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acad2018 2023-03-01 16:18:19 英语口语网课

germany英 ['dmn] 美 ['dmni] n. 德国。短语(一)germany coffee 德式咖啡。(二)stuttgart germany 德国斯图加特。(三)germany suplex 德国绞肉机。(四)hamburg germany 德国汉堡。

拓宽材料:(一)but i remember an anecdote i once heard from one of my german friends. shortly after the unification, an ossie and a weissie meet in berlin.。但我记住从一个德国兄弟那里听来的这样一件轶事:共同后不久,一个东德人与一个西德人在柏林相遇。(二)and yet the french have always loved queen elizabeth and the british royal family. could it be

because they have german blood? 而且法国人一向酷爱伊丽莎白女王和英国王室家族,这莫非是因为他们具有德国血缘的缘由吗?(三)you will understand me when i say that my middle high

german was my life。当我说中高地德语研讨是我的生命的时分,你大约会了解我。(四)咱们要去德国过圣诞和新年。we're going to germany for christmas and new year。(五)他找了一份作业以挣钱付出在德国的费用。he took a job to finance his stay in germany。


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