首页 > 线上英语培训> 英语一般将来时造句10个简单:初中英语词汇模块联想记忆系列 (No.6~No.10)!

英语一般将来时造句10个简单:初中英语词汇模块联想记忆系列 (No.6~No.10)!

acad2018 2022-05-20 02:03:40 线上英语培训


China n. 中国

Chinese a. 中国的 n. 汉语

Canada n.加拿大

Australia n.澳大利亚

Australian a. 澳大利亚的n. 澳大利亚人

Russia n.俄罗斯

Russian a.俄罗斯(人)的n. 俄语

India n.印度

Indian a.印度(人)的;印第安(人)的

Japan n.日本

Japanese a. 日本人的;n. 日语

state n.国家;州

national a.国家的;民族的

international a.国际的

government n. 政府

king n. 国王

queen n. 王后

palace n. 宫殿

leader n. 领导人;领袖

lead-led-led v. 带领;领导;导向

lead sb. to 带…去

society n. 社会;社团

social a.社会的;社交的

social life社交生活


I. 完成句子,一空一词:

1. ---What’s your nationality?

---I’m C__________________.

2. Beijing is famous as ________ _________ ________ (首都)China.

II. 单项选择:

3. The whole ____ was in deep sorrow at the news.

A. country B. nation C. state D. people

4. I am a new student and a friendly girl _____ me to my classroom.

A. brought B. carried C. pushed D. led


1. Chinese 回答国籍时要用Chinese 而不是China。

2. the capital of …的首都。

3. 答案B。 该题考查词语辨析。nation一般指“国民”, country 一般指“一个独立国家的地理区域”,state 一般指“国家的政权”。people 人们,谓语用复数。

4. 答案D。lead sb to some place把某人带到某处。注意变化:lead-led-led



以-ese 结尾不变化,如:

Chinese — Chinese

Japanese — Japanese

以-an结尾加 “s”, 如:

Russian — Russians

Indian — Indians

Australian — Australians

Canadian — Canadians

以-man结尾变为men, 如:

Englishman — Englishmen

Frenchman — Frenchmen



the Palace Museum 故宫

the Summer Palace颐和园

the Great Wall 长城

the Temple of Heaven 天坛

the Ming Tombs 十三陵


America n. 美洲

American a. 美洲的;美洲人的

Asia n. 亚洲

Asian a. 亚洲的;亚洲人

Atlantic a. 大西洋

ocean n. 海洋

Europe n. 欧洲

European a. 欧洲的

Pacific n. 太平洋

North America n.北美洲

South America n. 南美洲

Africa n. 非洲


I. 完成句子,一空一词:

1. The A_______ Ocean is between Europe and America.

2. There are seven continents(洲)and _________ ________ (四大洋) in the world.

II. 单项选择:

3. The students in our class are from different countries. Mary is the only one from_____

A. American B. European C. African D. Europe

4. Tom is ________European boy and studies Chinese in our school

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填


1. Atlantic between Europe and America是在欧洲和美洲之间的大洋是大西洋。

2. four oceans 大洋是可数名词,所以加s。

3. 答案D。 from来自某个地方,只有Europe是表示地方的名词--欧洲,其它


4. 答案A。使用冠词a还是an不是看字母,而是根据音标。此处Tom不是特指,排除C选项英语一般将来时造句10个简单,boy是可数名词,必须使用冠词,排除D。


1. _________ is the largest continent in the world.

2. _________is the hottest continent in the world.

3. The ________is the largest ocean of the four.

Key: 1. Asia 2. Africa 3. Pacific


holiday n.假日

be on holiday 在度假

vacation n. 假期;休假

Christmas n. 圣诞节

on Christmas Day 在圣诞节

church n. 教堂;礼拜

go to church 去教堂做礼拜

god n. 神 (大写)上帝

festival n. 节日

the Spring Festival 春节

New Year’s Day元旦

Teachers’ Day 教师节

Mother’s Day 母亲节

Children’s Day 儿童节

Women’s Day妇女节

National Day 国庆节

celebrate v. 庆祝

celebrate the New Year 庆祝新年


I. 完成句子,一空一词:

1. The students will have their winter v__________ from January 12th.

2._____ ____________ ______( 在圣诞节这天), many people decorate their houses with beautiful trees.

