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中考语文经典题系列(5)-白话文《岳阳楼记》 解析
(1) 标明另外再有的一个复数数量,可以在其前面加一个another,此时another没有奇数意义。
?????? another 100 people。
(2) 有人主张前后两个数量大约相等方可在说到后一数量时用another,例如:他们对立说eighteen persons were summoned as witnesses, and another six were interrogated. 十8自个被传唤作证,还有六自个被问询。可是这种对立定见如同不能树立,因为这个例句中的another假定去掉,可以有歧义,令人认为六自个是十8自个傍边的。
(3) another放在奇数的可数名词之前,可以标明除了原有的一个或多个之外,再加上又一个。原有的仍然保存,不是换成另外一个。
?????? could i have another piece of bread? 我可以再吃一片面包吗?
?????? its generally not a good idea to pick a new yorker at random, go through his things and slow his rush to the subway. nobody needs another irritation on a hot, crowded, smelly commute. 一般,随意选择出一个纽约人,查看他的东西,耽搁他奔向地铁的旅程,这不是个好主见。气候这么热,人这么挤,气味这么大,谁上下班都不需要额定添加一件动火的事。假定名词是不可以数的,或答应数但复数(不阐明具体数目),就不能用another,而要用more。
?????? would you like some more meat? 您是不是再来点肉?
?????? would you like some more peas? 您是不是再来点豆子?不过,在复数可数名词前,假定有few或是数词,仍可以运用another。
?????? im staying for another few weeks. 我再多留几个星期。
?????? we need another three chairs. 咱们还需要添加三把椅子。
?(4) another放在奇数的可数名词之前,也可以标明不要原有的一个或多个,换成另外一个。
?????? i think we should paint

it another colour. 我觉得咱们大约把它漆成另外一个颜色。在这个意义上,another的定指方法是the other。
?????? i dond prefer the other one.
(5) 有时another可以标明“普一般通”、“同我们没啥别离”的意思(前面一般加上just)。
?????? where they had seen but an unsuccessful artist, like another... (somerset maugham, the moon and sixpence, chapter i) 他们开始看作是个失利的画家,一个同许多说魄艺术家没有啥不一样的画家…
?????? six years ago hed been just another comedian looking to score a gig, a few bucks, anything going. 六年前,他只是一个普一般通的喜剧演员,处处找活儿干,挣几块钱,干啥都行。
?????? in contrast to the way she had been before her husbands death—handsome, stylish, athletic—she was now just another elderly woman. 她一反丈夫去世之前的那副时髦秀丽、风味典雅、强健健壮的表面,如今成了一个普一般通的老太婆。
?????? do you treat your own father as just another sick old man? 你莫非把自个亲生父亲也当作普一般通一个病老头那样对待吗?
?(6) another后边假定呈现名词,这个名词只能是奇数的。可是假定复数名词前面有清楚的数目,就可以放在another后边。
?????? another fifty miles再有五十英里

。假定是a hundred, a thousand, a million,这个a要去掉,也可以用one来替代。
?????? another thousand years或 another one thousand years再过一千年。
■answer, reply与respond
(1) 中文“问”,除了真的提疑问需求答案之外,还有“追查责任”的意思(例如“唯你是问”、“问责”)。英文ask则只需“发问”和“恳求”的意思,没有“追查责任”的意思;可是,中文“答复”没有“承担责任”的意思,英文answer却有。
?????? they will have to answer for their acts in a court of law. 他们对自个的行为,即将在法庭上承担责任。
?????? ill answer for him. 我替他担任。
?????? let him answer for himself. 让他自个为自个担任吧。
?????? his parents have a lot to answer for. 他的父母要负很大的责任。
?????? you are to answer to brian, to take your orders from him. 你要向布赖恩担任, 承受他的指令。answer to somebody. 要对或人担任(有差错要受或人赏罚,标明状况,属第一类动词),answer somebody(没有to)则只是“答复或人的发问”(标明行为,属第四类动词)。
?????? he answered me quickly. 他很快就答复了我。
?????? youll answer to me if your information is not true. 你的信息假定不对,我就要唯你是问。

responsibility,都有“责任”的意思,可是动词respond本身却只需“答复”而没有“担任任”的意思,这个意义,给了词根根柢不一样的answer(从answer派生的描述词answerable to是“向…担任”)。另外,值得参阅的是:不管是拉丁系几种言语、德语、俄语,“责任”的词根全都来自“答复”。大约已然担任,就要对人家的责问作出答复,经过长时刻的运用,尽管不是“答复”而是承担成果,字面上仍是用“答复”来标明。
(2) answer与reply to(留心要有to才干引入宾语)一般可以互用,可是answer比照偏重答复的内容,reply to则比照偏重答复的行为(参阅hear和listen to以及talk和speak的差异)。
?????? answer (*reply) in the affirmative给与必定的答复
?????? you should reply to this letter at once. 你大约当即回复这封信。
?????? the mother replied for the daughter. 母亲替女儿作了答复。
?????? ed replied for all the graduates.爱德代表全体结业生致答辞(假定用answered就是“替全体结业生担任”)。因而,转义的“回答”(重行为不重内容),常用reply to。
?????? we replied to the enemys fire. 咱们对敌人还了火。
?????? my friend replied with a knowing wink. 我的兄弟报以会意的浅笑。名词answer和reply也有相同的差异。
?????? she had only one answer (*reply) correct on the test. 她的查验题只需一道做对。
?????? the invention is

a good answer (*reply) to housewives problems. 这个创造,是对家庭主妇们的难题的一个杰出答案。另外,reply还意味着“一来一往”的第二个单独的进程,假定两个进程合而为一,就要用answer。
?????? she answered(*replied to) the phone on the first ring. 电话一响她就接了。
?????? a middle-aged woman answered (*replied to) the door. 一个中年妇女应声开门。
?????? i knocked at the door, but nobody answered (*replied). 我敲了门,可是没有谁应声前来。
?(3) reply尽管不偏重答复的内容,可是后边假定接上that从句,却可以说出答复的内容。
?????? he replied that he did not know it. 他答复说不晓得。
?????? she replied that no one would go. 她答复说没有谁会去。
?????? asked whether their local residential environment gives a feeling of comfort and serenity, 81% of the respondents replied that they lived in a 关于当地居住环境是不是给人以一种舒畅恬静的感触这个疑问,百分之8十一的受造访者答复说他们居住在“开心的环境”中。
?????? williams answered that he had no specific proposals yet. 威廉斯答复说,他还没有具体的主张。
?????? being asked whether she had ever kissed or embraced st. catherine or st. margaret, she answered that she had embraced them both. (the english review, sept. -dec. 1846, p. 252, jean of arc) 人家问她早年吻过或许拥抱过圣凯瑟琳或圣玛格丽特没有,她答复说两自个她都拥抱过。
