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acad2018 2022-09-20 16:18:25 英语口语网课

??英国人如此喜爱谈气候,天然语汇里也少不了跟气候有关的习语。咱们来一个“英语气候习语”的盘点,看看你是不是都掌控了? 1.Bolt from the blue 晴天响雷 用来描述作业发生得如此俄然,让人感到惊奇和措手不及。 例句: I had only recently seen Steve in a restaurant. The news of his death came as a bolt from the blue. 我不久前才在一间饭馆里见过史蒂夫,他的死讯来得犹如晴天响雷。 2.To have a face like thunder 怒火冲冲 描述一自个非常生气,抵达怒不可以遏的程度。 例句: He had a face like thunder when he came out of the manager's

office this morning. 他今日早上从司理单位出来的时分满脸怒火。  3.To take a rain check 改天吧,今后再说。 标明当下不能做啥作业,可是不打扫日后的可以。 例句: Do you mind if I take a rain check on that lunch invitation? I'm going to be away all week. 你

介意不介意我改日再去赴约吃午饭?我这周都不在。 4.It never rains but it pours! 祸不单行 糟糕的作业一个接一个发生。 例句: Poor Sarah, she lost her job and now she has a car accident. It never rains but it pours! 不幸的萨拉,她刚丢了作业,如今又出了事端,真是祸不单行啊。  5.A storm in a teacup 小题大做 正本是小事一桩,可是经过烘托,变成了大疑问。 例句: Lucy was calling the police when her cat disappeared, it all sounds like a storm in a teacup. 露西发现她的猫不见了就去报警,我看这未必有点儿小题大做。 6.On cloud nine 非常高兴,心境非常酣畅。 描述一自个的心境好的不能再好了。 例句: When the boss announced my promotion, I was on cloud nine. 当老板宣告我获得提升时,我非常高兴。 7.To chase the rainbows 追逐彩虹,痴人说梦。 描述一自个尽是想功德,而且是不太可以的事。 例句: You have only started two months ago, you are already thinking about promotion. Well, I think you're just chasing rainbows. 你才来了两个月就想着升职的作业了,我看啊,你是净想功德儿呢。 8.Once in a blue moon 千载一时地,千载一时。 描述非常稀有。 例句: Brian has very little contact with his sister.

They see each other once in a blue moon. 布莱恩和他姐姐没有啥联络。他们很稀有面。  9.Every cloud has a silver lining 黑私自总有一线光亮 鼓舞我们即便在最困难的时刻也不要失掉决心或扔掉期望。 例句: Don't worry too much about your dropping out of university,

every cloud has a silver lining. 大学停学这事儿你也别太担忧,因祸得福,焉知非福。  10.A fair-weather friend 可共安乐不能共祸殃的兄弟 这和患难与共意思相反,指那些要害时刻靠不住的兄弟。 例句: I thought I could count on Sue, but I've discovered she's just a fair-weather friend. 我认为我能依靠苏这自个呢,不过,我发现她只不过是个只能同甘不能共苦的兄弟。

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