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acad2018 2022-09-26 21:20:14 英语口语网课

常见问题一、 Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself?二、 What can you tell me about yourself?

02关于肄业意愿常见问题一、 Why did you take the MBA examination? 二、 Why do you choose XXXX University to study MBA?三、 How do the people around you review MBA?四、 Do you think MBA training courses will help you a lot in your future life? Why?
应对模板Well, it was 2 years ago that I had the thought that I wanted to pursue a MBA degree.
First of all, as I got higher on the position ladder, and assumed bigger responsibility, I began to feel that my management ability was gradually pulling me back in my career development
Second, I take MBA because I want to have a career change. I started working as an engineer 5 years ago. I know how to develop new products, but I’m not very good at marketing these products and convert them into profits. That’s why I hope MBA would help me in this respect.

03关于教诲布景常见问题一、Tell me your educational background in details 二、can you tell me something about your education?
应对模板I got my Bachelor’s Degree (College Degree)

from Beijing University in __(黉舍)___, and my major was__(专业)___. This major aims to teaching the students__(专业内容)___knowledge, and train them the ability of solving _____ problems. We had a wide range of courses during college, such as__(学科1)___, _(学科2)____, and so on.
Besides my own major, I also took other courses like __专业___. I was diligent in college and my grades were among the tops. In fact, I was awarded scholarships for __次数___ times in a row.
I also actively took part in various campus and social activities. For example, I was the president of the students’ Union for 3 years, during which my practical abilities were improved a lot. Above all, my college has offered me a solid theoretical foundation, which proved to be very beneficial to my later career development。

常见问题一、 What is your greatest strength/weakness?

What kind of personalities do you think you have?三、 Would you like to describe yourself as what kind of person you are?四、 Do you have any special interests other than your job?
I’m a fast learner: I learn things very fast, and I can adapt to new environment in a short time;
I have good analytical and problem solving skills, which will help me a lot during my MBA;
I have a potential of management and leadership, which was demonstrated and recognized in my company, but I still want to get it improved systematically in Jiaotong University.
Talking about my weakness, I think I should work on my management ability. You know, I have a technical background, so sometimes I have problem to manage things and allocate resources properly, assign people with tasks, or keep things under control.
That’s why I’m eager to improve my management in this MBA program.

05关于事情成绩常见问题一、 What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?二、 How do you feel about your progress to date?三、 What is your biggest accomplishment on the job?四、What did you most like (dislike) about your previous job?
应对模板Actually, my past work experience is a chain of failures and achievements!
Yet, talking about the biggest achievement, I think it was____ years ago, when I was __(职务)__in __(公司)__
The problem facing the company at that time is that it was troubled with ___(问题内容)____. In order to make the situation better, I worked with my mates for half a year, and also brought forward our plans of___(办法内容)____.
The job was well done, and we successfully ____成绩内容_____. It was because of this that I was promoted to the Vice president of this company.

06关于事情履历常见问题一、 Could you please give me a su妹妹ary of your current job description?二、Tell me your working experience in details
应对模板I have been working for___ years since my graduation from college.
I started my first job in___, a world famous company which produces___. My position was a___ at that time, responsible for ___. 2 years later, I was promoted to the ___ , based on my work performance.
Then, for some reasons, I changed my job to another company,___, after working in ___ for 3 years. My position in___was ___, mainly responsible for improving sales, promoting brand image, and strengthening public relations.
My job in ___was greatly appreciated, and I was awarded Outstanding Employees for many times. The biggest accomplishment during my work was that I improved sales by 20% and cut operating cost by 15% in 2 months in 2005,
Looking back upon my work history, I’m so proud that my experience and practical ability has been improved so much. However, I guess it’s still not enough to meet the work challenges, that’s why I took MBA last year


常见问题一、What are your hobbies?二、what do you do when you are free
三、How do you spend your space time?



一、“Could you speakslowly?”

二、“I am sorry! I beg your pardon?“

三、“I don‘t understand your question,could you repeat it again?”


一、I have to apologize for my inability to understand your questions.

二、And before you do, I have to admit my English level is not at professional level.

三、Sorry, I do not understand this

四、I am sorry that I can not answer these questions.






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