?????? ... and when i asked him if he forgave me, he answered that he was not in the habit of cherishing the remembrance of vexation... (charlotte brontё, jane eyre, chapter xxxiv) …我问他是不是宽恕我时,他说他没有记恨的习气…
?(4) reply to是对人家专门对自个宣告的信息做出答复(即单来单往)。假定该信息是广泛向大众宣告的(例如征聘布告),自个应聘,就最佳不必reply而用answer或respond。
?????? she answered
?????? responded to an advert for a job as a cook. 她看到招聘厨师的广告,就报名应聘。
?????? he responded immediately to an appeal for help. 他听到求救,就当即前往(求救不是单独向他一自个,而是向一切人宣告的)。
?????? when she smiled, even strangers responded. 她笑时,连陌生人都作出回答。
reply是比照实践的一对一的“答复”、“答复”;respond则是比照笼统的“回答”(可以体现为林林总总的方法,不必定是正面答复)。例如奥巴马中选美国总统后,伊朗总统阿赫迈迪内贾德很不寻常地发来贺电,奥巴马在记者款待会上被问及这件事: he (obama) said, leaving open the question about whether he will reply. (the washington post, nov. 8, 2008) “我将审视来自阿赫迈迪内贾德总统的信,咱们将做出恰当的回答,”他说,这就留下是不是答复的疑问悬着。
(5) answer(也可以加上介词to)还有“契合(描绘)”的意思(连续状况,第一类动词)。
?????? two men answering the description of the suspects tried to enter switzerland. 两名同嫌疑犯容颜描绘相符的男人,企图进入瑞士国境。
?????? the japanese never built any aircraft remotely answering to this description. 日自己从未制造过任何哪怕是略微与描绘相契合的飞机。
有两个几乎是相反的意义:(正面的)盼望,急于;(负面的)忧虑,生怕。如何区分,取决于:1) 单词分配;2) 分配词的词义;3) 上下文。
(1) 假定anxious单独用作定语或表语,意义就是负面的。
?????? an anxious day着急的一天
?????? an anxious question令人焦虑的疑问
?????? the anxious class(美国)不安的阶层,因为收入前进不了而为日后养老忧愁的中产阶层。
?????? its time to be going home, your mother will be anxious. 该回家了,你母亲会着急的。
?(2) 假定分配是to be anxious to inf.,to be anxious for somebody to inf. 或to be anxious about + -ing,就是正面的“盼望”、“急于”。这个意义,尽管有一些言语学家对立,但实践言语中常常运用。
?????? shes anxious to get abroad. 她盼望到国外去。
?????? my parents are anxious to meet you. 我父母盼着要见你呢。
?????? anxious to please, he offered to cook dinner. 他急于讨个欢心,就自告英勇说由他来煮饭。
?????? we are anxious for him to return home safely. 咱们热切期望他平安回家。
?????? the movie is so anxious about covering as much of the novel as possible that it never gives the actors any breathing space. (newsweek, may 29, 2006, p. 53) 影片急于尽可以多包括小说的情节,弄得演员们一点喘口气的空位都没有。
?????? even without his books, don quixote set forth once again, anxious as before not to lose any time, “for he could not but blame himself for what the world was losing by his delay...” (malcolm muggeridge, punch, april 8, 1953) 尽管没有了他的那些书,唐吉诃德仍然再一次启航上路,像早年相同急于分秒必争,“因为他假定耽搁了,全世界就要遭受丢掉,这个差错他是担任不起的…”
但anxious about后边不是 -ing动名词而是名词时,意义是负面的“忧虑”。
?????? ... will ease the professors profession) …可以让教授对一件他如同忧虑的作业定心。
?????? ... people are afraid of losing their jobs and their homes and are anxious about a possible recession. (us news & world report, jan. 14, 2008, p. 16) …我们惧怕失掉作业,失掉住所,忧虑可以经济衰退。
anxious lest则当然是负面意义的“忧虑”。
?????? he was anxious lest they were broken and thus make an evil omen. (pearl buck, the good earth) 他忧虑东西破了,预兆不好。
?(4) 假定分配是to be anxious for something,意义可以正面也可以负面。假定这个something是定指的正面好坏联络,则与to be anxious about something相同,anxious意义为负面的“忧虑”。
?? ????i was anxious for their safety when i heard the news. 我听到这消息,就替他们的平安忧虑。
?????? distraction display very rarely occurs except when a bird is anxious for its nest and eggs or young. (edward a. armstrong, bird display and behaviour) 一只鸟除非忧虑自个的鸟巢和蛋或是小鸟,否则很少呈现分神的表象。但假定something是不定指的事物(亦即没有具有的事物),则anxious意义为正面的“盼望”。
?????? the boy is anxious for a bike. 那个男孩盼望有一辆自行车。
?????? civil servants anxious for promotion期望升职的公务员。
?????? his sisters were very anxious for his having an estate of his own...(jane austen, pride and prejudice, chapter four) 他的姐妹们倒反替他着急,期望早些置办工业…
?????? ... her sister... for whose happiness she grew daily more anxious... (jane austen, pride and prejudice, chapter twenty-three) …她关怀姐姐的夸姣一天比一天来得火急…
?(5) 假定后边有以that引入的从句,意义可以正面也可以负面。假定从句中谓语动词组的功用词(operator)是may (might), will (would)之类标明可以性的助动词(属陈述口气),或是直接用动词的陈述时态,意义就是负面的。
?????? they were anxious that the enemy might turn south and attack the city. 他们忧虑敌人会掉头向南进犯这座城市。
?????? retailers are anxious that consumers may cut back on spending. 零售商忧虑花费者可以削减开支。
?????? i am getting more and more anxious that gene doping may be misused by athletes and coaches. 我越来越忧虑基因振奋剂会被运建议和教练们所乱用。
?????? we are anxious that technology will be turned against us by terrorists. 咱们忧虑科技反而会被惊骇分子用来抵挡咱们。
?????? were anxious that doing the opposite would be something wrong. 咱们忧虑反过来干会不会错了。
?????? you dont need to feel worried and anxious that pregnancy is playing havoc with your hormones. 你不必担忧担胸怀孕会损坏你的激素。
?????? he was very anxious that we should have lunch one day soon. 他很期望咱们我们迩来找一天一同吃顿午饭。
?????? we are anxious that there should be no delay. 咱们不期望有啥推迟了。
?????? martin luther was very anxious that the truths that he now knew be known to his followers. 马丁·路德盼望他的跟从者也能懂得他如今懂得了的真理。
但在实践运用时,因为标明虚拟口气的动词不定式同动词的一般如今时同形,难以区别,成果即便单个两者不一样形的动词(如to be)也用了一般如今时来标明虚拟口气。
