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acad2018 2022-05-15 22:09:46 学英语口语





xxx is not… but…

the reason is not… but…

I don't want to leave you with the impression that…but…


Right. That's…that's actually a very good answer. Uh, of course, you might think there might not be many areas where the tree could spread into, er…because…um…well, it's very specialized in terms of the habitat. But, that's not really the case here. Um… the suitable habitat, that is, the actual rainforest is much larger than the few hectares where the Nightcap Oak grows.


What point does the professor make about the Nightcap Oak's habitat?(TPO6L2Q3)

a.It is stable despite its limited size

b.Unlike the habitats of many plants, it is expanding

c.Its recent changes have left the Nightcap Oak struggling to adapt

d.Its size is much larger than the area where the Nightcap oak grows



xxx seems…but…

It does… but…

They may look… but…


Student: But squirrels are mammals, right? I thought mammals regulate their temperature internally.

Professor: Mammals do have the ability to regulate their body temperature, but not all can do it to the same degree, or even the same way. Like when you walk outside on a hot day, you perspire, and your body cools itself down, a classic example of how mammal regulates its own body temperature. But one challenge that squirrels face, well many small mammals do, is that because of their size, sweating would make them lose too much moisture. They dehydrate. But on the other hand, their small size allows them to fit into very tiny spaces. So for small mammals, microclimates can make a big difference. They rely on microclimates for survival.


What point does the professor make when she mentions squirrels?(TPO14L2Q3)

a.Studying squirrels has helped biologists identify different microclimates

b.Mammals have more than one way of regulating their body temperature

c.Smaller animals have more success than larger animals in adapting to different microclimate

d.Squirrels do not rely on microclimates as much as other mammals do



That would make sense right? ...but…

You may think that, right? … but…


Will it travel farther for a larger tree than it will for a smaller tree? Now I would have thought the bigger the tree, the farther the beaver would be willing to travel for it. That would make sense, right? If you're going to travel far, make the trip worth it by bringing back most wood possible. But actually, the opposite is true. Beavers will cut down only large trees that are close to the water. They will travel far only to cut down certain small trees that they can cut down quickly and drag back home quickly. Generally, the farther they go from the water, the smaller the tree they will cut down. They're willing to make more trips to haul back less wood, which carries a greater risk of being exposed to predators.


What does the professor say about the cutting down of large trees?(TPO16L3Q4)

a.Beavers generally prefer cutting down large trees to small trees.

b.Beavers generally do not travel long distance to cut down large trees.

c.Beavers will not cut down large trees of certain species.

d.Beavers use large trees mainly for… building shelters.



I have colleagues who insist… but…

Some biologists claim… but…


Well, scientists have recently analyzed the inscriptions on the mechanism and re-examine the other cargo in the ship wreck, and the evidence makes an absolute case that this device dates back to ancient Greece somewhere between 150 and 100 B.C.E. What make that so fascinating is that before we found the Antikythera Mechanism, the earliest device we had that could track the Sun and moon like this was invented over 1,000 years later. So when this was first found, people literally would not believe it. Some of my colleagues insisted it had to have been made well after 100 B. C. E. But this physical evidence was conclusive. It was that old.


What is the professor's attitude about the proposition that the Antikythera Mechanism is over two thousand years old?(TPO23L1Q3)

a.She is confident that the dating is accurate.

b.She is sure the dating will be revised in the future.

c.She is surprised that the dating remains inconclusive.

d.She believes that additional testing will be needed to confirm the dating.

对应正确选项A, 只有A表达了相信的含义。




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