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acad2018 2023-01-07 16:15:03 英语教育机构

style="position: absolute; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; left: -9999px; top: -9999px;">快乐学英语kathleen
<p>chinese is our

mother language, we’ve been practising listening and speaking since we were born. english is a second language for us,most students begin their english study when they are grade three pupils.汉语是我们的母语,从出生开始我们就在练习听与说。英语对我们来说是第二语言,大多数学生在小学三年级时才开始学习英语。</p> <p>how do pupils in jiangnan primary school study english?江南小学的宝贝们是怎样学习英语的呢?</p> <p>they learn by singing and dancing. can you guess what they are dancing? 他们通过唱歌、跳舞的方式来学习。你能猜出他们在跳什么吗?</p> <p>they also learn english by drawing.他们还通过画画来学习英语。</p> <p>they practise speaking english over and over again and show themselves confidently. 他们反复练习说英语并勇于展示自己。</p> <p>they enjoy learning english and have great fun. do you want to join them? 他们喜欢学习英语,并且学得非常开心。你想要一起来学习吗?</p> <p>在最美的江南,写最幸福的童年</p> <p>校训:唯志唯勤</p><p>校风:尚真尚美</p><p>教风:为师为范</p><p>学风:善学善行</p>

上一篇: 少儿英语自然拼读3月13日课堂剪影

下一篇: 情迷新概念-L.G.亚历山大对中国英语教育的深远影响

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