?????? villagers are anxious that the kidnapper is (大约是be) caught without delay. 乡民们恨不得劫持犯马上能给逮住。但这一来,正面意义又同前面所说的动词陈述时态标明所“忧虑”的事的负面意义如同方法相同了。分辩的办法是:标明负面意义时,从句动词本身是连续体的,而标明正面意义时,从句动词本身是瞬时体的。这个例句中的is caught必定是瞬时体,所以可知anxious是正面意义,而前面的例句中is playing havoc则是连续体,所以可知anxious是负面意义。
?????? (作为不可以数名词):there is mounting anxiety for the safety of the hostages. 我们对人质的平安越来越忧虑。
?????? this can lead to unnecessary anxiety over a childs quite normal behaviour. 这种做法,关于一个儿童正本非常正常的行为,会致使不必要的担忧。作为可数名词,是“令人担忧的疑问”。
?????? it is a great anxiety to me. 这是我非常忧虑的事。另外,anxiety假定后边带有作为润饰语的to + inf,则也有正面的“盼望”、“急迫需要”的意义,但仍然带有一点负面的“只怕有失”的成分。
?????? in his anxiety to be gone, he forgot his case. 他仓促忙忙想一走完事,成果忘掉了箱子。
(1) not... any不常放在奇数可数名词前,例如说“我没有啥疑问了”,尽管心目中“疑问”不是多个,但仍然不习气说*i dont got a job. 关于any后边名词单复数的疑问,请参看no条。
(2) 放在不可以数名词或复数可数名词之前,暗示说话者心目中思考到该事物的量而不单单是该事物的质。
?????? is there any water in the can? 罐子里有水吗?(思考到必定数量的水,可以有用,也可以占当地需要倒掉,首要不是思考水不一样于其他物质的性质。)
?????? is there water (*any water) on the moon? 月球上有水吗?(只思考到水这种氢氧化合物的物质是不是存在,不思考数量多少。)
?????? do you need any water? 你需要水吗?(必定数量的水,不可是水的性质。)
?????? do you need water? 你需要水吗?(同果汁、牛奶等相敌对。)
(3) 一般语法书指出,some用于必定句,any用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句。可是有些疑问句本身带有片面的必定倾向性,仍然多用some。例如提出聘请:would you like some (*any) coffee? 您来点咖啡好吗?或是提出需求:can i have some (*any) soup, please? 能给我一点汤吗?
?????? can you lend me some (*any) money? 能借点钱给我吗?
另外,有时分标明“假定”并不必定要呈现if才干够用any,例如两自个在争论,第三自个劝两边暂停,下星期再三谈:both of you save any more arguments until monday. (= if you have any more arguments, save them until monday.) 有啥争论理由,下星期再三谈吧。这儿的any就带有“假定有的话”这个意义。any用于否定句,还有一点要留心的是:any要呈如今否定之后,不能呈如今否定之前。
?????? he didnt tell him. 要说:nobody told him.
?(4) any除了用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句,还可以用于必定句,意思是?嬉庖桓觥薄ⅰ叭魏我桓觥薄R簿褪撬担涫涤辛礁霾灰谎腶ny,一个是作为否定极性项(negative polarity item, npi)的any,一个是作为一般定语的any。可是,有时分即便呈如今否定句中,any也可以不是个否定极性项。例如报上有一份推销垫子的广告:free mattress plus $500 if we donll give you a) free mattress plus $500. 假定咱们不比它廉价,咱们就会白送您一张垫子另加五百美元。这儿不能了解为“假定咱们连任何别人的代价都比不过”(也就是“假定咱们在价格竞赛中处于最末位”),因为原意是“假定咱们在价格竞赛中不处于最首位(哪怕是第二位)”。
(5) as any或as anything (anyone等) 初始的意思是“同任何一个相同”,这儿的“任何”,指的是“哪怕是最…的”,因而整个意思就是“哪怕同最…的比较也比得过”(不是同随意一个差劲的比),也就是“自个最…”了。
?????? with his stunning, historic victory yesterday, barack obama has risen as far, and fast, as any politician can. (the daily gazette, schenectady, new york, nov. 5, 2008, editorial)巴拉克·奥巴马昨日惊人的前史性成功,使得他比任何一个政治家的鼓起都显得更高更灵敏。
?????? july 4 is as good as any day to mark independence (george will, the daily gazette, schenectady, new york, july 4, 2008, a9. headline) 七月四日比任何一天都愈加适合留念独立。
?????? ... for as you are as handsome as any of them, mr. bingley might like you the best of the party. (jane austen, pride and prejudice, chapter one) …因为你跟女儿们比起来,她们哪一个都不能胜过你的美貌,你去了,彬格莱先生倒可以挑中你呢。
?????? if you assume that tolstoy is not really a stylist and that his work can be paraphrased into smooth english, the task may become comparatively easy. but once you pay close attention to his words, they become as difficult to translate as any. (richard pevear, translator of tolstoys war and peace, newsweek, oct. 15, 2007, p. 82) 假定你想象托尔斯泰并不见得是一个文体大师,想象他的作品可以抵挡抵挡译成通畅的英文,那么,使命或许变得比照简略一些。可是你一旦进一步留心他的遣词用句,这些词句就变得比啥都更难翻译了。
?????? she (= cleopatra) exercised power as firmly as any man, but used her femininity to reinforce her popularity. (newsweek, oct. 15, 2007, p. 47) 她(埃及女王克娄巴特拉)比哪个男人都愈加健壮地掌控政权,但又使用自个的女人身份来加强众望。
?????? you need to look at reliability and safety as much as anything when buying a car. 你买车的时分,最需要留心的是可靠性和平安。
?????? it was war, as much as anything else, that made an artist out of westermann. 韦斯特曼之所以变成艺术家,最首要的缘由是战争。
?????? only seventy years ago, great britain ruled over more than one quarter of the land surface of the planet. it policed, as far as anyone did, the oceans and seas, and it was the most important force in world finance, trade, and economy. (the new york review of books, march 29, 2007) /只是七十年前,英国控制着地球陆地表面的四分之一以上。它比谁都控制着更为广阔的海洋(不是“同谁都相同控制着广阔的海洋”),它又是世界金融、生意和经济中最为重要的力气。
?????? but in 1275, when marco polo first approached the dragon throne at xanadu, the wannabe author was only twenty-one years old. he had traveled as far as anybody traveled back then; from west to east, across most of the then known world. 马可·波罗这位雄心壮志的作者,1275年才二十一岁时就初度在上都接近了龙椅宝座。他远程旅行所至之悠远,为其时任何人所不及(不是“同其时任何人的旅行相同远”),从西到东,穿越了其时人所不知的世界的大有些。
?????? he was reputed to be as close to the president as anyone in the cabinet. 我们认为他比内阁中任何人都更为接近总统(不是“同内阁中随意哪一自个都相同接近总统”)。
?????? it was as easy as anything. 那比啥都简略。
?????? ... running as fast as anything down the road …沿着路飞快地跑。
?(6) 与此相类似,like anything也有“比啥都愈加…”(而不是“如同随意任何…相同”)的意思。
