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「往常英语口语8000句」16-1 生气时不满怨言常用口语句子

acad2018 2023-02-25 06:15:58 英语口语网课

啊呸!真见鬼! oh, heck! *heck标明有点悲观和绝望。oh, heck! i failed the test. (噢,见鬼!没考及格。)
= oh, darn!
= oh, no!

啥! shucks!*招认自个的差错,或回答别人对自个的不满时。
where is your homework? (你的作业在哪儿呢?)
shucks! i forgot it at home. (哎呀!我忘在家里了。)

真见鬼! shoot! *标明厌烦、激怒、惊奇等。常用来标明作业并不像自个所想像的那样顺畅时。
shoot! i missed the train. (真见鬼!我没赶上电车。)
= sheesh!

他妈的! shit! *听起来很初级。shoot是shit的宛转说法。

啊!糟了! uh-oh. *标明“不好”、“糟了”,带有惊奇的口气。
did you bring the book i lent you? (你借我的书带来了吗?)
uh-oh. i forgot. (啊,糟了,我忘了。)

有的事是行不通的。 not everything is logical.*logical “合逻辑的”、“符合道理的”。
= everything isn't always logical.
= not everything follows the rules of logic.

(金钱)全都浪费了。 it went down the drain. *drain “排水管”。
how was the investment? (出资的那个项目怎么样?)
it went down the drain. (全都白搭了。)

就差那么一点儿。 i almost made it. *用almost标明“差一点儿就……”。
the train just left. (电车刚走。)
i almost made it. (就差那么一点儿。)
= i was almost on time.
= i was just a little late. (就晚了那么一点儿。)

想点儿办法吧! do something! our house is a mess? (咱们的家真乱。)
so, do something! (那,你就拾掇拾掇吧。)
= do something about it!
= please do something about it.(请想点儿办法吧!)
please take care of it for me.(请为我处置一下儿吧。)

我忙得要命。 i'm so busy. i'm so busy today. (我今日忙得要命。)
how about tomorrow? (那明日怎么样?)
= i'm too busy.
= i'm as busy as a bee. *短语,“像蜜蜂相同繁忙”。

这项工刁难我来说太重了。 this task is too much for me. * task标明“作为使命分配给人的

this task is too much for me. (这项工刁难我来说太重了。)
please don't give up yet. (请你别扔掉。)
i can't complete this task alone. (我一自个无法结束这项作业。)
= this is too much for me to handle.

这么点儿薪水我怎么够活呀! i can't make ends meet on my small salary. = i can't live on my low pay.
= i can't get along on my scanty pay.
= i find it impossible to make ends meet on my small salary.

我再也忍不下去了。 this is the last straw. *last straw 标明“再也无法承受的担负和困难上又新加的苦楚”。
your husband hit you again? (你丈夫又打你了?)
yes. this is the last straw. (是的。我再也忍不下去了。)
= that's it.
= i've had it up to here.
= i can't take it any more.

你的答复我承受不了。 your response is unacceptable. *unacceptable 标明“承受不了”。
= i'm not satisfied with what you say.
= your answer is unsatisfactory.

我不满足他的答复。 i'm not satisfied with his answer. *be satisfied with... “对……感到满足”。
= i'm dissatisfied with his

= his answer didn't satisfy me.

他今日一副寻衅的姿势。 he's got a chip on his shoulder today. *指“要打架的姿势”、“心境不好的情绪”。

公正点儿! play fair! = play fairly!
= don't cheat! (不许搞鬼。)

多费时费钱呀! what a waste of time and money! what a waste of time and money! (费时又费钱。)
don't say that. (你别那么说呀!)
= you're wasting your time and money!

你太大方了。 you're too generous. *在送给别人恰当有价值的东西等场合时运用。generous “大方的”、“不吝惜的”、“广大的”、“衡量大的”。
i'd like you to have this. (我想送你这个。)
you're too generous. thank you very much. (你太大方了。谢谢。)
= you're too kind.

他把悉数都告诉了我。 he told me all about it. = he told me everything.

怎么花这么长时刻? what's taking so long? = why is it taking so long?

10分钟怎么也来不及。 i can't make it in ten minutes. i need more time. (我还需要害儿时刻。)
it'll take me longer than ten minutes. (要花10分钟以上。)
ten minutes isn't enough time. (10分钟太匆促了。)

他看不起我。 he looks down on me.

= he despises me.
he respects me. (他尊敬我。)

你啥忙也帮不了。 you're good for nothing.
几乎快让我疯了。 it drives me crazy. i hate that noise. (我真厌烦那种声响。)
it drives me crazy. (它几乎快让我疯了。)
= it makes me crazy.
= it drives me up the wall.

就这些吗? is that all? i'd like this one, and that one, please. (我要这个和那个。)
is that all? (就这些吗?)
= is that it?
= anything else? (还要另外吗?)

这太少了。/这不可。 that's not enough. *用于所持或得到的量缺乏时。
i'll give you 10% off. (我给你廉价10%。)
that's not enough. how about 20% off? (这太少了。20%怎么样?)
i'd like more. (我还想要害儿。)
i need more. (我需要再多一点儿。)

他对我不公正。 he's unfair to me. *unfair “不公正的”、“不合理的”。
= he treats me unfairly.
= he doesn't treat me fairly. (他对待我不公正。)

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