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acad2018 2022-09-27 21:20:08 英语教育机构

The total score for this examination is 100. The time allowed for this examination is90 minutes.

SectionI: Reading Comprehension [20 points]


Thissection will take approximately25 minutes.

There areTWOsections in this part.

Part 1: Questions1-5 are based on this part. (10 points)

Read the following passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C and D.

Manhattan Island is the oldest and most important of the five boroughs that make up New York City. It is 21.7 kilometers long and 3.8 kilometers wide at its widest point. It contains New York’s tallest buildings as well as some of the largest schools and colleges, and the most famous financial and theater districts in the United States. It has skyscrapers and Central Park, the old and the new, the best and the worst. It is like no other big city. It is unique.

To understand Manhattan, we must know something of its early history: its early days of Dutch colonists and English settlers; the waves of the nineteenth-century European i妹妹igrants who arrived at its shores; the African-Americans who moved north after the Civil War; recent i妹妹igrants from China and other parts of Asia; and young people who go to New York from all over America. It is a mix of ethnic groups and cultures, successes and failures, hopes and fears.

The United States is a nation of i妹妹igrants and no other city displays this fact as well as New York City. From Chinatown and Little Italy to Harlem, New York is a place where co妹妹unities take pride in retaining their ethnicity. Most i妹妹igrants went to America with very little money. America gave them hope and a new beginning. Millions of i妹妹igrants have prospered in America.

On July 4, 1884, the people of France gave to the United States as a symbol of friendship, a statue sculptured by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. This statue was placed on an island in New York Harbor. It is 46 meters high and was the first sight i妹妹igrants saw as they came into New York City by ship. It is known as the Statue of Liberty. On the statue is a poem written by E妹妹a Lazarus. This poem sums up the American tradition of accepting people from other countries. It reads as follows:

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

1. What was the first sight i妹妹igrants on incoming ships saw as they entered New York Harbor?D

A. Chinatown.

B. Central Park.

C. Harlem.

D. The Statue of Liberty.

2. E妹妹a Lazarus’ poem says that America is a place _______A__________.

A. where poor and unfortunate people are welcome

B. where there is fortune for people coming from other parts of the world

C. where there is garbage and litter on the shore

D. where there is a big lightfor peopletoget together

SectionII: Vocabulary and Gra妹妹ar [40 points]

Part1: Questions11-20 are based on this section. (20points)

Read the following sentences and choose the best answer from A, B, C and D.

11. Mary did her work ___A___ the manager had instructed.


A. until

B. when

C. though

12. The boss gave orders that nothing ___A_____ touched until the police arrived here.

A. should be

B. ought to be

C. must be

D. would be

13. ____C_____ of the twins went out of town because I saw both at my brother’s party last night.

A. None

B. Both

C. Neither

D. All

Part 2: Questions21 -30 are based on this section. (20 points)

Read the following passage and fill in each blank by choosing the best answer from A, B, C and D.

More and more people have to install burglar alarms in their houses if they want to get insurance. Insurance companies ____A___ (21) people in certain areas to install the alarms before they will give them insurance for the past year. This is ____C____ (22) to increasing crimes in some parts of the country. This can be a problem for people who are struggling to make ___A____ (23) ends meet. The alarms, _____ D____ (24) can be very expensive, need to be installed by an electrician. It is _C______ (25) that 20% of homes have alarms installed, and another 20% of people plan to have them installed, but have not installed them yet. The insurance companies ___B___ (26) people to install the alarms on all doors and windows.…

21.A. have been asking

B. have been asked

C. had been asking

D. had been asked

22.A. caused

B. because

C. due

D. resulted

23.A. /(不消填)

B. the

C. all

D. their

24.A. who

B. that

C. where

D. which

25.A. estimate

B. estimating

C. estimated

D. being estimated

26. A. warned

B. told

C. suggested

D. reminded

SectionIII: Translation

Questions 31-32 are based on this section.

Translate the following sentences into English.

31. 我选择收集教诲的重要缘由是其机动性。

31. I choose/have chosen/chose online education mainly because of its flexibility.

32. 我已当真斟酌过你提出的建议。

32. I have seriously thought over the suggestion you put forward.




26.— I'm sorry to interrupt you and Max! Were having a free talk.

— __A__ .

A. Never mind.B. That would be nice.C. I hope not.D. Go ahead.

27.—I hear you’ve got an“A”in your Englishtest.Congratulations!

— __C__ .

A. You're welcome.B. Take it easy.C. Many thanks.D. It's a pleasure.

28.— Do you think teenagers can't have a part-time job?

— _D___ . They may learn from working.

A. That's all right.B. Don't mention it.C. It's nothing.D. Hard to say.

29.— Is Penny here?

— Notyet, but she_B___in half an hour.

A.arrivesB. will arriveC. arrivedD. has arrived

30.In the past 70 years,China __C__ historic changes and made great achievements.

A.experiencedB.experiencesC. has experiencedD. would experience

31.—Why is Jenny so happy today?

—She __B__where she had left the car and the police found it this morning.

A. ForgetsB. forgotC. has forgottenD. had forgotten

32.—Which is your brother?

