首页 > 线上英语培训> 《读时代杂志学英语》别担心,让心情低落吧,负面情绪也是有好处的!


acad2018 2022-12-31 11:17:24 线上英语培训

??while it’s not healthy to dwell on a bad
mood, sadness and anger have their perks. it’s
been 53 years since the smiley face—that bright yellow circle with the
schematic grin and black-dot eyes—first appeared. hundreds
of millions of “have a nice day” buttons, t-shirts, and coffee mugs later, it’s
as iconic as the red, white, and blue. (and why not? after all, the “pursuit of
happiness” is front and center in america’s declaration of independence.)??


the digital age, the smiley face morphed into the emoticons and emojis that pop
up everywhere. and with each advance—or, some might say, regression—in our
consumer culture, in which marketers hustle to fulfill desires we didn’t even
know we had, the blissed-out state of mr. smiley becomes ever more the holy
grail, the organizing principle of our existence.?


a minute. isn’t happiness why we’re here? isn’t happiness good for us? given a
choice, we’d probably prefer to be slaphappy all the time, and there are
advantages to that pleasurable state. more “positive” emotion is linked to a
lower risk of various psychological illnesses, including depression,
anxiety, and borderline personality disorder.?


positive emotions also drive us to success,
help us make better decisions, reduce

the risk of disease and allow us to live longer. in some cases, they even help broaden how we
think and act by directing our attention to new information and opportunities.
they help build vital social, physical and cognitive resources that lead to
positive outcomes and affiliations.?


i’m not saying it’s better to go
around in a funk all the time. but i hope to get you to keep the pursuit of
happiness in perspective, and to see your “negative” emotions in a new and more
accepting light. in fact, i strongly submit that describing them as “negative”
only perpetuates the myth that these useful feelings are, you know, negative.?



?key words

    gloomy ?令人沮丧的
    dwell on 老想着

    perk 津贴、额外补贴

    schematic 图解的
    grin 露齿而笑

    iconic 代表性的

    front and center 非常重要的

    morph into 渐变
    emoticon 情绪脸谱
    pop up 出现
    regression 退化
    hustle 奔忙
    slaphappy 傻呵呵,无忧无虑的
    borderline personality disorder 边缘型人格违常
    cognitive 认知的
    affiliation 联系

    go around 满足需求

    funk 惊恐、畏缩

    in perspective 可见物体的位置或比例正确

    perpetuate 使永久存在



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