?????? tom only left last week and i already miss him like anything. 汤姆上星期才走,可是我现已牵挂他想得不得了。
■any more与anymore
(1) 关于在否定句、疑问句和非必定口气从句中的anymore,有三种定见。一种认为英语词汇中根柢没有这个单词。第二种认为anymore与any more意思用法都相同,只是写法不一样,都可以用。第三种则认为anymore是个副词,而any more则是专门放在名词前面的定语。从实践情况看来,三种定见都各有有些根据。就第三种定见来说。
?????? i dont need any more books. 我再也不买书了,因为我不需要更多的书。前面的anymore作为副词,后边的any more作为前置定语,如同可以从书面上差异理解,可是这样的差异,实践用处不大。在美国,any more既可以用作名词的前置定语,也可以用作副词,anymore则呈现较少(所以第一种定见也有其实际根据)。可是美国英语中anymore有特另外用法,标明与曩昔比较的“如今”。
?????? anymore i do that. 如今我那样干了。这样,anymore连写成了一个单词才有其实践需要。不过,不管在必定句或是不是定句中,anymore的写法如同只限于美国英语(而且也不是一切美国人都这样用)。美国的英语词典中收进anymore的比照多些。英国词典则很少(如1993年版的nsoed)收进这个单词。
?(2) any more作为副词,在否定句(或疑问句或非必定口气的从句)中,正本意义是程度比照的“不更多”,可是实践上的运用,大多是转义的前后比照的“再也不”。需要留心区分意义上的不一样。如何区分,要看前面是不是有一个正本可以使得程度增高的意义成分,此时not... any more就标明:尽管有了这个正本可以使程度增高的要素,可是它仍是起不了作用。
?????? the knowledge of it did not make him like it any more. 他尽管知情,但对此仍然添加不了好感。
?(3) not... any more(“再也不”)还有no more,not... more(即省掉any)的变异方法(但口气略为削弱)。关于no more,见no more条。no more一般放在句末,例如一种去体毛的广告:shave no more, with ultra hair away。运用超级去毛剂,再也不必剃毛。no more也可以作为定语,放在名词前面,特别是用于一些夺方针题。
?????? no more hiroshima. 不让广岛重演。也可以放在名词后边。
?????? hunger no more. 消除饥饿。也可以放在语句傍边。
?????? she (= hillary clinton) was no more inviting when a television reporter approached her after a rally on thursday and asked if she was s assassination. clinton turned away without answering. (the los angeles times, dec. 28, 2007) 一名电视采访记者在周四的一次集会结束会议后向她走去,问她(希拉里·克林顿)对贝纳齐尔·布托的遇刺身亡是不是“震动”,此时她就不像早年那样周到好客了。她答也不答就回身走开。
■any more than
(1) 这个词组可以用来连接两个语句,两句都是标明否定,但第一句用否定方法标明否定,第二句则用必定方法标明否定(这一点很重要);两句之间的any more than用来标明:前一句的否定,同后一句的否定平等激烈(顺着原文的思路,可以这样了解:x并不比y更多地如何如何,而y不如何如何,现已是人所共知,清楚明晰的)。
? ?????the mind does not create what it perceives, any more than the eye creates (*doesnt create) the rose. (ralph waldo emerson) 心智创造不出它所感触的事物,正如双眼创造不出玫瑰花。
?????? of course, there is no way to return to the original jesus, any more than there is a way (*no way) to go back to the original church, however much christians have tried to do both. (us news & world report, dec. 22, 2003, p. 48) 当然,要回到原正本本的耶稣那里是办不到的,就正如无法回到原正本本的教会那里相同办不到,哪怕基督徒们如何想方设法要做到这两点。
?????? tony blair isnt) the us.布莱尔不等于英国,正如布什不等于美国。
?????? the motion picture and recording industries are not legitimate stakeholders in the discussion of what features should or should not exist in my personal computer or vcr, any more than they are (*arent) a legitimate stakeholder in the production of my corrective eye-glasses. 制片作业和音像作业,在有关我的自个电脑或录像机里边该有或不该有哪些功能的争论中,并不是合理的利益攸关者,就正如它们在我的纠正眼镜的制造进程中并不是合理的利益攸关者相同。
?????? you cannot learn to sketch and express yourself graphically only by reading about it any more than you can (*cannot) learn to swim while standing by the pool. 单靠看书,是学不会速写和用图像表达自个的,就正如一向站在游水池边是学不会游水的。假定后一句傍边有些成分同前一句重复,可以选用简略法或指代法避免重复。
?????? drug company payments to fda havent sped approvals any more than federal funding increases did (*did not).各制药公司交给食物医药打点局的钱,就如同联邦增拨的经费相同,关于加速附和速度毫无作用。
???? ??i dont). 我同你相同不喜爱它。
?????? technical resources, however, are not sufficient for a physics instructor, any more than they would be (*would not be) for a doctor. 可是,一个物理学教师,就如同一个医生相同,光有技能设备,是不可的。
?(2) any more than有一个变体,就是no more... than,此时,any more变成no more,向前移动到前一句正本有否定词之处,替代这个正本的否定词,后一句则仍然是以必定方法标明否定。规划有些不一样,可是意思同any more than是相同的。
?????? a learner can no more obtain knowledge without reading than a farmer can get good harvest without ploughing. = a learner cannot obtain knowledge without reading any more than a farmer can get good harvest without ploughing. 学习者不读书就不能得到常识,正如耕耘者不耕地就得不到好收成。
?????? stephen is no more a musician than patty is a dancer. = stephen isnt a musician any more than patty is a dancer. 史提芬不是个音乐家,就正如帕蒂之不是个舞蹈家。
?????? they could no more decline participation in this mission than they could deny their manhood. = they could not decline participation in this mission any more than they could deny their manhood. 他们无法回绝参加这项使命,正如他们无法否定自个是堂堂男人汉。
?(3) any more than还有另外一个变样,是将前后两句的次序倒置过来,后一句移到前面,any more than移到句首改为no more than,原先的前一句移到后边,撤消否定并采纳倒装词序。
?????? no more than a soldier wants to admit being frightened, did marianne want to admit being cold, frigid. (anas nin) = marianne didnt want to admit being cold, frigid, any more than a soldier wants to admit being frightened. 如同一个兵士不愿招认自个惧怕相同,玛丽安也不愿招认自个冷感(留心:no more than是管前一句全句的,不是管a soldier的,不能了解为“只不过一个兵士”)。
■anyone与any one
anyone专指人,意思是泛泛的“任何人”,不必同任何组集发生联络,any重读;any one则指某一个多人或多事物构成的组会集的“任何”一个个别,one重读。
?????? anyone who is interested may attend. 凡有意者均可参加。
?????? any one of those neckties will do. 那些领带哪一条都行。
■anyone have...?
