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acad2018 2022-12-06 21:15:08 学英语口语

grant n授予物;奖学金,助学金,补助金
students in this country receive a grant from the government. 这个国家的学生可得到政府的助学金。
vt.准许; 答应给予he refused to grant them long-term credits.他拒绝给他们长期信贷。
grateful adj受欢迎的, 讨喜欢的a grateful rain一场喜雨a grateful shade可供人乘凉的树荫
graze vt. .擦过,掠过the plane grazed the top of the tree. 飞机掠过树梢。
擦伤,抓破he grazed his knee when he fell. 他摔倒时擦伤了膝盖。
green adj未熟的, 生的green apples are sour.未熟的苹果是酸的。
无经验的;容易上当的 he is a green hand. 他是个新手。
妒忌的[f][(+with)]i am green with envy. 我羡慕极了。
环保的i own only two of those new green cleaning products. 我只有两种新环保清洁剂。
n 蔬菜;植物[p][k]i had a dish of greens. 我吃了一盘蔬菜。
gross vt.获得(…的)总收入her last film grossed a million pounds.她拍最后一部影片共赚了100万英镑。
adj粗俗的, 粗野的gross feeder likes gross food.滥食者爱吃粗食。
n. 总额,总量[the s]the gross for the year was $60,000. 年总收入为六万美元
growth n 经济活力的增长;利润的增大【医】瘤;赘生物[c]
he government has decided to go for growth.政府已经采取刺激生产的政策。
gulf n分歧, 鸿沟the gulf between the two leaders cannot be bridged.两位领导人之间的鸿沟难以跨越。
gut n【口】勇气,胆量,毅力[p]a man with plenty of guts 相当有魄力的人
ham n【俚】蹩脚演员[c] 【口】火腿族;业余无线电爱好者[c]
that guy is a real ham, but the girls love him.那家伙真会装腔作势,但是女孩子都喜欢他。
vt. 【俚】把(角色)演得过火[(+up)]he hammed up his part in the play. 他把在剧中担任的角色演过了火。
hammer vi重申, 一再强调(away) 努力不懈于[(+away/at)]

teacher hammered away at the multiplication tables.老师一再朗读乘法表。
why do you hammer at the subject day after day? 你为何日复一日地钻研那个科目?
vt辩论时提出(有力的论点等)(常与home连用) 【口】使惨败,将(对手)彻底击败
he hammered home the points he wanted to convey.他把所要传达的重点讲得非常透彻。
we hammered the visiting team. 我们击败了客队。
hamper n. [c]有盖(柳条)大篮;带盖食品篮;礼包a picnic hamper 有盖野餐食品篮
【美】洗衣篮a laundry hamper for dirty clothes 盛放脏衣服的洗衣篮
hand n人手,雇员(指工人、船员等)we are short of hands.我们缺少人手。
技能,手艺the picture showed the hand of a master. 这幅画显示了高超的技艺。
handle vt.处理, 应付, 对待n[口]称号, 头衔
he refused to allow his secretary to handle confidential letters.他不让秘书处理机密文件。
handsome adj数量多的;堂皇的;美观的;动听的
he gave a handsome sum of money to charity.他向慈善团体捐了一笔相当可观的钱款。
what a handsome room! 多漂亮的房间!
he said very handsome things about you.他说了一些赞颂你的话。
handy adj手边的; 附近的our flat is very handy for the school.我们的住所离学校很近很方便的。

vt怀着, 怀有don't harbour unkind thoughts.不要心怀不轨。
庇护, 藏匿it's an offence to harbour the criminals.窝藏罪犯是犯罪行为。

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