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英语中描写人说话方式的单词有哪些 part 1

acad2018 2022-09-05 21:17:01 英语教育机构







articulate ——adj. 发音清楚的;谈锋好的;有枢纽关头的

able to express your thoughts, arguments, and ideas clearly and effectively

be couched in something ——用某种方法表达

to be expressed a particular way

chatty ——adj. 饶舌的;爱讲闲话的;非正式的

a chatty writing style is friendly and informal

circuitous ——adj. 迂曲的;绕行的;迂回路线的

taking a long time to say

what you really mean when you are talking or writing about something

clean ——简便的

clean language or humour does not offend people, especially because it does not involve sex

compendious ——adj. 简明的,择要的;简洁的

formal short but containing all that is necessary

conversational ——adj. (谈话的气概、用语等)非正式的,白话的;谈话的,会话的

a conversational style of writing or speaking is informal, like a private conversation

crisp ——爽性的

crisp speech or writing is clear and effective

declamatory ——adj. 朗诵式的;雄辩家式的;激昂大方鼓动感动的

formal expressing feelings or opinions with great force

diffuse ——adj. 满盈的;散开的

formal using too many words and not easy to understand

discursive ——adj. 涣散的;离题的;东拉西扯的;无条理的

including information that is not relevant to the main subject

economical ——adj. 经济的;节省的;合算的

an economical way of speaking or writing does not use more words than are necessary

elliptical ——adj. 椭圆的;省略的


what you mean rather than saying or writing it clearly

eloquent ——adj. 象征深长的;雄辩的,有谈锋的;有说服力的;动听的

expressing what you mean using clear and effective language

emphatic ——adj. 偏重的;增强语气的;显著的

making your meaning very clear because you have very strong feelings about a situation or subject

emphatically ——adv. 偏重地;夸大地;决然地

very firmly and clearly

epigra妹妹atic ——adj. 警语的;嘲讽的

expressing something such as a feeling or idea in a short and clever or funny way

epistolary ——adj. 手札的;手札体的;用手札的

literary relating to the writing of letters

euphemistic ——adj. 婉转的;婉言的

euphemistic expressions are used for talking about unpleasant or embarrassing subjects without mentioning the things themselves

flowery ——adj. 花的;富丽的;灿艳的;多花的

flowery language or writing uses many complicated words that are intended to make it more attractive

上一篇: 英语中不定冠词只有两个 a 和 an,合理取舍是入门关键(一)

下一篇: 英语六级要考口语吗

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