例如在集结中对人群说话,可说:anyone have any ideas? 还有谁有啥定见吗?这儿不能用奇数的has,因为这个语句其实是does anyone have any ideas?的简略说法。又,侦察查看枪击现场时会问:any body hear (*heard) a gunshot?有谁听到枪声吗? 这也是 did anybody hear a gunshot?的简略说法。参见everybody条。
(1) 英语的any及其复合词如anything之类,常常同否定词或疑问词连用,这是凡学英语的人都很了解的。但英语中不是不是定句也不是疑问句的一般陈述句,假定有标明疑问词义的单词,也一般同anything之类的代词连用,带有必定的否定颜色。
?????? even those skeptical about olive oil. 乃至有些人,尽管对橄榄油的潜在作用持置疑情绪,置疑它除了作配料之外没啥用处,但也有点松动,认为莫尔特·罗森勃鲁姆的兄弟们的那个把橄榄油比方为“丰饶温暖的地球的血液”的说法也不无道理。
(2) 疑问句和if条件从句一般不必something而用anything。可是,假定条件从句是不是定的,而这个否定又火伴实(必定的)相反,就要用something(尽管if和否定合在一同如同对anything的运用提出了两层的需求)。例如美国民主党一贯对立在本乡沿海发掘石油,可是迩来因为油价飞涨,只好有条件地附和在国会审议一个方案,条件是:在附和发掘的州,要在离海岸五十英里之外发掘;在不附和发掘的州,要在离海岸一百英里之外发掘(一贯主张发掘者则主张可以在离海岸三英里处发掘)。民主党的众议院议长nancy pelosi在2008年9月谈到民主党的让步条件时说:…if we dons drilling three miles offshore. …假定咱们不在法案中加进一点自个的东西,那就会在离岸三英里处钻探了。
■anything but
(1) 在实践言语中,anything but恰当于否定副词not,后边可以接上描述词或名词成分,标明激烈的否定。例如美国总统大选中对立布什的人提出标语anything but bush(直译是“只需没有布什就啥都行”)。
?????? though the tail assembly of the aircraft was anything but intact, you could tell what it had once been.飞机的尾部尽管现已损坏,可是原先的形状照常迷糊可辨。
?????? langdon was feeling anything but fortunate. (dan brown, the da vinci code, p. 15) 朗顿觉得自个真倒运。又例如在饭馆的厕所可以看到告示:if the restroom is anything but clean, please... 假定厕一切不可洁净之处,烦请…这个anything but甚至可以替代not呈如今谓语动词组傍边。
?????? the confidence of the business community and the consumer has been anything but buoyed by the performance of the bush team world report, nov. 25, 2002, p. 84) 公司界和花费者的决心,根柢没有从布什班子的经济领导成果那里得到啥鼓舞。有时分anything but后边没有另外词语,意思也是“(前面情况的)不和”。
?????? what began as a convenience is now anything but. 正本最初是一种便利,如今却成了费事。
?(2) anything else也可以标明否定。见else条。
(3) anything you say是“好的,照你说的办”的意思。
?????? —will you please take this over to the cleaners?—sure, anything you say. —请你把这个送到洗衣店去好吗?—好的,你怎么说就怎么办。
■anytime与any time
anytime是副词或主从连词。any time则是名词短语。
(1) anytime作为副词的。
?????? you can borrow my car anytime. 你随时都可以借我的车子用。
?(2) anytime作为主从连词的。
?????? you can call on me anytime you are free. 你随时有空都可以到我这儿来。
?????? anytime i was late, the teacher got mad. 每当我迟到,教师都气坏了。
?????? we have a memory bank, a full-scale computer within us, and we can draw on its record of past experiences anytime we need to do so. 咱们有一个回想库,是一个规划无缺的电脑,咱们随时有需要,都可以从中获取有关曩昔阅历的纪录。
?(3) any time作为名词短语的。
?????? any time spent being unhappy is wasted. 任何在不高兴中度过的时刻,都是白搭了的。
■anyway与any way
any way或in any way是个主从连词短语,在必定句中引入方法状语从句,后边没有东西就不通。anyway则是个副词,后边不引入任何成分。这与any time(名词)及anytime(副词或连词)情况不一样。
(1) any way在必定句中充当主从连词短语的。
?????? any way you look at it, angel city is heaven on earth for biker crowd. 不管你怎样看,天使城对骑自行车的人群来说都是人世地狱。
?????? youre allowed to use software any way you see fit. 你可以随意运用软件。
?????? arrange you stuff any way you want. 材料你爱怎样组织就怎样组织。
?????? help in any way you can. 你能用啥方法就用啥方法来协助。美国有一句常用的成语any way you slice it,原意大约是切肉或切面包怎样切都无所谓,亦即“不管怎么说”(这儿的you只是泛指,不是“你”)。
?????? he shouldnt have hit her, any way you slice it. 不管怎么说,他正本不该打她。
?????? any way you slice it, there are going to be some very unhappy people when the prizes are announced. 不管怎么说,获奖名单一揭晓,总会有人很不高兴。
?(2) 可是,需要留心的是:any way之所以不是副词短语而是主从连词短语,是因为它本身意义不完全,需要后边有更多的话来把意思说无缺。假定把any改为some或另外能把意义说无缺的描述词,它就会从主从连词短语变为副词短语。
?????? all right, well do it the usual way. 好吧,咱们就照往常的办赏罚。
?????? please try to see it my way. 请替我设身处地想一想。
?????? he must have got to know it some way. 他必定是用啥办法探问了出来。
?????? every author in some way portrays himself in his works, even if it be against his will. 每个作者老是会这样或那样地在作品中描写出自个的形象,哪怕这是违背他自己自愿的。另外,in any way(很少是any way)前面假定有否定或疑问,则in any way就可以不是主从连词短语而是副词短语(恰当于必定句中的some),在否定句中标明“根柢(不)”,在疑问句或if从句中标明“以某种方法”。
?????? umbilical and embryonic stem cells are not in any way interchangeable. 脐带与胚胎干细胞是根柢不能彼此替代的。
?????? you may not copy, reproduce, upload, post, distribute, republish, retransmit, or modify in any way any of the material on this site. 您不可以以以任何方法书写、仿制、上载、张贴、宣告、再宣告、转递或是批改本网站上的任何材料。
?????? do molds help human beings in any way? 霉菌对人类有啥协助吗?