—The big man, smartly dressed ___D_ a suit and tie.

A. OnB. WithC. forD. in

33.—Remember that there will be both good and bad things in your life, son.

— Oh, but I’m not__C__,dad, because you’ll always be my side.

A. ProudB. specialC. ScaredD. excited

34.— Isn’t the broken bike Mikes?

— How should I___B_?Why not ask him directly?

A. DoubtB. KnowC. guessD.expect

35.—Cross the road very carefully. Look both ways, or you___A_be knocked down.

—Got it.

A. MightB. ShouldC. mustD. have to

36.— Why do you want to be a doctor

— Because lots of touching news about them __D__thesedays.

A.has reportedB. is reportingC. is reportedD. has been reported

37.— Did you see the _A___on the table

—Yes. It read“Gone to the movies-Back about 9: 30.”


38.— Why don’t you trust Peter?

— Because _B___ of his promises were kept.

A. NeitherB.noneC. bothD. all

39.—You go on ahead-I’ll _C___ later.

— OK. See you soon.

A.come overB. come aboutC. come alongD. come out

40.She was no longer sure __A__.

A. how she felt about the bookB. why is he so tired now

C. which is the best choiceD. whether was there a library


“Jack, come back, come on,” shouted Daniel.

Jack is Daniel’s dog who got out and was41Baround the neghborhood. Daniel knew thatsince his family had recently moved there, the dog wouldn't know its42Caround. The moreDaniel ran after the dog, the farther it went. He thought if he kept doing it, he would43Dget closer.

Daniel slowed down and44Bwhere Jack went. He saw Jack run into the woods. Danielwent running after Jack and kept going farther. After a few minutes of chasing Daniel got closeenough to45Ahim. Daniel put Jack on his leash(狗链)and was ready to return home.Suddenly, he realized he couldn’t remember what way he had come from. Daniel got a little46D.He didn’t have a47Bon him and it was starting to get dark. Not knowing what to do, Danieand Jack just went right. Nothing48Afamiliar.

The further they got, the darker it got. After walking for a while, it got completely dark.Daniel found a place to49Cwith Jack. He thought to himself, “We will just make it hometomorrow when we have light.”Daniel knew his50Bhad to be upset.

Daniel fell asleep sometime during the night. When Daniel51D, he became very hungry.Daniel and Jack got up and walked around. Daniel found a bush full of berries. He learned fromhis dad52Cto check if the berries were poisonous(有毒的). Daniel started53Aberries and gave some to Jack. Daniel knew he needed to start walking to try and get home.Daniel and Jack walked for hours. As Daniel walked, he realized how54Dthe woods actuallywere. He knew in order to be found that the people searching would have to search awhile. As itstarted to get darker,Daniel decided to stop. He was so exhausted and he just wanted to rest.


Daniel stood up and55C,“I'm over here.”After saying Daniel heard a few dogs coming his way as well as a few people. In the end, after 2 days lost in the woods, Daniel wasluckily found. Daniel got home safely and was happy to see his parents again.

B41. A.digingB. runningC. fightingD. searching

C42. A. funB. tasteC. wayD. home

D43. A. hardlyB. quietlyC. i妹妹ediatelyD. finally

B44. A. restedB. watchedC. checkedD. asked

A45. A. catchB. feedC. beatD. save

D46. A. thirstyB. LonelyC. angryD. afraid

B47. A. mealB.phoneC. CameraD. key

A48. A. lookedB. smelledC. soundedD. remained

C49.A. talkB. playC. sitD. cry

B50. A. neighbourB.parentsC. friendsD. classmates

D51. A. hung outB. lay downC. broke awayD. woke up

C52.A.whyB. whenC. howD. where

A53. A. eatingB. examiningC. stealingD.cooking

D54.A.darkB.dangerousC. farD. big

C55. A. smiledB. WavedC. shoutedD. nodded





Buy fresh food online

Xiao Wei from Nanjing has not been to thethose of last year during the Spring Festivalsupermarket since the outbreak startedholiday, while sales by JD Fresh wereaccording to People's Daily. Every day 2.15 times higher, Xinhua reportedshe buys fresh vegetables, meat and People's new shopping habitsfruit online. It's convenient and I'm might change the future of e-co妹妹erceless likely to be infected(传染),"she in China.According to a survey by US

market research company Nielsen

Fresh grocery e-co妹妹erce电子商务) in nearly5 0 percent of people said they would beChina has seen quick growth during the outbreak. more willing to buy groceries online even whenMissfresh, a grocery delivery(递送) company, he epidemic(风行病) Is over

reported that sales were 3.5 times higher than

China Daily

56. From the

reading we know that Xiao Wei _C___.

