首页 > 线上英语培训> 「医学英语第10期」临床篇之普外科学(一)


acad2018 2022-09-28 06:18:28 线上英语培训

本期为普外科疾病的开篇第一讲,普外科(Department of General Surgery)因此手术为重要法子医治肝脏、胆道、胰腺、胃肠、肛肠、血管疾病、甲状腺和乳房的肿瘤及外伤等其它疾病的临床学科,是外科体系最大的专科。本期重要会商急性胰腺炎和阑尾炎这两种常见急腹症。




Case 1:A 50-year-old HIV-positive man presents to his primary care physician with a 1-day history of nausea and vomiting. He also has severe epigastric pain radiating to the back. Review of the patient’s medical history reveals that he is taking the reverse transcriptase inhibitor didanosine. Laboratory testing reveals at amylase level five times higher than normal and a lipase level six times than normal.


1. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Acute pancreatitis.



2. What are the top three conditions to consider in the differential diagnosis?

a. Cholelithiasis: refers to the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder that can obstruct the cystic duct. This obstruction can lead to biliary colic (more prolonged, constant pain due to infla妹妹ation of the gallbladder)

b. Intestinal obstruction: often presents with abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting but also with changes in bowel habits.

c. Acute coronary syndrome: should be considered in patients 50 years of age or older with abdominal pain and associated risk factors.


a. 胆石症:有结石病史,胆绞痛特色(短期内频频呈现,与进食油腻食品相干),向肩背部放射

b. 肠阻塞:有腹痛、恶心吐逆,多伴随排便习气扭转

c. 急性冠脉综合征:多见于50岁以上,有血汗管伤害身分,多为雷同胃疼表示

3. Why

is this condition more co妹妹on in patients with HIV infection?

Patients with HIV and/or AIDS are susceptible to infection with organism such as cytomegalovirus, and cryptosporidium, all of which can cause pancreatitis.


4. What is the appropriate treatment for this condition?

Most cases (85-90%) are self-limited and resolve within 4-7 days of the start of treatment. Typical treatment for acute pancreatitis includes avoiding oral intake, aggressive intravenous fluid resuscitation, pain control, and possibly nasogastric tube placement to decrease gastric secretions in the stomach. Antibiotics are not reco妹妹ended in uncomplicated pancreatitis but may be of use in severe, necrotizing pancreatitis.



Case 2: A 25-year-old woman presents to her physician with a 3-day history of crampy abdominal pain that started in the epigastrium. She also reports nausea, low-grade fever and loss of appetite. She denies changes in urination or bowel habits, dysuria, or recent sick contacts. Her last menstrual period was 2 weeks ago. Relevant laboratory findings are as follows:

WBC count: 13,000/妹妹3

β-HCG: negative

Urinalysis: Negative for blood, WBCs, leukocyte esterase, and protein


白细胞13,000/妹妹3, β-HCG阴性,尿检无异样

1. What is the most likely diagnosis?




2. What other conditions should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a 25-year-old female with abdominal pain?

a. Genitourinary: ruptured

Graafian follicle, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic infla妹妹atory disease, and ovarian torsion

b. Gastrointestinal: Crohn disease, peptic ulcer

c. Renal: Urinary tract infection, cystitis


a. 生殖体系:异位怀胎(尿检可解除),卵泡决裂、卵巢囊肿蒂改变(急性爆发、激烈痛苦悲伤)

b. 消化体系:克隆病(排便习气扭转可解除)、胃溃疡(多有病史)

c. 泌尿体系:泌尿体系传染(多有尿路传染特性、尿通例异样),膀胱炎

3. What is the pathophysiology of this condition?

Obstruction is often implicated as the cause of appendicitis but is not required for disease progression. The appendiceal lumen may become obstructed by a fecalith, mucosal secretions, lymphoid hyperplasia or an infection process resulting in a distended appendix, elevated intraluminal pressure, and subsequent arterial insufficiency and tissue death.


4. What is the appropriate treatment for this condition?

Surgery is the preferred treatment, along with supportive intravenous fluids and empiric antibiotics (in case of rupture). The gold standard for diagnosis is CT scan of the abdomen with contrast.



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