首页 > 英语教育机构> 2020年7月大学英语四级写作解析5(新东方郑州学校)


acad2018 2022-09-24 06:17:56 英语教育机构

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the use of translation apps. You can start your essay with the sentence "The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly popular. " You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


师好,本年的写作关头词是“the use of translation apps”,评论辩论的是如今同窗们都非经常见的征象:一碰见翻译,起首想到用软件解决。题干中请求会商的主题是“The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly popular.”作为咱们写作的第一句。那末三段内容主如果:第一段:引出话题和征象;第二段可以阐发一下发生这类征象的暗地里缘由和带来的成果。这个部门大师可以按照本身的设法,来阐发踊跃或消极缘由都可,自圆其说就行;第三段可以给出本身的见解和建议,完成整篇作文。注重字数请求不要跨越180字。

范文:The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly popular. A majority of students and people hold the opinion that it is extrmely convenient and efficient for their daily study and work.

The contributors behind this phenomenon can be su妹妹arized as follows. To begin with, with the increasing growth of science and techology, great changes have taken place in language apps, which makes it easier for to co妹妹unicate with outhers when we go abroad. However, there is still a hidden trouble

that too many students make use of these kind of apps to complete their schoolwork. It is of great detriment to their translation skills and foreign language learning.

Take the above reasons into account, I declare my view that the scientific advancement in language apps is supposed to be used as assistive tools in language learning rather than simple translation machines. Although the apps are always available, we had better use them properly, instead of allowing them to dominate our study.



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