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acad2018 2022-11-26 11:15:59 英语口语网课



  On May 19, 2020, the primary school English classroom of huangyangwa school added new vitality. The double teacher classroom online live course provided by the VIPKID foreign teacher class was officially opened today, providing a platform for children to communicate with the professional foreign teachers face to face. The children can also get close contact with the foreign teachers and feel the pure original English.2020年5月19日,黄羊洼学校的小学英语课堂又增添了新活力,由VIPKID外教课堂提供的“双师课堂”在线直播课程今日正式开讲,为孩子们与专业外教面对面沟通提供了平台,孩子们又可以近距离接触外教,感受纯正“原味”英语。

The children were very excited when they met the foreign teacher on March 13, 2019. Foreign teachers humorous expression, pure and authentic English, deeply attracted every student; The students were full of interest and fell over themselves to communicate with her. The atmosphere of the class was relaxed and active.2019年3月13日当与外教见面的那一刻,孩子们无比激动。外教老师幽默风趣的表达、纯正地道的英语,深深吸引着每一个学生;学生们兴趣盎然、争先恐后地和她进行交流,课堂的气氛轻松、活跃。

The children are taking their lessons seriously and looking forward to this foreign teacher class every week.孩子们正在认真的上课,每周都期盼着这节外教课堂。

Children now can communicate with foreign teachers simple ?? ??孩子们现在已经能跟外教简单的交流????

Children get a foreign teacher's praise ??孩子们得到了外教老师的表扬??

Foreign teachers into the classroom, through contact with the international cutting-edge education methods and content, not only inspired the children to learn English enthusiasm, but also enhance the children's confidence in learning English; Foreign teachers' novel teaching methods and effective interactive model provide a good reference for school English teaching.

The project execution once a week, taught by foreign teachers, foreign teachers into the classroom activity, not only let the children to experience the fun of learning English, feeling is not the same as the flavor of the classroom, vision is more open English teacher, has brought inspiration in the history of education teaching idea, for the future English school has played a great promoting role in classroom teaching. ?外教进课堂,通过接触国际前沿的教育方式与内容,不仅激发了孩子们学习英语的热情,还增强孩子们学好英语的信心;外教新颖的教学方法和有效的互动模式,给学校英语教学提供了很好的参考。



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