II. 单项选择:

3.Let’s hold a party to________ your birthday.

A. congratulate B. praise

C. celebrate D. respect

4.October 1st is ____________ National Day.

A. a B. an C. the D. /


1.vacation 学生们从1月12日就开始放寒假了。因此英语一般将来时造句10个简单:初中英语词汇模块联想记忆系列 (No.6~No.10)!, “寒假” 应为 “winter vacation”。

2.On Christmas Day 固定搭配,意为 “在圣诞节这天”。

3.答案C。根据句意, “庆祝生日” 应用动词 celebrate. praise表示 “赞扬”,congratulate表示 “祝贺”英语一般将来时造句10个简单, respect意为 “尊敬” 。

4.答案D。 本题考查冠词的用法。节假日前不加冠词。


What do you often do on the Christmas Day?

应将句中的the 去掉,因为节日前面不需要加冠词。


on vacation正在休假

take/have a holiday度假

a festival of music音乐节,

on Christmas Eve在圣诞前夜

Christmas card圣诞贺卡

Christmas tree圣诞树


city n. 城市

capital n. 首都;大写

the capital of Japan 日本的首都

capital letters 大写字母

country n. 国家;乡下;农村

countryside n. 乡下;农村

go to the countryside去乡下

village n. 村子

villager n. 村民

town n. 城镇

area n. 地区;面积;区域


I. 完成句子,一空一词:

1. Tokyo is the c__________ of Japan

2. People living in the big city like to ____ ______ ____ _____(去乡下看看).

II. 单项选择:

3. My grandparents prefer living in the __________ to the _______, for they want to lead a quiet life.

A. village;countryside

B. city;town

C. countryside;city

D. town;village

4. People are not allowed to smoke in the public __________.

A. areas B. towns

C. villages D. countries


1. capital the capital of 表示“……的首都”。

2. countryside 他们想过安静的生活,所以应该是喜欢住在乡下而不喜欢住在城里。

3. 答案C。 该题考查固定搭配。prefer doing sth to doing sth 表示“喜欢…胜过喜欢…”

4. 答案A。 该题考查单词辨析, 根据句意是人们在公共区域不能抽烟,所以要选 area.


I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. What am I?

答案:--A map


greet vt.向……致敬;问候;欢迎

greeting n. 问候;致意

guest n.客人;宾客

welcome n.欢迎;迎接

a warm welcome 热烈的欢迎a.受欢迎的v. 欢迎

Welcome to China.欢迎来到中国

bye int.

say goodbye to sb.跟某人道别

hello int. 通常的招呼语;打电话用语

say hello to 向……问好

see….off 为某人送行

invite vt. 邀请;招待

kiss n&v .吻;亲吻


I. 完成句子,一空一词:

1.There were many g_________ in Beijing during the Olympic Games.

2.We received _________ ____________ ____________ (热烈的欢迎)when we got to the small village.

II. 单项选择:

3.We _________ him ____ our meeting next Tuesday.

A. invite; to

B. will invite; to

C. invite; on

D. will invite; on

4.My sister went to the U.S last week and we all went to the airport to ___________.

A. see off

B. see her off

C. see off her

D. see she off


1.guests 句中有修饰词语many,后面的名词要用复数形式。

2.a warm welcome 固定搭配,意为“热烈的欢迎”。

3.答案B。根据句中 next Tuesday提示,可判断时态为一般将来时。invite sb. to…”意为“邀请某人参加”。

4.答案B。“为某人送行”为“see sb. off”, 动词后的代词用宾格英语一般将来时造句10个简单,排除D,选B。


I guess the guest's gesture suggested that he could not digest well.



birthday greeting生日祝福

welcome back欢迎归来

welcome with open arms热烈欢迎

You’re welcome. 不用谢

invite somebody to do something邀请某人做某事

kiss goodbye吻别

Please remember me to your family. 请带我向你家人问好。



上一篇: 英语一般将来时造句10个简单:英语中的16种时态汇总讲解(附例句)

下一篇: 蔡章兵奇速英语怎么样:奇速英语好同学——高中词汇营T47班班长刘开泰,挑战高中3500词汇

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