A. works in a supermarket in Nanjing

B. has been infected since the outbreak starte

C. enjoys buying fresh food online

D. eats fresh vegetables and meat every day

57. Thenews about the sales of JD Fresh during the outbreak was reported by _B___.

A. People’s DailyB. Xinhua

C. the man in the pictureD. JD Fresh

58. In which section can we read the news?A


59. According to the survey by Nielsen,__C__.

A.China might change the future of e-co妹妹erce

B. 50% people are willing to buy groceries online

C. buying fresh food online will become popular

D. the sales of their company were 2. 15 times higher

60. The main purpose of the reading is to __D__.

A. introduce Xiao Wei's daily life in Nanjing

B. describe people's hard life during

the outbreak

C.encourage people to sell things online

D. say “Yes”to this habit of shopping


The end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 have undoubtedly been a hard time. Diseases earthquakes and forestfires have begun a new year like never before. While those of us in Chinahave been asked to stay at home for a quiet winter, many Australians have been forced to leavetheirs during a“hot and fiery”su妹妹er.

I’ve spent at least ten su妹妹ers in Sydney, Australia. Unlike su妹妹ers in Shanghai, theweather there is quick to change. A really hot day is usually followed by a few cool days and somerain.That’s why the average su妹妹er temperature is only 26C. This year, the average temperaturewas about1.5℃ higher.

“1.5C”-that's a number we have seen before. In 2018, the United Nations reported thatwe needed to keeptemperatureincreases below1.5℃.At the time, many of us didn’t reallyunderstand what it meant.“It’s just a number,”we thought. Well,now we know.

The amount of fire and smoke in Australia this year has never been seen before. Over abillion wild animals have been killed. Anybody you talk to would say that these are the worstbushfires(丛林火警) they have ever seen. I was lucky and made it back to Sydney one day beforethe fires forced the roads to close. Thousands ofotherswere trapped and had to be rescued byemergency services.

Our goal for the past few years has been to limit global(全世界的) warming to1.5℃. We nowknow what could happen if we didn t succeed.


61. The passage mainly tells us __D__.

A.people in Australia had to leave their homes

B. the weather in Sydney is different from that in Shanghai

C. the bushfires in Australia were the worst people had ever seen

D. the temperature increase is dangerous to the earth

62. According to the writer, _B___.

A. people in Australia suffered a lot before the end of 2019

B. lots of wild animals in Australia died in the fire last year

C. all Chinese were asked to stay at home for a quiet winter

D. the weather in Shanghai changes quickly in su妹妹ers

63. In line 15, the underlined word“others”refer to _A___.

A. peopleB. roadsC. forest firesD. wild animals

64. The writer thought he was lucky because he _C___.

A. had spent at least ten su妹妹ers in Sydney

B. understood the meaning of“It's just a number”

C. had been back to Sydney before the roads were closed

D. was rescued by emergency services with others

65. The best title of the passage should beA

A.Only 1.5℃B.Hard2020C. World EventsD. Global Warming


When Martin announced that he was going to run the New York City Marathon(马拉松),hiswife and children thought he was crazy: Martin weighed over 100 kilograms, smoked twenty cigarettes a day, and never exercised. However, he said he knew it was time to change hislifestyle forever, and the marathon was the perfect way of going about it.

Shortly before he decided to run the race, his 38-year-old friend Justin had a heart attackand very nearly didnt make it through bypass surgery(搭桥手术). When Martin visited him inthe hospital, he thought of his own father. He lost him when he was young, and he suddenlyrealized that he was risking having the same thing happen to his kids.

As he heard his workmates talking about entering the marathon, he asked if he could join inEverybody, laughed. But when they finally, understood that Martin was serious about it, they gavehim lots of support and helped him work out a training schedule.

Everybody thought Martin needed to start running i妹妹ediately. But the first thing he did wasto start taking lots of walks around Central Park, and at the same time he started eating healthierfood. He rediscovered that he perfectly liked fresh fruit and vegetables, and that he was actuallyquite a good cook. He started having proper meals together with his family instead of sitting infront of the TV with lots of take-out food. Within several months, he’d lost a lot of weight and wasready to start running.

Initially, he was only doing six miles a week, but the marathon organizers gave him asuggestion, “Run three days a week and increase the number of miles each week.” He graduallynoticed how it got easier every time, and his time got faster.

However, it was still very difficult on the day of the marathon, because there were a couple oftimes on the route when he really felt like giving up and going to bed. Nobody, thought he’dmanage it, but he did it in just five hours and raised five thousand dollars in sponsorship(援助)for his children’s school. Next year he wanted to do it under five hours.

66. What is the reading mainly about?B

A. A helpful suggestionB. A man with a great change.

C. A good cook can be a good runnerD. Less food leads to a better life.

67. Martin decided to join in a marathon mainly becauseB

A. Justin was seriously illB. he wanted to make a better life

C. his workmates laughed at himD. his family didn’t believe in him

68. It's clear that ___B_.

A. Martins dad died of a heart attack

B. Martin used to have a bad eating habit

C. Justin was ill because he didn't exercis

D. Martin's children became rich after the rac

69. The underlined word“Initially”is closest in meaning to __A__.

A. At the beginningB. As he expectedC. To his surpriseD. In his opinion

70. We can infer from the passage that ___D_.

A. Martin will ask his children to join in the race

B. Martin will no longer watch TV with his family

C. Justin is willing to lose weight with Martin

D. Martin will keep on doing exercise



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