?????? if you feel affected in any way by the noise, we can help. 您假定感到受了噪音的任何影响,咱们可以协助您。遇到这几种情况,any way都不是主从连词短语。但即便如此,它同副词anyway的意义仍然有差异。anyway(副词)是“不管怎样”、“不管如何”、“横竖”、“最少”,而且首要用于必定句。
?????? we can sell the car which we hardly use anyway. 车子咱们横竖不怎样用,不妨卖掉。
?????? anyway, i have to go. 不管怎样,我得去。
?????? thats what we all think, well, most of us anyway. 这是咱们全体,嗯,最少是咱们大大都人的主意。
■apart from
中文“除了…之外”,可以有两个意思,一个是“以…为破例”(“把…在外不算在内”),一个是“有了…,还加上(另外)”。英文的apart from也相同有这两个大纷歧样的意义,前面一个意思。
?????? apart from her, we were all in agreement. 除了她一自个不附和,咱们我们都共同附和。
?????? this movie house has a reduced price, apart from saturday and sunday. 这家影片院有减价票,可是星期六和星期天不减。
?????? apart from the cost, the plan was a good one. 本钱高了一点,但方案仍是不错的。后边一个意思。
?????? quite apart from the time it would take, i cant afford it. 不但时刻要拖得很长,而且我也担负不起。
?????? who else went there apart from you? 除了你,去那里的还有谁?
?????? there are other problems with that car apart from its cost. 这辆车不但代价高,而且还有其他一些疑问。
apart from前面假定有否定词nothing,可以有两个不一样的意义。一个是“除此没有另外”、“仅有只需”。
?????? she has nothing apart from her good looks to get by in life. 她只能靠自个的美貌过日子。另一个是“脱离了…就啥也不是”(apart from仍然坚持“脱离”的意义)。
?????? ... good is nothing apart from truth, nor truth anything apart from good. (emanuel swedenborg and isaiah tansley, the divine providence, p. 14) …善脱离了真,就啥也不是,相同,真脱离了善,也就啥也不是。
?????? jesus taught us that we can do nothing apart from him. 耶稣教训咱们,脱离了他,咱们就一事无成。
可是nobody apart from则只需“除了…之外无别人”一个意义。
?????? nobody apart from my mother has ever said that to me. 除了我母亲,谁也没有这样对我说过。
?????? please accept my apologies. 请承受我的抱愧。
?????? we offered them our apologies. 咱们向他们标明晰抱愧。
?????? jim sends his apologies, but he cannot come. 吉姆标明抱愧,他不能来。可是,假定偏重在一件特定作业上有抱愧,可以说an apology。
?????? i owe you an apology. 有一件事我要向你抱愧。“抱愧信”是a letter of apology。另外,标明“不后悔”、“不管忌”,也可以用奇数的no apology。
?????? i make no apology for bringing up the subject. 我毫不管忌,要提起这件作业。
?????? i make no apology for my remark.我对自个说出的定见毫不后悔。还有,an apology for a是“一个不伦不类的啥”。
?????? an apology for a team一个东拼西凑的球队
?????? an apology for a marriage一门迁就迁就的婚事。
?????? it is apparent that walt is going. 既可以标明“瓦尔特显着要走了”,也可以标明“表面看来瓦尔特要走”。为了避免歧义,标明“显着”时,最佳改用evident,标明“表面看来”时,最佳改用it seems。
(1) 作为动词标明法令诉讼中的“不服上诉”,一般说appeal against,这同我国人的言语习气是共同的。
?????? appeal against the sentence对断定不服上诉
?????? appeal to the supreme court向最高法院上诉。但美国英语的appeal可所以个及物动词,以原审断定(或案子)为其直接宾语,甚至可以有被逼语态。
?????? we intend to appeal the verdict. 咱们方案对断定不服上诉。
?????? the plaintiff appealed his case to the vermont supreme court. 原告人把案子上诉到维蒙特州最高法院。
?????? the case is being appealed. 案子正在上诉中。
(2) 另外,appeal to还有不归于法令规模的?咧睢钡囊馑肌?
