,标准”。
what is your dress code? (服装上有啥规则?)
we require a jacket and tie. (需求穿外衣、打领带。)

我有必要得穿外衣打领带吗? should i wear a jacket and tie? *should... “有必要、大约……吗?”。

女人有必要穿礼衣吗? should the ladies wear dresses?
请问您几位? how many in your group? we need a large table, please. (咱们需要一张大桌子。)
how many in your group? (请问您几位

= how many in your party?

2自个。 two.
对不住,我想撤消订餐。 i'm sorry, but i have to cancel my reservation.

上一篇: 【停课不断学离校不离教】——银川市第三大学七大学英语备课...

下一篇: “伴鱼”结束1.2亿美元C轮融资 领跑在线成人英语赛道

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