首页 > 英语教育机构> 2022昆明市英语书面表达(附参考答案)


acad2018 2022-09-25 11:17:33 英语教育机构

“双减”政策(the “double reduction” policy)施行以后,同窗们有了更多可自由安排的时候。同时,大部门黉舍环抱娱乐、体育、户外等主题展开了丰硕多彩的勾当,给大师的糊口增加了朝气与活气。某英文网站正面向全市中学生展开以“双减”为主题的征文勾当,请用所给标题写一篇英语漫笔投稿,讲述一下“双减”后你的变革及感觉。


1. 说话流利、书写规范、卷面整齐,词数很多于60个;

2. 文中不得利用你的真实姓名、校名,不然以零分计;

3. 书面表达必需写在答题卡上,如在本卷上作答,一概不得分。

Me after the

“double reduction” policy



第三部门 写作:

Its really a wonderful news that the policy of "double-lightening the

burden" has been carried out.However ,students have to deal with the new challenge of making the best of their time after school. Here are some ways to help us adapt to this big change.

To start with, we'd better make full use of the time at school. We are supposed to concentrate on our lessons and solve all the problems just in time.Whats more, making a good plan at the start of the day can help us better manage our time,

In this way, we can feel more focused so that we will be able to finish our homework more effectively. In addition, we should develop some hobbies, but remember to make sure they have no bad effect on your study and health.Lastly,its a good idea to offer to help around the house or in the co妹妹unity. Because doing chores and volunteer work can also help improve our responsibilities as well as our confidence.

Hopefully,the policy of double-lightening the burden"will surely relieve our study pressure and help us grow up healthily and happily.

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