?????? you must appeal to public opinion to win the election. 竞选要取胜,就要诉诸言辞。
(3) appeal作为“不服上诉”的名词时,“提出上诉”的“提出”可所以lodge, enter或file,原审断定可以用against或of引入,也就是:to lodge
?????? ?enter
?????? ?file an appeal against
?????? ?of a sentence
?????? ?decision
?????? ?verdict。
(1) 作为瞬时动态动词(即第四类动词),是“呈现”(即从原先看不见变为看得见),一般不能有一般如今时。
?????? she suddenly appeared in the doorway. 她遽然呈如今门道上。
?????? she has appeared in five broadway musicals since 2000. 她自2000年以来在百老汇的五次歌舞会上登过台。
?????? cracks have suddenly appeared in the walls in our lounge. 咱们歇息室的墙面遽然呈现了裂缝。
?????? digital radios for less than $50 began to appear in the shops before the end of last year. 上一年年末商铺里初步呈现了价格在五十美元以下的数码收音机。
(2) 作为标明状况的连续动词(即第一类动词)是“显得如同”、“看来像是”,可以有一般如今时,后边的inf. 动词大约是连续状况或连续进程,假定是瞬时动作,就要用to have + pp。
???? ??the baby appears to be hungry. 婴儿的姿势像是饿了。
?????? they do not appear to be at home. no ones answering. 他们不像在家。没人容许。
?????? they appear to have run away from home. they cannot be traced. 他们像是离家出走了。无法寻找他们。可是appear也可以作为瞬时动态动词(即第四类动词)作“显出某个姿势”解。
?????? he appeared happy when the company promoted him. 公司给他升职的时分他显得很高兴。
(3) 也可以不以作业的主体作appear的主语,而以作业本身作appear的主语,但这个主语采纳放在后边的that从句方法而由it在前面充当方法主语(这儿的appear当然仍是个第一类动词,可以有一般如今时)。
?????? it appears that you may be quite innocent of any crime. 看来你可以完全皎白无罪。
(4) appear to inf. (appear adj.) 与seem to inf. (seem adj.) 都可以作为第一类动词,指事物给人的客观形象以及人的客观估量,可是两者有差异:
?????? they have the same surname, but they dont appear
?????? seem to be related. 他们同姓,可是看来没有亲属联络(无情感评价,所以appear与seem均可)。
?????? shes not getting any better. it seems
?????? appears that shes not been taking the medication. 她的病况没有见好。看来药她没有在服用(无情感评价,所以appear与seem均可)。
?????? it seems (*appears) ridiculous that he has to stay here to look after the cat. 他为了照顾猫,非得留在这儿,这看来几乎是荒诞(有情感评价,所以只能用seem而不能用appear)。
?????? it doesnt seem (*appear) like a good idea to leave him here by himself. 把他一自个留在这儿,如同不是个好办法(同上)。从另一个视点来说,appear标明的是客观给人的形象,而seem则是说话者自个感到的形象。
?????? he seems tired. (是我觉得)他如同很疲倦。
?????? he appears to be tired. (则是)他客观上给人以疲倦的形象(我却不必定觉得他疲倦)。
(b)appear作“显出…姿势”解,本身可所以标明连续状况的第一类动词,也可所以标明瞬时局件的第四类动词(作“呈现”解当然更是第四类动词)。作为第一类动词,appear假定在时态上选用一般如今时或一般曩昔时,它因为本身是连续的,它后边的to inf. 也有必要代表一个连续的状况或连续进程,所以需求一个第一类(连续状况)动词;假定是第二类(连续动作)动词或第三类动词(连续动作但结束),就要采纳进行时to be + -ing,以标明状况或动作在连续中;假定是第四类动词(瞬时动作),则应把to inf. 改为to have + pp,也就是取该结束动作或作业所构成并留下来的连续状况。例如不能说:*he appears to come. 因为come是第四类动词,标明瞬时动作,同标明连续状况的appear冲突。但可以说:he appears to have come. 因为to have come直接代表了一个连续状况(= he is here.)。也不能说:*he appears to walk. 但可以说he appears to be walking. 经过动词不定式的改变,就同appear不冲突了。这一个特征,appear和seem作为第一类动词,两者都是相同的。可是,appear可所以第一类或第四类动词;seem却只能是第一类,采纳一般曩昔时,加上to inf.,一般也只能标明曩昔的连续状况,用来标明曩昔的瞬时局件就不天然。例如用appear可以说:he appeared to accept my proposal. 他如同承受了我的主张(accept是瞬时动作,第四类动词)。说he seemed to accept my proposal. 尽管不能算错,但有点牵强。言而总之,appear或seam作为前一个动词,后边的不定式作为后一个动词,两个动词所代表的,是连续状况仍是瞬时局件,有必要前后共同。
(5) appear to inf. 与seem to inf. 假定要否定,可以否定appear或seem,也可以否定后边的动词不定式。不管否定前者或是不是定后者,假定appear或seem用一般如今时,后边的动词就有必要是个连续体动词(即第一和第二类动词),假定是个标明瞬时动作的第四类动词(除非是常常重复的),就有必要是结束式 (to have + pp)。
?????? why do some pages seem not to be indexed? 为啥有些页没有编入目录?
