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acad2018 2022-12-18 16:21:02 学英语口语


1、so 与 such 之分别
we did not except him to stay so long.(我们没想到他会停留这么久)
he is not so clever a boy as his younger brother.(他不像他弟弟那般聪明)
such 与 so 同义,亦用来表示程度,但其为形容词,用来修饰名词。如:
all such possibilities must be considered.(所有这样的可能性都必须加以考虑)
i’ve never heard of such a thing!(我从未听说过这样的事)
so 之后如接名词只能接单数可数名词,句型为 so+形容词+a/an+名词;如接复数名词或不可数名词则用 such,句型为 such+形容词+名词。例如:
john and willy are such naught boys that they are not allowed to go to the movie.
the food was so bad that nobody could eat it.
it was such an important event.
the weather was so beautiful that we decided to go to the beach.

2、inquiry 和 enquiry 的分别
一般而言,用 inquiry 来说「调查」,enquiry 说「询问」。例如军事调查法庭,英文是 court of inquiry,不宜称为 court of enquiry,「协助警方调查」,英文是 to help the police with their inquiries,这个 inquiries 也不宜改作 enquiries。
而一般机构的询问处,英文是 enquiry office 或 enquiry counter,不宜称为 inquiry

office 或 inquiry counter。说要问问汇率高低,英文是 i will make enquiries about the exchange rates,这个 enquiries 也不宜改作 inquiries。
enquiry、inquiry 这两个字的动词 enquire、inquire,用法上也是有同样分别的。

3、bureau, department and office 意为“局”时区别简议
bureau 可数名词,其复数形式 bureaus (英), bureaux (美),作“(政府部门的)司、局、处”等解时,多用于美国英语,且常与介词 of 和 for 搭配使用。
如:the industry and commerce bureau
the bureau of the census
the bureau of public works
the federal bureau of investigation, etc
而英国政府的行政部门“局”通常用 department.
如:the statistic department
the police department is part of the city government.
在美国政府的行政部门 department 通常多作“部”解,相当于英国的 ministry 或 office,并和介词 of 搭配。
如:the education department (the department of education)
the treasury department (the department of treasury)
he ‘s a senior executive at the state department. etc
office 英国英语通常作“(政府的)部”解,一般应大写,相当于美国英语 department.(在美国英语中,office 通

常作“司、局、处”解,如:office of science and technology, land office,etc.但不绝对。)office 在英国英语中有时也可作“局”解,并常与介词 of 搭配使用。
如:the foreign office
the home office
the war office, etc.
office 含有政府部门办公地点、办公建筑物的意思。我国政府行政部门的“部”、“司”、“局”、“处”等英文译名通常依据英国习惯,即 ministry(部)、department(司)、bureau(局)、division(处)等。
如:礼宾司 the protocol department
人事处 the personnel division (the division of personnel)
外交部 the ministry of foreign affairs
(外交部的)亚洲司 the department of asian affairs, etc.

4、wide 和 broad 有什麽分別
wide 和 broad 是同义词,在表示街道、河流多宽时,两个单词都可用。如:
canal street is very wide.(运河街很宽) the main street of the village was broad.(村子里的大街很宽) they came to a wide river.(他们来到一条大河边) the river is 30 feet broad.(那条河有三十英尺宽)当谈到某样东西有多宽时要用 wide。如:the door is three feet wide.(门有三英尺宽) the material is 2 meters wide.(这种衣料有 2 米宽)
指胸部肩部宽时多用 broad 表示。如:he was tall, broad-shouldered, very

handsome.(他高个子,肩很宽,很英俊)此外,二者都可以用于引申意义,wide 表示“广泛的、渊博的、丰富的”等等。如:he has wide interest.(他有广泛的兴趣) he has a wide knowledge of french history.(他对法国历史有渊博的知识) an executive should have wide business experience.(一个主管人员应该有丰富的商业经验)broad 表示“宽阔的,广大的”等等。如:he has a broad mind.(他有广阔的胸怀) the broad masses of the people of the world ant to be friends with us.(世界上的广大群众愿和我们友好



上一篇: 世遗大会要来了,福州市道运中心通过微信建群,为的哥的姐免费开课教英语

下一篇: 上海的特级教师班里,40个孩子利用暑假,顺利拿下中学英语3000词

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