?????? people seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character. (ralph waldo emerson) 我们如同看不到,他们对世界宣告啥观点,一起也就是招认了他们自个是怎么样的性格。
?????? two feared german bird flu cases seem not to be bird flu cases. 德国两个恐怕可所以禽流感的病例,如同并非禽流感。
?????? capitalization and space dont seem to matter. 大写和留空格,看来如同没关系。
?????? civil liberties dont appear to mean much to republicans. 公民安适关于共和党人来说如同没有多大意义。
?????? plant estrogens in soy dont appear to increase breast or uterine cancer risk. 大豆中的植物雌激素如同并不添加乳腺癌或子宫癌的风险。
?????? prostate cancer patients appear not to experience genetic damage from soy isoflavones. 患前列腺癌的患者如同并不因为大豆异黄酮而基因受损害。
?????? stem cells appear not to turn into heart cells. 干细胞如同并不会变成心脏细胞。
?????? clinical trials appear not to drive up cost of cancer treatment. 临床试用如同并不抬高癌症医治费用。
?????? the us appears to have fought war for oil and lost it. 美国如同为石油交兵却又打输了。 9
?????? ?11 appears to have changed everything. “9·11”如同改动了悉数。假定appear用一般曩昔时,则后边的动词不定式既可以标明连续状况,但也可以标明瞬时动作(可以to inf. 或to have inf.),假定以to inf. 标明瞬时动作,appeared就不是标明曩昔如同存在某个连续状况,而是标明曩昔如同发生了某事。
?????? he appeared not to know what to do. 他如同不晓得该怎样办(曩昔连续状况)。
?????? there didnt appear to be a time limit. 不像有啥时刻捆绑(曩昔连续状况)。
?????? but he didnt appear to react at all. 他如同根柢没有做出反应(曩昔瞬时动作)。
?????? the hijacked plane didns worried and inquiring expression. 安娜如同并没有留心到弗隆斯基那种忧心如焚、意欲探问的表情(曩昔瞬时动作)。
?????? this law should not have been applied to such a case. 这部法令正本不大约用于这样的一个案子。
?????? this rule does not apply to members of the club. 这条规则不适用于沙龙成员。这儿及物和不及物的差异在于:作为及物动词,所指的是某一具体的“将x运用于y”的行为,是个片刻间动词,即第四类动词;而作为不及物动词,所指的则是“x具有可适用于y的性质”,标明状况,是个标明状况的连续体动词,即第一类动词。因而,除非指的是习气或重复的行为,apply作为“运用”释义的及物动词,不能以一般如今时方法呈现;但作为“适用”释义的不及物动词,则可以。
?????? well appraise your jewelry and apprise you of the results sometime tomorrow. 咱们要把您的珠宝估一下价,明日找个时分告诉您。
(1) 在往常会话傍边常常用来标明谢谢(是个第一类动词),可是要留心它同thank的分配不一样。thank的直接宾语是人,不能是对方给自个的优点;appreciate则相反,直接宾语有必要是对方所作的功德,不能是对方这自个。例如不能说:*id do me a favor. 假定您能帮我一下忙,我就非常谢谢。thank you. 每天多次运用,用滥了,一般不必定真的认为对方给自个做的事有多大价值,而说i appreciate it. 则至少在口头上标明对价值的招认。
(2) appreciate还有许多词典没有收进的一个转义,可以标明带有撑持倾向的“了解”、“理解”、“领会”(是个第一类兼第四类动词)。
?????? i appreciate your request, but our store is now closed. 对您的需求我了解,可是咱们店现已关了门。
?????? the witness didnt appreciate the question, and looked at the lawyer for help.证人没有听懂人家的疑问,就把目光投向律师求助。
?????? once you know this, you can appreciate what bush means when he calls himself the (richard cohen, the daily gazette, schenectady, new york, dec. 9, 2007, p. a9) 这一点你懂了,你就可以理解布什自称为“抉择计划者”是啥意思。
?????? we needn world report, april 21, 2008, p. 30) 关于那个树立一个从伊朗到伊拉克、叙利亚和黎巴嫩的“什叶派新月形区域”的主意,咱们不必非信认为真不可以,可是咱们照样可以领会到,那些伊朗神权控制者,对美国在伊拉克的方案以及大中东的次序,提出了多么大的应战。
(3) appreciate还可以作为不及物动词,标明“增值”。
?????? because of the rise in the stock market, many individuals have securities that have appreciated considerably. 因为股市上涨,许多人的证券大大增值了。在这个意义上,appreciate可以用如今或曩昔进行时态(1. 和2. 的意义则不能用进行时态)。
?????? homes were appreciating as much as 40% per year in some areas. 有些区域的居民房正在每年增值百分之四十之多。
■approve与approve of
两者大体上都是“附和”、“附和”的意思,可是细看起来有差异。approve是个瞬时体(第四类)动词,标明交游手续公务公办上的“予以附和”,不牵涉到好坏的价值判别。例如,一个会计师可以说:i cannot approve the reimbursement because you havent given me the receipts for your expenditure. 我不能附和报销,因为你没有交来开支的单据。一个招生担任人可以说:i cannot approve your application to study law because you do not have the relevant qualifications. 我不能附和你学法令的请求,因为你不具有相应的资历。而approve of则是个标明价值判另外连续状况动词(第一类动词),标明对某事或或人有好感,予以撑持或善待。
?????? her family approves of him. 她家人认可了他。
?????? i dont approve of smoking in restaurants because it is so upsetting usually for non-smokers. 我不撑持在饭馆可以吸烟,因为这一般使得不吸烟的人很不舒畅。
?????? why dont you approve of my friends? they are all good upright people. /你为啥看不惯我的这些兄弟?他们全都是正派的好人呀。反义词disapprove与disapprove of,用法也与approve和approve of相对应。
?????? he has had access to the whole of lady astors archive, including her draft of an autobiography. (british book news, december 1972) 他可以查阅阿斯托尔夫人的悉数档案,包括她预备写自传的草稿。
?????? the archives in the european capitals were searched. (van wyck brooks, the flowering of new england, 1815—1865) 欧洲各个首都的档案都翻查过了。
?????? from 1954 the national archives has carried out training programmes for its serving archivists. (library science abstracts, london, 1956) 自1954年起,国家档案馆进行了一些对自个的在职档案人员加以练习的项目。
?????? an act to establish a national archives of the united states government... (us code, 1948) 树立美国政府国家档案馆的做法…已然是机构,就甚至可以了解为地址的一处地址,因而前面也可以用介词at标明“在…”。
?????? ... documents at the archives on the outskirts of london... (the associated press, may 6, 2008) …位于伦敦城外的档案馆中的文件…
?????? ... memorizing practically every line, thus making herself a living archive (*living archives)... (hedrick smith, saturday review, jan. 24, 1976) …几乎每一行都背诵如流,使得她自个成了一个活档案…
?????? but we must have more than an intellectual desire, filed away in the archives (*the archive) of idea. (charles a. lindbergh, saturday review, feb. 27, 1954) 可是,咱们假定只需要知的期望,放到理念的档案里置之不睬,那是不可的。
■arise, rise与arouse
(1) arise是不及物动词(曩昔时arose,曩昔分词arisen),标明“呈现”、“初步”“致使留心”,主语常常是笼统事物。
?????? a discussion arose about the best way to pay. 有关最佳采纳哪种付出方法,发生了争论。
?????? some difficulties have arisen.呈现了一些困难。
?????? the disagreement arose from a misunderstanding. 不合是从一个误解发生的。
(2) 同arise的曩昔时arose有点类似(但拼写和读音都不一样)的arouse,则是及物动词(规则动词),意思是“唤醒”、“引发”、“致使”、“激起”。
?????? his appeal aroused no response from the public. 他的呼唤没有致使大众的呼应。
?????? the rejection of the measure aroused the people to indignation. 该办法被否决,激起了公民的民愤。
(3) rise是不及物动词(曩昔时rose,曩昔分词risen),没有“呈现”的意思,而是标明从低往高的“上升”。
?????? prices keep rising. 物价一向在涨。
?????? what time does the sun rise? 太阳几点钟升起?
?????? leave the dough to rise. 让面团自个建议来。
?????? a feeling of rage rose within him. 他心中怒火往上冒。


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